There are so many creepy things out there. Weird locations. Strange objects. Things that shouldn’t be creepy , and yet somehow end up making you uncomfortable anyway.
These pictures represent just some of the creepy things that are waiting to be discovered. Think you can get through them without feeling any kind of discomfort? Well, try to get through this list and find out.
“Storm approaching on a field of barley.”

Even if you can feel a storm coming (from sore knees or a headache), you still might be surprised when the clouds actually start rolling in. Not the regular storm clouds, either; I’m talking about one like this, where the clouds are so dark, they make midday look like midnight. Yep, very discomforting.
“This terrifying children’s room in a home listed on Zillow.”
![Image credit: Reddit | [deleted]](
I find it hard to believe that any kid would be able to stand being in this room without having nightmares. I’m a grown woman and I find this room deeply unsettling. It’s way too much going on at once, and none of it feels very kid friendly. I can see why they’re moving.
“’50s Diner abandoned for several years. It was featured in a series of famous Bounty paper towel commercials.”

Abandoned buildings are always creepy, even if they’re as well-preserved as this one. They always have a feeling of emptiness, like they should be full of life, but they just aren’t. I’m willing to bet that this place is haunted.
I don’t have a reason to think this, it just looks haunted.
“Marabou stork waiting in a bathroom.”

Yeah, that’s when you turn around and get out of there. Don’t look back. That stork looks like it wants privacy, and at the very least you should give it a wide berth.
I’m not a big fan of birds in general, so walking into a public place and seeing one like this is pretty much a nightmare to me.
“This heavily tilting building. Note the perfectly straight scaffolding on the left.”

UM. Is that building supposed to do that? Is it going to keep standing. We don’t have to worry about the side wall collapsing onto the building next door, right? I couldn’t see myself walking through that alleyway even if you paid me to do it. Well, maybe if you paid me to do it.
“Found a tiny little crab in my mussel.”

One thing that’s always made me uncomfortable is finding something in my food that I’m not expecting to be there. Like a random, tiny little crab inside of a mussel. I’m sure I’m not alone in this.
If I were this person, I don’t think I’d be able to eat that.
“A dead moose I saw on my canoe trip in the north of Quebec.”

Death may be a part of life, but dead animals still give me the creeps. Especially dead animals that weigh ten times more than I do, like a moose. Those goliaths are terrifying enough while alive, so encountering a dead one? Ugh, it’s making me super uncomfortable, that’s for sure.
“Came across this spine and pelvic bone hanging from a tree limb during my hike yesterday.”

Apparently predator animals will leave the bones of their prey in trees like this? They don’t have garbage or compost bins the way we do, so you’re bound to run into a skeleton or two while out on a hike. Yes, it’s super creepy. But it’s all part of the circle of life.
“This abandoned building in Pontiac Michigan has DVD logo painted on it.”

The abandoned building is creepy enough, but then somebody had to go and stamp DVD logos all over it. What’s the meaning of this? Is it some kind of secret code? I honestly don’t even know if we should be asking about it.
It could also just be graffiti from someone who loves DVDs, though. Who knows?
“Bear sitting on a mattress.”

Running into a bear is probably the last thing any of us want to do. I don’t know if the fact that it’s lounging on a mattress makes it more or less frightening, though. Best to just back away slowly and get out of sight. Don’t bother it, and it won’t bother you.
“This dust/lint bunny looks like a dead mouse.”

Okay…when I first looked at this creature, I totally thought it was a dead mouse. Thankfully, it’s just an uncomfortable amount of lint and dust that looks like a dead mouse. I guess they call them dust bunnies for a reason. Though, dust mice might work better for this one.
“Old bowling alley hallway.”

Oh yeah, totally normal. Just another super creepy hallway, nothing to see here…
This is the kind of corridor that you wouldn’t be able to get through without someone in a mascot costume popping up and chasing you. As specific as that is, you know I’m right.
“Pirate skeletons at Tim Horton’s.”

It’s creepy, but kind of funny at the same time. The people working at this Tim Horton’s really don’t want customers to sit at that table, so they did what anyone would do and stuck a bunch of pirate skeletons in the seats. It might give you a shock when you walk in, though.
“Abandoned modernist hotel in Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

Abandoned buildings may be awful, but abandoned buildings in the middle of nowhere are even worse. They always have a sense of foreboding to them, like something bad will happen if you go inside (and something bad probably will happen, what with all the mold and other stuff in there).
“Well that’s not a good sign.”

Yeah, that’s really ominous. It’s the kind of sign you see in a movie, right before the main character goes on some kind of trip where their mind is being messed with. If it happens in a movie, that’s fine. But if it happens in real life…well, let’s just hope it doesn’t.
“Abandoned Yellow Brick Road in North Carolina.”

Technically, this is a picture of a Yellow Brick Road in an abandoned amusement park in North Carolina. Land of Oz closed in the ’70s, but it’s open today for tours. If you really love the Wizard of Oz, or you’re just a fan of creepy, abandoned places, it could be your next road trip destination.
“I found a fake arm in the middle of an intersection yesterday.”

Even though I know it’s a fake arm, do I really know it’s a fake arm? From far away, it could totally be real. Even though it isn’t. But still, it’s creepy.
Who left it there? Was it some kind of freak mannequin accident, or is there someone out there who likes to play tricks?
“Oregon wildfires making it look straight apocalyptic.”

This summer has been horrible for wildfires, especially along the West Coast. At best, you might see a reddish sunset in the distance. At worst, you’ll see an entirely red sky, like this one here. I imagine that, as horrible as this red landscape looks, the smoke and heat is probably worse.
“There is a bit of my floor, that looks a like a little walking lizard.”

If I lived there, I’d probably get startled by that piece of wood every single day. It looks so much like a lizard that you might think there really was one there if you weren’t paying enough attention.
At least, when you look a little closer, you can see it looks pretty fake.
“My drink looks like it has teeth in it.”

That looks so much like a set of dentures. I’d probably ask the server to take the drink back. Even though it’s probably just a lime wedge that got stuck in the drink at a weird angle.
Glass and water work so strangely. They can make even the most normal things seem pretty strange.
Last Updated on July 27, 2021 by Ashley Hunte