The finale of Game of Thrones has sent viewers spiraling into madness.
That includes a number of fans signing a petition in hopes of getting season eight redone. Well, Chelsea Handler has something to say about it.
Chelsea Handler demands that fans get themselves together.
Considering the state of the world in 2019, she wants people to focus on more important things.
What are people upset about exactly?
In short, almost the entire season of season eight.
But mostly about Daenerys Targaryen’s heel turn in episode five.
Her shocking decision to burn all of King’s Landing floored viewers.
Fans were saddened and outraged, to say the least.
It was unexpected and unwanted. And so a petition was born.
Sophie Turner had something to say about it.
“I think it’s disrespectful to the crew, and the writers, and the filmmakers who have worked tirelessly over 10 years, and for 11 months shooting the last season.” She told The New York Times .
And then Chelsea Handler spoke out.
She’s kind of known for doing that.
Her tweet seemed perfectly fine but not for h******e Game of Thrones fans.
A lot of people agreed with her. Her tweet got tons of likes.
But should fans be shamed for enjoying, or not enjoying a show that is meant to distract them?
Especially in the tense political climate?
But soon enough, people started calling her out.
You can’t really post an opinion on Twitter without people telling you off.
What do you think about Chelsea Handler’s tweet? Let us know in the comments!
Last Updated on May 22, 2019 by Diply