Any parent knows that when your kids struggle, you struggle too. We always want to find a way to keep our kids safe from hurt and pain. But, sometimes, we can’t always protect them.
The teenage years can be a struggle for every kid.

Cliques and popularity tend to create insecurities in kids, especially those who are quieter and reserved.
One dad recently wrote into the parenting subreddit on Reddit seeking some advice.

His son has a hard time making friends, and it’s truly caused some problems for him in his personal life.
His post claimed that his 14-year-old son doesn’t want to celebrate his birthday anymore.

“My oldest turns 14 tomorrow. He has always struggled to make friends and it has gotten harder as he has gotten older. Elementary school was hard but middle school was downright brutal.”
His son has a lot of issues on his own.

“He’s got a lot of issues with confidence, codependency, and empathy. Combine that with not liking things that most teen boys are into (sports, girls, social media, etc) and he’s left out even in groups that initially accept him.”
The dad and his wife have tried to get him to branch out.

“We encouraged him to join clubs but haven’t had much success in forming real friendships that sustain outside of school.”
Now, his son doesn’t even want to celebrate his birthday.

“I asked him what he wants to do for his birthday tomorrow and he said he just wants to sleep in without his siblings waking him up. I asked if he wanted to go out to dinner and he declined.”
He also said he doesn’t want a cake.

“He asked for us to not get him a cake either and doesn’t really want his birthday acknowledged. I’m certain it’s because of the lack of friends issue.”
The dad said it was “easier” when his son was younger.

“When he was 7 and no one came to his party, we were still able to make it fun for him. I wish he was 7 again.”
Many parents wrote into the thread giving advice and trying to help this troubled pop.

One person said:
“My brother was similar with just one friend in high school, but has made friends in his late teens early 20s by the app Meetups. He mostly goes to ten pin bowling ones. He now has a few friends and they’re close.”
Another said they went through the same thing.

“I was a loner in middle school and high school. I did not do drugs or drink. I also did not do sports. Eventually I made a few friends but it was something I had to discover on my own. I know it made my mom sad and worried. Sometimes kids don’t fit into the typical box and it can be isolating.”
As much as we want to protect our kids, sometimes, we just can’t fix everything.

No one ever said being a parent is easy, but at least parents can seek out advice and support online.
Last Updated on August 28, 2019 by Lex Gabrielle