With Halloween just around the corner, many families are trying to decide whether or not they will participate in trick-or-treating this year. And if they do decide to, how will they plan to do it safely with social distancing in mind?
Well, one creative dad — with the assistance of his daughter —came up with an interesting idea. His DIY invention might just save Halloween.
Andrew Beattie loves Halloween and all things spooky.
This year, he was concerned about the safety of trick-or-treaters for obvious reasons. He came up with an idea of a candy chute so the neighborhood kids can still come over and get their treats.
He and his daughter are hopeful that their ingenuity will help everyone enjoy Halloween despite the COVID-19 pandemic.
I, for one, think this is such a great idea. Why should the kiddos have to miss out on the fun of trick-or-treating this year?
For those concerned, this will be a completely “touch-free” experience for trick-or-treaters.
There will be a sign at the bottom of the tube showing them where to hold their bags and buckets so the candy can drop right in.
Beattie takes children’s safety and all the health concerns very seriously.
Therefore he personally, will be wearing a mask and changing gloves frequently. The candy will be from a factory-sealed bag that he will open outside by the candy chute.
He really wanted all the kids to be able to have some sense of normalcy during the pandemic.
He has put a lot of thought into how to do this safely, and he appreciates everybody’s concerns.
Beattie was able to put this project together from throwaway materials in his house.
He used a cardboard shipping tube and stuff he already had lying around. It only took him about 20 minutes to build it.
He thinks that if this candy chute makes things easier or safer, then what’s the harm?
And it also gives those with mobility challenges more of a chance to participate since they don’t have to worry about navigating the porch steps. Since sharing his idea on Facebook, his post has gone viral with many commenters praising him for his clever solution.
Beattie even put up a video on his Facebook page to show how easy it is to use this candy chute.
His own daughters were able to demonstrate how much fun it would be on Halloween night. Isn’t it so fantastic?
So what do you think of this idea? Is this something you would do on Halloween?
It’s amazing to see all the creative ideas people are coming up with to ensure that we can celebrate Halloween safely.
Last Updated on September 21, 2020 by Kasia Galifi