Hey there, Facebook friends! You know how parenting can be a rollercoaster of emotions and decision-making, right? Well, one dad found himself in a bit of a pickle when his teenage daughter asked him for permission to stay home from school due to menstrual issues. With mom in the house, he thought she’d be the better judge of the situation. But now, his daughter thinks he’s mad at her, and his wife thinks he’s trying to be uninvolved. Is he just trying to stay in his lane, or is there more to the story? Keep reading to find out!
Dad’s Dilemma: Menstrual Matters
Working from Home Woes
Misunderstandings: Mad Dad?
Dad’s Point of View: Staying in His Lane
Dad’s Two Cents
Medical Matters: The ER Isn’t Needed
Mom Knows Best?
Dad’s Perspective: Mom’s the Expert
Mom’s in the Next Room
Clarifications: Daughter Stays Home
Medical Help & Awareness
Learning the Threshold ⏳
Mom Has the Final Say ⚖️
Dad’s Menstrual Dilemma: Staying in His Lane or Dodging Responsibility? ♂️
This dad found himself in a tricky situation when his 13-year-old daughter asked him for permission to stay home from school due to menstrual issues. He told her to talk to her mom, who he believed was more qualified to make that decision. However, this led to misunderstandings, with his daughter thinking he’s mad at her and his wife thinking he’s trying to be uninvolved. He insists he’s just trying to stay in his lane, since he has no personal experience with menstruation. The family has sought medical help, and the dad just wants his wife to help their daughter learn when it’s necessary to stay home. So, what do you think about this dad’s decision? Let’s see what the internet has to say about this situation…
Mother and daughter share painful menstrual experiences. Doctor’s visit recommended.
When dad refuses to help, mom’s guidance falls short.
Daughter’s severe menstrual pain needs medical attention, not dad’s ignorance.
Suggests daughter see a gynecologist for bad cramps and bleeding
A commenter calls out the father and offers advice. ♀️
Parents shirking responsibility, need to communicate and educate
Trust your daughter to handle her menstrual issues responsibly
Parental responsibilities shouldn’t be a game. ♂️
Parenting advice for dad who refuses to help daughter with menstrual issues
Empathy is key. Daughter needs medical attention, not dismissal.
Dad gets called out for being uninvolved in daughter’s menstrual issues
Father’s role in daughter’s menstrual issues debated
Parents called out for not taking daughter’s menstrual pain seriously
Empowering girls to trust their bodies.
Parental responsibility includes bodily fluid care. YTA explained
Advocate for your daughter’s health and set standards with your wife.
Dad’s disgust and dismissal creating shame – YTA. Poor girl.
Father criticized for refusing to help daughter with menstruation.
Parenting is a team effort, don’t let sexism harm your child ❤️
YTA for not helping your daughter with menstrual issues
Dad dismisses daughter’s severe menstrual cramps, mom helps out more.
Father criticized for neglecting daughter’s menstrual issues. YTA verdict.
Men should be better informed about menstruation in this century
Uninvolved dad gets called out for neglecting daughter’s needs
Father not TA but needs to communicate better with daughter.
A woman shares her story of undiagnosed endometriosis and advises to take menstrual pain seriously.
Father’s lack of involvement in daughter’s menstrual issues criticized. ♂️
The importance of understanding severe menstrual pain and seeking medical help.
Dad’s ignorance towards daughter’s menstrual issues sparks YTA judgement
Periods are a people issue, not just a woman issue. Dad needs to support his daughter.
Parent unwilling to help daughter with menstrual issues. YTA.
Questioning menstrual problems validity? YTA or misinterpreted?
Wife testing daughter? NTA dad needs to talk
NTA. Commenter empathizes with OP and criticizes unhelpful comments.
Father refuses to help daughter with menstrual issues, soft YTA.
Father seeks advice on how to support daughter with menstrual issues ♂️
Parental responsibility extends to menstrual health and education. YTA.
Parental responsibility vs. seeking external advice
Father advised to talk to wife and seek medical advice.
Engage in a mature conversation with your wife and learn
Daughter defends her NTA verdict on asking dad for help
Supportive Dad prioritizes mom’s decision on daughter’s menstrual issues
Supportive response to dad’s lack of experience and judgement.
NTA for feeling unqualified, but should communicate with wife.
Daughter seeks mother for menstrual issues, dad not understanding but not TA.
Parental empathy and trust t***p experience in determining child’s pain.
Parenting is tough, especially with health challenges. YTA, step up.
Mom accuses dad of ‘mansplaining’ daughter’s menstruation – NTA defended.
Supportive comment advising medical check and sharing personal experience.
Men need to educate themselves on menstrual issues and support loved ones and medical dismissiveness towards women’s pain must end
Father defers to daughter’s mother for menstrual advice. NTA.
Get involved, dad! Your daughter needs your support
Daughter in pain due to menstruation, father YTA for being uninvolved
Dad, be a supportive and knowledgeable girl dad
Encouraging medical attention for menstrual issues.
Simple advice for menstrual pain management and medical consultation.
Seek medical help for daughter’s severe period issues. Be united.
Birth control may be an option to reduce menstrual pain
Parental disagreement over daughter’s menstrual issues. ESH
Validating your daughter’s pain is a parent’s job. Period.
Endometriosis might be the cause of menstrual pain. Check Nancy’s Nook.
The commenter highlights the importance of seeking specialized medical help ⚕️ for menstrual issues and not dismissing them as normal.
Single dad should educate himself & show compassion towards daughter
Lack of compassion towards daughter’s menstrual issues. YTA
Parenting is about trust and validation, especially in medical emergencies.
Parent criticized for not supporting daughter during menstrual cycle.
Believing your kid during menstrual pain is not uterus-dependent
Father refuses to help daughter with menstrual issues, suggests parental discussion.
Daughter’s request to unexperienced dad raises questions about parenting abilities
Trusting spouse’s judgement and validating period experiences.
Dad is NTA for opting out but YTA for not talking to his wife.
Co-parenting communication is key!
Dad’s refusal to help daughter with periods criticized
Mother sympathizes with daughter and agrees with her not asking father
Dad gets advice on homeschooling daughter during menstrual cycle.
Father explains why he doesn’t feel qualified to help daughter with menstrual issues
Dad only helps if cramps are unbearable, but NTA.
Parental decision-making and pain tolerance disparities in menstrual issues.
Dad admits he’s out of his depth with daughter’s menstruation. NTA.
Supportive dad advocates for menstrual leave and excused absence.
Dad refusing to help daughter with menstrual issues. Commenter calls him out for abdicating parenthood.
Father’s refusal to help daughter causes family tension
Effective co-parenting requires communication and a united front.
Ignoring daughter’s menstrual pain makes you the a**hole.
Father shirks responsibility for daughter’s menstrual needs. Commenter calls him out.
Father criticized for neglecting daughter’s menstrual needs ὡ4
Attending appointments could help dad understand daughter’s experiences
Male empathy for menstrual cramps, understanding from experience
Mother is available, let her help. Suggests letting daughter rest.
Parenting advice: YTA, learn about menstrual pain and be there.
Educate yourself and help your daughter manage expectations
Dad urged to get educated and involved in daughter’s menstrual issues.
People overshare period stories to father who wants out.
Last Updated on March 7, 2024 by Diply Social Team