The world can be a little difficult to navigate sometimes, so when someone, or a company steps up and incorporates ideas to make your life a little easier, it makes all the difference.
Between that and simple hacks that you can do yourself, here are some ideas that only some people have, but we wish were everywhere.
I love how sustainable this is!

“My shopping bag has a printed holiday pattern so it can be reused as wrapping paper!”
This feels like something Target could easily do, in my opinion. make it happen, Target!
I need every theater to do this.

This is SO USEFUL and so smart. Not only would it save all of us time, but the theater employees wouldn’t have to wait to clean out the theater before the next showing.
(Fun fact: The Conjuring 3 was supposed to have a mid-credits scene, but it was cut. Just a fun fact from me to you.)
Now that feels actually secure.

This card reader has scrambled numbers, making it MUCH harder for anyone to see your pin. I love this idea, though I would absolutely mess up my own pin and get locked out of my card.
Renting bakeware is a galaxy brain idea.

This library has different cake pans available to check out! I LOVE this idea. It’s sustainable, smart, and affordable. Plus, you won’t clutter up your kitchen with a novelty Elmo-shaped cake pan.
Let’s ditch bubble wrap.

This eco-friendly solution to bubble wrap is awesome. There’s lots of different eco-friendly alternatives to plastic when it comes to packaging — let’s try them all!
This toaster gets it.

For those times when your bagel is almost golden, but not quite: the “a bit more” button. I really need every toaster to have this feature from now on.
Let’s normalize pizza cutters.

This is so d**n genius. You cut your pizza with scissors, and then serve it right off of the pizza slab. Try and tell me this isn’t something we all need.
Can we fix all cracks this way?

The world would be a lot more fun — and more colorful — if we fixed things in a creative, artistic way. Why not have a sidewalk fixed with a cat mosaic?
Can we all adopt this?

These color-coded bands were designed for an office environment post-COVID, but I want it for life. I will always be wearing the red one, by the way.
I’m of the opinion that more objects should have this.

“My piano from 1885 has a hidden pop-out candle holder.”
I’m gonna need more headboards, cabinets, and other objects to have a pop-out candle holder. Take note of this, IKEA.
I am BEGGING my grocery store to do this.

This bulk store sorts and sells off unsold M&Ms by color. I know they’re all the same, but I would want a whole pile of purple ones ONLY.
I wish more people did things like this.

“The guy who does the grass for my building left a rectangle of wild flowers so the bees can use them.”
Lawns waste so much space — why not make them useful again?
This would solve a lot of problems, tbh.

This cart has a little platform for kids to stand on! This looks a lot safer than balancing on the little bar, and way more fun for kids!
Novelty kid-sized things warm my heart.

I know it’s not practical, but kid-sized anything makes me so happy. This door inside the bigger door, those tiny carts at the grocery store — I love it all.
As always, Ikea has the best ideas.

Did you know Ikea mugs have a divot cut out of the bottom to allow water to drain out of the top in the dishwasher? I love you, Ikea.
Can they make all medication this way?

“These 15mg buspirone tablets can be broken into 5mg doses or 7.5mg doses depending on which side you split the tablet.”
I absolutely love this idea, especially for mild painkillers.
I actually do wish plaques like this were everywhere.

I would die to know what random milestone moment happened at different places. This dog park one had me laughing out loud, not gonna lie. It’s the kind of wholesome hilarity we need more of in this world.
Do all tires have this?

Because they really, really should. These Goodyear tires have a wear indicator that helpfully lets you know when it’s time to drop a new chunk of change on new tires.
What a helpful trash can.

“This municipal trash can has a holder for returnable bottles to make it easier for deposit collectors.”
This is such a great idea, and makes it so easy to dispose of bottles!
I kind of love this.

“These handles don’t connect to the floor so the floor can be cleaned more easily.”
Not only is it convenient, it looks awesome. I’d call this a win/win.
Now that’s smart design.

This inclined driveway is so steep that someone decided to build stairs into the middle of it! I love thoughtful design like this. My knees also love it.
Imagine taxes being this easy.

“Receipts in Montenegro have a QR code that links up to their digital tax system and shows exactly what you purchased and it’s associated tax.” That would make taxes SO easy.
I wish past me had this highlighter.

Knowing what you’re highlighting and where to stop is pretty key to the whole highlighting thing, so having a see-through highlighter is just about the smartest invention ever.
So, what part of the brownie would you like?

Because this restaurant has each one labelled according to where in the pan it was baked.
As someone in the comments of this picture said:
“My faith in American innovation has been restored.”
Last Updated on July 15, 2021 by Brittany Rae