Imagine spending hours crafting a beautiful, personalized baby blanket for a family member, only to have them reject it as ‘tacky’ and demand a pricey registry gift instead. That’s exactly what happened to a 26-year-old woman who loves to sew and create unique gifts for her loved ones. When her cousin, Beth, became pregnant with her second child, she sent out a gift registry filled with expensive items, leaving our protagonist in a tight spot.
Crafting a Special Gift
Beth’s First Baby Blanket
The Pricey Registry
Offering a Handmade Alternative
Beth’s Ungrateful Response
The Reason for Rejection ️
Taking a Stand ✊
Beth’s Outrage
Family Drama Ensues
Update: The Aftermath ️
Beth’s History of Ungratefulness
The Expensive N****e Cream
A Change of Heart ❤️
Family’s Reaction to the Truth
Beth’s Silence
Standing Up to Ungrateful Demands
Our protagonist decided not to attend the baby shower, but she’s still making the blanket for her cousin’s baby. After explaining the situation to her aunts, they now see Beth’s ungratefulness for what it is. With Beth now in the hot seat, it’s clear that our protagonist’s handmade gift is more than enough. It’s a shame that some people can’t appreciate the love and effort put into a thoughtful, personalized present.
Rejecting a handmade gift is a j**k move, anyway.
Homemade blanket rejected for $100 gift card demand. NTA.
Flying monkeys? This NTA comment and its reply are gold
Cousin wants expensive items to resell, not a handmade blanket.
Debate over handmade blanket vs registry items, both sides have points
Commenter criticized for not considering new mom’s needs. ESH.
Stand your ground! Don’t let entitled relatives bully you
Organic n****e balm for $24? That’s some expensive comfort.
NTA. Cousin’s second baby shower is a tacky gift grab
Cousin rejects handmade blanket, demands $100 gift card. OP stands firm.
A handmade baby blanket is a treasure, skip the shower.
Commenter suspects cousin is twisting the truth
NTA stands up against entitled cousin’s baby shower demands
Savage response to entitled cousin’s gift demands
Discussion on availability of Babies R Us in Canada
Handmade blanket deemed “cheap and tacky” by entitled cousin
Accept homemade gifts graciously, even if it’s not your style
Being a college student doesn’t mean you owe someone $100
Second baby shower turned greedy gift grab, NTA in refusing.
NTA! Handmade gifts are thoughtful and special
NTA, but is a handmade baby blanket really that bad?
Handmade blanket rejected as “tacky” – NTA for not attending.
Reasonable to not expect $100 gift for second baby shower
Support for standing ground against entitled cousin
Clear-cut judgement with a touch of sarcasm
Commenter calls out cousin’s greediness with a fiery NTA
Cousin’s entitlement called out in NTA comment.
Opinions on second baby showers and gift etiquette discussed
Cousin rejected handmade blanket, both could have handled better.
Handmade blanket > gift card. Greed is sad
Crafty commenter stands up to entitled gift-demanding cousin
Commenter calls out gift shaming and normalizing registry items. ESH.
Handmade gifts are valuable too. NTA for rejecting gift grab.
Cousin’s entitlement gets called out with a NTA judgement
Southern tradition questions baby shower etiquette, values homemade gifts ❤️
NTA and second baby showers are tacky according to commenter.
Sustainable parenting debated in baby shower gift-giving etiquette
Sending the handmade blanket by post is the perfect response
NTA, second baby shower demands minimum spend threshold, unappreciative cousin.
Entitled cousin rejected handmade blanket, commenter happy for local traditions.
Handmade baby blankets are sweet gifts, cousin is being tacky
Short and sweet – commenter is NTA
Second baby shower drama: NTA, handmade gift rejected for gift card
Last Updated on June 5, 2023 by Diply Social Team