Picture this: you’re a 30-year-old woman who’s just started dating a charming divorced man, also 30. You’re childfree by choice, but his 8-year-old daughter doesn’t bother you. The catch? You’ve never dated someone with kids before, and now you’re trying to navigate the tricky waters of balancing your love life with his parental responsibilities. You’ve been seeing each other on weekdays, but when you had to cancel a date last minute, he accused you of being inconsiderate. Is it really your fault, or is he overreacting? Read on to find out!
New Love Interest
First Time Dating a Dad ♀️
Weekday Romance
A Hint of Desire ️
Schedule Shuffle
Alternative Suggestion
Gym Class Commitment ️♀️
Late Night Meetup?
No Assumptions Made ♀️
Happy Ending?
Inconsiderate or Not? ♀️
Dating Dad Drama: Inconsiderate or Misunderstood?
Our protagonist, a 30-year-old childfree woman, has entered the world of dating a dad for the first time. She’s been seeing a divorced man with an 8-year-old daughter, but he won’t let her meet the child. Their dates usually take place on weekdays, and she’s cool with it. ♀️ One time, she hinted at wanting to see him on a specific day, but had to cancel due to an important gym class. ️♀️ He accused her of being an a**hole for making him change his daughter’s schedule, even though she didn’t know he’d done it. She suggested an alternative day, but it only made things worse. In the end, he rescheduled his daughter’s visit, but the question remains: is she really inconsiderate for not thinking about his daughter’s schedule? Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Dating a parent means less flexibility, YTA for rescheduling.
Dating a man with kids but frustrated with his parenting schedule? YTA
Dating a parent when you’re childfree may not work out
Childfree woman clashes with boyfriend’s parenting schedule ♀️
Harsh criticism for childfree woman’s stance on dating single fathers
Dating someone with a child when you don’t want kids ♀️
Don’t pretend to be supportive while trying to separate a parent from their child. YTA
Selfishness in dating: Gym class over boyfriend’s child YTA
Gym class or boyfriend’s child? Both need priorities
Expecting him to prioritize gym class over his daughter? YTA ♀️
Miscommunication and flakiness on both sides may hinder relationship ♀️ ♂️
Is she sacrificing her childfree status for love?
Opposing views on parenting schedules cause relationship clash. Yikes!
Tough love-put his kid first or move on. YTA ♀️
Prioritizing gym over boyfriend’s child makes YTA
NTA! Poor communication on his part, take a hard look
YTA for dating a man with children and complaining about it
Harsh judgement on childfree woman prioritizing gym over boyfriend’s child
Dating a father requires flexibility, YTA for not understanding.
Importance of clear plans and compatibility in dating
Mismatched expectations, flakiness, and lack of communication
Drama alert! New relationship, clashing parenting styles.
NTA *maaaybe* ESH. Man let off easy for custody mix-up ♀️
Age shaming and relationship judgment in childfree comment.
Canceled plans for better option? YTA according to comment.
Dating a single parent when childfree: mismatched needs and expectations
NAH, maybe it’s time to move on?
Supportive comment encourages OP to prioritize compatibility and self-respect
A comment suggests an easy solution to the non-issue.
User calls out OP for being selfish and unrealistic
Dating a single parent requires understanding and respect for their time ⏳
NTA, communication is key in building a relationship.
Respect his schedule and make an appointment.
Lack of communication and understanding in a new situation
Both canceled plans, lack of interest. Not a good match
Childfree woman advised to be cautious of dating men with children
Poor communication skills and quick temper in new relationship.
Miscommunication and a gym class lead to YTA judgement
Priorities differ, communicate clearly about seeing him without affecting daughter.
Support for commenter’s decision to dump immature boyfriend.
Communication is key in relationships with children involved
Move on, his daughter always comes first. A free preview.
NTA – Disappointing schedule change, but boyfriend’s extreme reaction concerning
Dating someone with a child when you’re childfree? YTA ♀️
Communication is key in dating a parent
Communication issues lead to mild ESH in scheduling conflict
Don’t like kids? Don’t date men with children
Don’t play games. His daughter is more important than your gym.
Dating someone with kids? Be prepared to work around schedules
NTA for respecting dad’s visitation schedule, but bf overreacted
Boyfriend’s parenting schedule causes unnecessary conflict. NTA.
Dating a parent: is it worth the scheduling headache?
NTA for this situation but honesty about expectations is important.
Bitterness towards dating people with kids, just end it
Partner’s custody agreement vs. gym class: who wins?
Dating a parent? Don’t bail on plans, YTA
Wave goodbye to him and find a better guy! NTA
Sage advice for a childfree woman in a tricky situation.
Dating a man with a child? Be patient and flexible
NTA, but communication is key for adapting to his schedule ️
Wise advice for a childfree woman dating a man with kids
Communication is key in managing parenting schedules
Communication is key in relationships
Dating a parent when you’re childfree? Not a match
Woman criticized for lack of empathy towards boyfriend’s child.
Communication is key in dating, especially when dealing with schedules
Childfree woman gets a glimpse into dating someone with kids
Sassy reply shuts down judgmental comment about childfree lifestyle
Expecting your boyfriend to adapt to your schedule makes YTA
Misunderstandings lead to clash over priorities. YTA
Navigating childfree relationships with honesty and consideration.
Being childfree may make you incompatible with a parent.
User calls out commenter for prioritizing gym over relationship
It’s okay to know what you want and don’t want
New childfree girlfriend clashes with boyfriend’s parenting schedule. Navigating AH territory.
Dating someone with a child when you’re childfree? YTA
Dating a parent when child-free? YTA according to commenter.
Respect his principles and communicate better or lose him quickly
Harsh but fair. Prioritizing kids is crucial in parenting
Dating a man with kids may not be for her
Boyfriend’s parenting schedule causing conflict, but NTA for expectations.
Dating a single dad when you’re childfree: YTA verdict
Last Updated on March 7, 2024 by Diply Social Team