Sure, getting creeped out by spooky pics you see online is fun and all. But sometimes, those pictures take it a bit too far, and you end up cowering behind your fingers.
Hopefully, these pictures don’t take the scares too far. They’re spooky enough to give you the chills, but they probably won’t keep you up too late tonight.
This tree that looks kind of like it’s in pain.

Am I the only one who sees a gaping mouth, two nostrils, and a single eye here? Like, this tree trunk has a whole face, and it just so happens to be howling in pain. Or something like that.
“Woody the Talking Christmas Tree in a shopping mall in Nova Scotia, Canada.”

Wow, no wonder malls are dying.
In all seriousness, though, the last thing I’d ever want is for this Christmas tree to start talking to me. Nova Scotians must be pretty tough if they have to deal with this.
I’m not sure I’d want to take my next step with that bear…

I feel like some people don’t actually know what “kid-friendly” is. They market things to kids and yet use terrifying, soul-stealing mascots. Something about that just doesn’t add up.
“Turkey Day Pikachu did not turn out as cute as hoped.”

I think it’s safe to say that Pikachu just isn’t cut out to have a beak. I don’t think that’s a bad thing though; he’s plenty cute without one. Maybe next Thanksgiving, just skip the turkey costume.
“Crystallized (fungified?) spider I found in my wood shed just now.”

I, for one, sure don’t envy that spider. I don’t know what happened to it, and I think I’m better off not knowing. What’s done is done, and there’s now one less scary spider in the world (even if it’s a scary statue now).
“This hole in the closet floor at my grandparents house.”

I know it probably leads to a crawlspace, but I can’t look at this without thinking that it’s a portal to h**l. So yeah, I think it’s safe to say I wouldn’t be going down there.
There’s a lot going on in this picture.

This dog is 100% cursed. I think it’s a safe bet to say the child is cursed, too. But… look behind the child. There’s something else there. Is it also cursed, or is it the one doing the cursing?
“Rare 19th century vampire hunting kit.”

Do you think Victorian people were really out there hunting vampires? Do… do you think they ever caught one? Or was this maybe more for show than anything else?
I’m not gonna lie, though. As creepy as this is, it’s also so cool .
“Halloween Costumes from the 1900’s.”

Yep, I can see why people would be creeped out by these costumes. They’re both creepy and impressive, so I’ll give them their props. But, uh, you wouldn’t catch me wearing one of those.
Here, have another creepy tree.

I swear, there are so many strangely creepy trees in the world. You’d almost think they were possessed by the tormented souls of the damned or something.
…They aren’t possessed by the tormented souls of the damned, right?
Wanna play a game of Spot the Difference?

Yeah, it’s pretty easy to see the difference between that dog and its snow counterpart. The dog is only slightly creepy-looking (it’s the picture quality’s fault). Meanwhile, the snow dog looks as cursed as that smiling dog from earlier in the list.
“Don’t give my cat any ideas, Temptations R&D dept.”

I get that this is probably a special Halloween promotion, but clearly someone didn’t think through the whole “selling something that pretends to be made of human” thing. That’s just a little unsettling.
“‘Ocean’s eyes’ generated by an A.I.”

I almost feel like we should just give up on A.I. All of the images people get them to generate look so creepy. Granted, if you’re going to use keywords like “ocean’s eyes,” you’re probably in for something terrifying.
“Have been trying to teach myself how to draw. This was supposed to be a friendly gnome/elf.”

No offence, but this friendly elf/gnome character kind of looks like he’s going to invite himself into my house and steal my firstborn. Not bad if that’s what they were going for, though.
“Creepy little park thing behind a church in north Texas.”

I’m not sure what’s worse, the weird gazebo made of wire, or the cross. You know what? I think it’s the cross. Who would’ve thought something like a cross could look so cursed?
“Family thinks my art doll collection is disturbing.”

I mean, sure, these dolls are pretty creepy. But they also look really well-made. So I guess if you’re into that kind of stuff, you won’t mind their creepy expressions staring at you every day.
“This toy is about 20 years old and has been lost in a box of decorations for about 10 years and just found it while unpacking boxes.”

“The rubber on the face has started to degrade.”
I know it’s probably a super sentimental Yoda toy, but I’d probably just get rid of it. It’s too creepy now.
“I made Thomas the Tank Engine’s crackhead cousin at work with some cardboard, duct tape and rizla.”

This thing wouldn’t look nearly as creepy if it didn’t have those teeth. But I guess that was kind of the point. And hey, at least it’ll make a pretty effective Halloween decoration.
“This toenail I cut off of a dog yesterday.”

The creepiest part about this is that someone really let their dog’s nails grow this long. Think about how uncomfortable your hands feel if you forget to clip your nails. Yeah, this is worse.
“Scary doll thing made for a friend by her neighbor.”

I’d… like to know why this person’s friend’s neighbor made her that doll. Like, did she ask for it? Did the neighbor just decide to do it out of the blue? Either way, why would anyone want it?
“An accidental photo taken during a film project I did.”

The way this person’s dark hair blends into the dark background (and the fact that you can barely see any other part of their head) makes this dude look headless. Coupled with the picture quality? That’s a ghost.
Don’t make any sudden movements…

I always thought baby owls were supposed to be cute? They’re babies , after all. But no, they just look like little gremlin monsters. They’re somehow creepier than their mother owl, which doesn’t even make any sense.
“Was playing video games when I heard a sounds to my left. Looked over and saw this.”

I think the last thing you ever want to see out your window is a bear staring back at you. I mean, at least it isn’t inside the house, but this is still way too close for comfort.
“Made her in Ceramics.”

According to OP, her name is Snorn and she’s going to be a flowerpot. I’m not really sure how I feel about it… but to each their own, I guess.
I mean, at least it was well-made.
“A spider went to town in my Christmas decorations.”

Every single year, I get a little nervous opening up my Christmas decoration box. There have been a few spiders over the years, but nothing like this. I think this person should just buy new decorations and give up on these ones.
“Me, my mom, and brother went to a store, and I found these…”

Considering the violent nature of Squid Game, it’s really weird that there are toys marketed toward kids that feature the show. Knockoffs and unofficial merch, I’m sure, but it’s still so creepy…
“Thought the clock on my microwave was glitching, turns out there is a cockroach stuck in it.”

Yeah, if I found a roach in the clock of my microwave, I probably wouldn’t cook again. In fact, I’d just move. At the very least, I’d walk out of there and never return.
Something about this bear just ain’t right.

This teddy bear is pretty off-putting. Like, it just has a vibe to it that I can’t really describe. And everything about it makes me uncomfortable, but the face is especially bad. Excuse me while I back away slowly.
“The pumpkin pie I bought contains ‘finger.'”

I’m, like, 99% sure that this is a typo and it was supposed to say “ginger” (which would make a lot more sense). But I’d still be too hesitant to eat that pie.
It looks like it didn’t bother the person who bought it, though.
“Yard sale I visited a few years ago.”

Most of those dolls probably wouldn’t be creepy if they were on their own (except for that clown in the middle, that one is pure nightmare fuel). The fact that there are so many of them in a room together, though? No thanks.
Last Updated on December 6, 2021 by Ashley Hunte