You know how sometimes you’ll look at a picture, or at something random you see on the street, and you find yourself rubbing your eyes in disbelief? Yeah, strange angles and lighting can really cause your eyes to play tricks on you.
And guess what? Your eyes are going to be working overtime while going through this list. These pictures are just so dang confusing!
This truck that’s moving the whole building!

Okay, so that’s not true at all. But could you imagine if that truck was towing that whole warehouse? I mean, they have a hard enough time driving under overpasses as it is.
“My left hand is built different.”

I’m not gonna lie here. Sure, the illusion that this guy has a foot for a hand is cool and all, but my attention is definitely on that sleeping doggo. So cute!
How many arms are there!?

Unless you look closely enough and see the bit of the guy’s sleeve in the middle there, it would definitely be easy to mistake that arm for the woman’s. Too many arms, if you ask me.
“Huge hand or tiny apple?”

I’m willing to bet that’s just a tiny apple. The kind you’d get from an apple tree in your backyard or something. I’m sure it’ll still taste just as good, though.
“I found a two-headed duck!”

I think what confused me more than the way that duck is angled in the water, is the ducks’ heads themselves. They’re pretty funny looking.
“Cat and mini cat.”

As much as this looks like a tiny cat sitting behind a regular-sized cat, I’m also a little worried. The second cat looks like they’re plotting something pretty serious.
The audience done lost their heads!

This is either a sign that these performers are really good, or really bad. Hopefully the former, though.
For real, I can’t believe how much it really looks like that dude doesn’t have a head.
“These two pots are exactly the same size.”

I guess because that one pot is kind of elevated by those wooden boards, it looks bigger? Man, I dunno. I’m so confused right now!
“Let’s do some ctrl C and ctrl V.”

It took me a few minutes to figure it out, but I think I got it! Those buildings are on slightly different elevation, and they’re all lined up in a row, and it just looks like they duplicated the same one over and over again.
“Amazing sky at dusk or dusty water?”

Don’t let this picture stump you; there’s actually a really simple explanation as to what’s going on here. It’s upside down. Mind blown.
“Looks like a fantasy map. Also looks like it’s lumpy or has elevation but it’s completely flat and smooth.”

This looks like it should be in the intro sequence for Game of Thrones . At any second, a random made-up kingdom name is going to flash across the screen or something.
“A very small man.”

Is it a small man, or a large slide? I mean, I know it’s got to be a large slide, but it would also be funny if the slide was normal, and this guy had just gotten hit with a shrink ray or something like that.
Seeing straight through the computer.

Somebody was having a lot of fun there. Or, maybe they got really bored while doing their homework. Either way, I really wish I could try sticking my hand through that laptop screen.
“The reflection of the door on this painting looks like a bald guy in sunglasses.”

I’m not gonna lie, that would probably freak me out. It looks like there’s somebody out there, looking in. Or, somebody’s in the picture, looking out…
“Tim giving some love.”

I’m betting no one expected Tim Duncan to photobomb these dudes. Even if he is just on the TV screen. Talk about timing!
Sitting at a very odd angle.

I hate how long I had to stare at this picture to figure out what’s going on. I guess she’s sitting normally, and that guy is slouching. Regardless, it’s very weird.
This guitar is massive!

Okay, no it isn’t. Just like every other picture in this list, it was taken at a pretty tricky angle. I’m willing to bet it’s a regular-sized instrument.

You’d think that after seeing enough pictures like this, I’d know at once that it’s a cat with an orange on it. But I still thought it was an egg for a second.
This lil pup sure got swole.

Remember that Scooby Doo movie where Scrappy Doo gets all buff in the final act? Yeah, that’s the exact vibe I’m getting from this lil doggo and their booty.
“Those are not grass pants.”

Okay, so they aren’t grass pants. But I bet someone somewhere just got an idea for what the next trend should be. And I, for one, hate it.
Last Updated on April 1, 2022 by Ashley Hunte