There’s so much bad design out there. Considering the sheer amount that goes into the world, though, it’s not surprising that some has gone wrong.
Everything from the sidewalks and signage of our streets, to the clothes we wear and the products in our homes; all of it is designed to some level. And some of it goes very wrong.
Why didn’t this hotel put the toilet paper beside the toilet?
The tub is on one side, but there’s clearly a short wall on the other side. It might still be awkward to get at, but probably not as awkward as waddling two feet across the room before you can wipe your b**t.
Why would someone want this?
Not bath bombs in general; I get the appeal of those. But who thought that someone would want one in the shape of a tiny man with an unnervingly tall hat?
Did they forget how braille works?
This is more common than it should be. It’s either a complete misunderstanding of the function of braille or an attempt to look like they care about accessibility without dealing with the costs associated in making it actually work.
Did they think this through?
I’ll give them credit for actually having tactile braille on this one, but since the entire elevator panel is touch-sensitive, the visually impaired rider is going to be stuck visiting every floor.
Did they even hire a professional designer?
This can of dog food looks like it was made in MS Paint by a colorblind ten-year-old. I guess if the point is for your product to stand out on the shelf, then this technically works.
What came first, the pillars or the counter?
There had to be a way to layout this store another way and actually leave room for your customers to stand while they pay.
Want to break your toes on the way to the bathroom?
I can’t decide which direction is worse in this case. When entering the bathroom, you’re likely to trip, but on your way out, that sudden drop right before the door could cause a lot of shock and damage at 3 AM.
What’s the point?
Measurements can be really handy on the sides of pitchers, but only if the pitcher is clear . If you can’t see what you’re filling the container with, then why bother having the measurements?
Do they hate cyclists?
Really, why is the road so much higher than the pathway? If they were flush, then there wouldn’t be the need for ramps that become the worst speed bumps ever.
Someone was fired for this, right?
Forget the speed bumps from h**l, this bike path is just trying to lower the population of cyclists in general.
Is this a lazy reno?
When old buildings are converted into multiple apartments, strange things can happen, but this is super weird. Why didn’t they just put a wall up in front of the creepy old stairs?
Why does this highchair creep me out?
The bar between the legs is unfortunate, but it’s a safety feature you can’t really avoid. With that in mind, why did the manufacturers decide to make the seat back look like a surprised man with a tiny mustache?
This is a joke, right?
I’m all for accessibility and with old architecture, it can be really tough to modify it in a way that doesn’t affect the aesthetic, but that’s not the real problem here. If a person in a wheelchair lost control on this ramp, there’s only a chain to stop them from heading right down another set of stairs.
Want to risk a sprained ankle?
Coming down this flight quickly, it would be easy for this excess black line to cause you to misjudge where the last step actually is. Ouch.
They couldn’t have missed this, right?
While a clear exit sign may seem classier than a black plastic one, it kind of ruins the one job an exit sign needs to be able to accomplish.
Is this necessary?
I almost see the logic in making a refrigerator that has rotating shelves. It’s like the similar pantry cupboards in that you can easily see everything and nothing gets lost in the back. But this is super ugly and I can only imagine little fingers getting caught in the spin.
What do you mean giraffes don’t have four eyes?
This is a pretty tame design as fails go, but it’s just so creepy! Imagine blowing one of these up at a toddler’s birthday party. They’d be traumatized.
Just why?
In what world is it cost affective or practical to buy a single egg in a tiny carton like this?
Are your bathroom habits amazing enough to merit an audience?
If so, then this design is for you! The fact that the toilet paper is too far from the toilet and the door has a big window in it, just makes this so much better-worse.
Was this on purpose?
Like, even if this couch was all black it would be ugly, but the dual-color motif just makes it uglier. And then there’s the choice of colors to use…
If you don’t get the problem here, then you are delightfully innocent.
Is this a test?
If you are interested enough in the job to actually type that link out manually, are you guaranteed an interview? Because you should be.
Was the electrician drunk?
It can be efficient and even power-saving to link multiple things to a single switch, but within reason.
Is it even standard for elevators to be linked to a basic switch like this?
Imperial or metric?
Either they meant to print “5 ft” or this girl is 16 feet tall. Or this is a printout for a secret country of giants.
Do they not understand the purpose of a bridge?
What really bugs me is that the stupid, pointless bridge is actually blocking the stairs to step down into the pool.
Did they consider how their brand name would make this awkward?
“Do it” appears to be a brand focusing on hardware and DIY supplies, judging by the hammer in the logo, and it makes sense for that, but maybe not with razor blades. The messaging is…off.
A guy designed this shirt, right?
I’m not asking because a dude would want a woman to look n****e-y, but because no woman would be dumb enough to put pearls directly on the b***s in the first place.
What should I be doing here?
My guess is that this sign is before a row narrows and is trying to say that those in the right lane need to merge to the left, but who the h**l knows.
Why do people think red is a good color for these designs?
It’s not that nice looking anyway, and in red, it looks like the housekeeper is failing to hide a body in her cart as she rolls it down the hall.
In a hospital? Really?!
This version takes it a step farther by making the red design look even more splattery. The art on the far wall makes me worry that this is a children’s ward, which is extra bad.
Last Updated on September 10, 2020 by Amy Pilkington