Anyone else got a lot of time on their hands these days? Don’t lie — I know you do.
Well, here’s an activity that will help you pass the time, frustrate you, and when it’s all said and done, make for a pretty cool framed piece.
That’s no moon…

Sorry, quick Star Wars reference, couldn’t help it. Anyway, meet the moon puzzle! Made by Four Point Puzzles, it was created in honor of the 50-year anniversary of the Apollo 11 launch.
It is a MAJOR puzzle.

It’s 1000 pieces, so you’re going to be busy doing this one for a while. Especially when you get to all that white space on the bottom right! Now there’s a challenge.
It’s pretty big, too.

Clocking in at 26.5 inches, this puzzle will easily take up a good amount of space on your kitchen table. Lay it out and complete it over a couple days!
You can order it directly from their website.

You can order yours for $25 from Four Point Puzzles directly!
Enjoy the highest resolution image of the moon ever taken while also keeping your mind busy. What’s not to love?
Last Updated on April 20, 2020 by Brittany Rae