If parents are good at one thing, and one thing only, it’s knowing how to embarrass their children. It’s as if once you have a child, you lose all semblance of “cool” — presuming you had any, to begin with.
And while there’s nothing more horrific than when you’re on the receiving end, there’s nothing funnier when it’s happening to someone else. Have a look and check out these 15 cringey parents who are making me cackle with glee.
Do you want to tell her or should I?

An easy way to choose your baby’s father is to practice safe s*x; that’s where I would start, at least. I find that it’s always best to try to proactive approach first, as opposed to relying on wishful thinking and hindsight.
Have fun explaining that one to the principal.

I used to rage when my mom would get mad and take my door off the hinges back when I was in high school. I’m starting to realize that maybe I didn’t have it as bad as I thought I did?
How to ensure that you’re child will hate you forever…

You might love the name Kaitlyn, but thanks to your bizarre choice of spelling — your daughter is going to hate it forever. I would bet my next paycheck that this poor girl changed her name the day she turned 18-years-old, if not sooner.
You’ve got to be kidding me…

If someone was prescribed nitroglycerine and started having a heart attack in front of you, would you tell them to s**k it up and that it was all in their head? I don’t think so.
Well, that’s just the creepiest thing I have ever seen.

There’s something about this photo that just comes off as sinister to me. What is it even supposed to symbolize, exactly? is this woman supposed to be pregnant or what exactly is going on here?
Punk Rock Samurai dad.

Do you think the photographer was nervous when this man walked into his studio equipped with a samurai sword? How could anyone manage to keep a straight face when some pop-punk washout is appropriating Japanese culture so unapologetically?
That poor child…
There is never any reason to message someone 11 times in less than 30 minutes.

Sure, this would probably be funny to most people. But these are the exact kind of messages I used to receive from my own mother back when I was still living at home. It makes me realize just how much of a loving psychopath she was.
This has to be a joke, right?

I’m not a parent, so maybe I’m overreacting. But if I ever discovered that another adult had given my child a popsicle made from urine, without my knowledge, well… I think I’d have to kill them.
Immediately no.

I swear to god, it would almost be worth rear-ending this person just to see their response. And just an FYI, if you have so many bumper stickers on your car that your view has become obstructed — you’ve got too many d**n bumper stickers.
I think at this point, I’d probably have to gouge out my own eyeballs.

Discovering that your parents still have s*x is every child’s worst nightmare. If I all of a sudden got an alert and this was the message, I’d probably be packing up my things and moving out.
Should somebody call the police?

Remember the good old days when we used to laugh off spousal abuse; wasn’t that just a riot? This looks like the kind of photo you’d find in a serial killer’s manifesto. I’m 100% concerned.
Why would you ever want to do that to someone?

So you’re saying that this “trustworthy guy” agreed to babysit your child, for free, and you’re way of saying thank you is to sue him for child support? What planet are you from?!
Yu-Gi-Oh is the DEVIL!

I really am trying to follow the logic here, but I just don’t get it? How could anyone think that trading cards from a Japanese manga series were somehow possessed by the devil? Come on, parents — let your kids be kids.
He’s got you there…

I hate to break it to you but your son has his location services turned off because he knows he has a psychopath for a mother who tracks his every move via smartphone! Trust is a two-way street, parents.
A rebel without a cause.

In case you’re wondering, Ahsoka Tano was the young Padawan entrusted into the care of Anakin Skywalker — aka Darth Vader. I’m genuinely curious how many “likes” this man was able to forage for his quest?!
Last Updated on January 26, 2022 by Jordan Claes