Oh boy! I finally get to write about lap dances! Oh wait, I’m supposed to be a professional.
Yes, ahem, lap dances, very interesting, this should make for some excellent journalism.
Let’s take a moment to talk about the movie ‘Hustlers’.
It’s got everything a movie would ever need: strippers, some intrigue, awesome characters, a biting plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat and of course, a great director.
However, keep in mind that they couldn’t hire actual strippers to play the parts in this show!
Although I’ve never met a stripper who wasn’t a good actress, they needed professionals to play the parts in the movie!
That does mean that some of the actresses hired were probably not going to be professional lap dancers.
This was the case for Constance Wu, of Crazy Rich Asians , who apparently wasn’t very good at the act.
Enter Cardi B.
Who was a stripper at one point, and luckily, she was there to not only teach Constance Wu how to do it right but also to criticize her original performance.
Or, as Constance puts it :
” We filmed a scene where she’s teaching me how to give a lap dance. She’s like, ‘Show me what you’ve got!’ So I try. She’s like, ‘Honey, no! This is terrible!”
At least Cardi was helpful!
Last Updated on August 21, 2019 by Jake Bean