Imagine being so petty that you upgrade your engagement rings just to spite a stingy family member. That’s exactly what this couple did, and they’re wondering if they’re in the wrong. The narrator and her fiancée got engaged a few months ago, but they didn’t propose with rings. Instead, they decided to pick out their own rings and go through the process together.
Privileged Backgrounds and Big Dreams
Financially Secure and Ready to Splurge
Dreaming of Perfect Engagement Rings
Brother-in-Law’s Request
The $300 Ring
His Solution: Cheaper Rings
A Ridiculous Request
The Petty Plan
Upgrading Rings Out of Spite
Showing Off the Upgraded Rings
Are They Wrong for Spiting the Stingy Brother-in-Law?
So, this couple decided to go all out on their engagement rings, but it wasn’t just for themselves. They wanted to spite the narrator’s future brother-in-law, who proposed to his fiancée with a $300 ring and asked them to pick smaller, more lowkey rings so his fiancée wouldn’t be jealous. Instead, the couple upgraded their ring budgets and sent him the mockups, which led to him calling them a**holes. Are they in the wrong for spiting the stingy brother-in-law? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA for upgrading engagement ring and brother-in-law is embarrassed
Couple upgrades engagement rings to spite stingy brother-in-law. NTA.
ESH, commenters call out petty behavior and privilege
Upgrading rings to spite BIL is tacky and gross
Upgrading engagement rings to spite stingy BIL, but sending mockups?
Commenter finds situation hilarious and deems OP not at fault
Petty one-upmanship over engagement rings. ESH
Upgrading engagement rings to spite stingy brother-in-law. NTA.
Spite rings: a petty move or justified revenge?
Comment section feels like a middle school drama
Upgrading rings out of spite? Maybe just buy what makes you happy.
ESH. Upgrading rings to spite brother-in-law during pandemic
Fake ring, real drama. Everyone s***s here, but you won’t believe what happened next!
NTA shuts down stingy brother-in-law’s unreasonable request
Petty brother-in-law sparks ring upgrade revenge. Everyone s***s here.
Childish couple upgrades rings to spite stingy brother-in-law. ESH.
NTA, BIL was being cheap and entitled. Congrats on engagement!
Commenter calls out OP for being TA in petty situation ♂️
Comment section calls out rich couple’s first world problems
Upgrade those rings and live your best life!
Empowering response to ring upgrade, girl power!
Upgrading rings out of spite? ESH in this family feud
NTA and hilarious
Spiting family with rings? Love is in the air
Family’s ego takes center stage in engagement ring upgrade feud
Redditor praises OP’s petty revenge on stingy brother-in-law, suggests reposting.
Upgrading rings to spite stingy brother-in-law: NTA or petty?
ESH, but justified. BIL is a huge AH
Upgrading rings NTA, but doing it out of spite is petty
Upgrade the ring, not the brother-in-law’s opinion.
Upgrading rings out of spite? ESH in this petty game
Comment section turns into a ring of fire
Sending CAD file to stingy brother-in-law: ESH move ♀️
Reflecting on societal competitiveness and jealousy ♂️
Upgrading rings to spite brother-in-law is ESH behavior ♀️
Upgrading rings to spite BIL, but rubbing it in? ESH
Petty ring upgrade to spite brother-in-law? Not cool. ESH.
Nodding in agreement: NTA for upgrading engagement rings
Commenter finds brother-in-law’s behavior hilarious. NTA.
Upgrading rings to spite BIL: ESH, but showing off is worse
Diamond stud earrings for proposal, NTA. Expensive rings, do you!
BIL is TA for interfering with engagement choices. Creative proposal alternative.
Upgrading rings: NTA if sticking to original plan, ESH if upgrading
ESH admits taking low road, no justification for spiteful behavior.
Petty level unlocked! Upgrading rings to spite brother-in-law.
Upgraded rings to spite stingy brother-in-law, NTA!
Upgrading engagement rings: bold move or justified upgrade?
NTA defends expensive rings, calls out ring-shaming culture
Commenters agree: Brother-in-law is a piece of s**t
Upgrading rings: NTA for standing ground, TA for showing CAD drawing
Don’t let anyone dictate your engagement ring choices! Congrats!
Savage NTA comment shuts down stingy brother-in-law drama
Choose rings that make you happy, not just to spite him
Bride and groom stand up to stingy brother-in-law
Upgrade ring to make cheap brother-in-law’s eyes water
Upgrade rings to spite stingy brother-in-law? NTA and petty
Upgrade your rings, upgrade your life
Upgrade rings to spite brother-in-law? NTA approved!
Upgrade rings to spite stingy brother-in-law? NTA, hilarious!
Commenter praises OP for upgrading ring to spite brother-in-law
Upgrade your rings and show that cheap a** who’s boss!
Last Updated on June 5, 2023 by Diply Social Team