I think we can all agree that winter s***s. The cold, the snow, the chapped lips — winter has very few redeeming qualities.
The one good thing about winter is that the bad weather and short days give us an excuse to get our drink on with friends. When that happens, you’re going to want to invest in a pair of these mittens which were made for winter drinking.
It’s a dilemma we’ve all faced: wanting to enjoy a beer or glass of wine outside in winter but having to choose between warmth and your drink.
If you wear mittens, you’re more likely to drop your glass, but if you don’t, then your hands will freeze. Why does winter make it so hard to have nice things?
Thankfully, these knit and crochet mittens will come to the rescue.

Companies like Hanskie have made these clever beer mittens that come with a built-in holder for your drink.
Now you can enjoy a cold one… in the cold.

But your hands will stay nice and toasty! Where has this product been all my life? I think I speak for everyone when I say that winter just became more bearable.
If you aren’t much of a beer drinker and are looking to get a bit crafty, you can also crochet your own wine mitten.

Etsy store HugAHooker has a crochet mitt pattern availble for download for just $5.50. You can crochet these mitts in any color for your entire girl squad.
Last Updated on February 5, 2020 by Emily McWilliams