20 Weird Sights That Were Shared Online Because They're Mildly Interesting

Every now and then, you come across something that's mildly interesting. No, it isn't the most fascinating thing in the world. And it isn't boring, either. Just something in between.

They're at least interesting enough to look at for a little while. Which is why these people decided to upload these strange sights to the internet. How thoughtful of them!

"My new monstera leaf looks like a thumbs up."

It might be the thumbs up shape, but this plant kind of looks like a cool dude. Like, I kind of want to hang out with it, even though it's a plant.

"Boots before and after clean, brush, and wax."

Depending on what your shoes are made of (like leather), they can be polished and made to look good as new. Weird to think that the shoe on the right looked like the one on the left at one point.

"These antique cookie cutters that feature an axe and what appears to be a burning cottage."

That's... super violent. But I guess they'd make for some interesting cookies, at least. And it would be a pretty fun story to tell at the Christmas party, too.

"Randomly found the Infinity Gauntlet on a Traffic Cone in Thailand."

That's... one place to leave an Infinity Gauntlet. It kind of looks like Thanos turned red and is digging himself out of the ground. Dude just can't give up on the whole destroying half of all life in the universe thing.

"Wild horses in Nevada wandering the neighborhoods."

It's so weird to think that wild horses can just wander around residential places like this. And people just... leave them be? Super strange, but also pretty interesting when you think about it.

"Our little rescue Kookaburra, Chuck. Taken to vet and released."

It looks like this strange little bird got a new lease on life. It's amazing how some people will go above and beyond to help nature out as much as they can.

"A random comfortable tree branch to sit on."

That tree looks so strange, what with its right angled branches and all. But you could sit on that thing for sure. And probably lean on one of the vertical branches if you really wanted to.

"This USB can go in both ways and work."

I don't get why USB ports weren't all like this from the beginning. It's probably the biggest flaw in anything human beings have ever invented. Am I being overly dramatic about that? Not at all.

"Got a tooth pulled and they let me keep it."

I'm sure that the dentist office that pulled it had no use for the tooth. But the real question is, what do you do with a tooth you had pulled...?

"This envelope someone sent me is a map inside."

This just goes to show you how easy it is to recycle paper. Plus, you get to give the person you're sending a letter to a neat little surprise, so it's win-win.

"This mailbox has a rain gauge."

I'm not really sure why you'd need a rain gauge outside of your house, but cool. I guess.

Definitely one of the weirder things to find while walking down the street, I'd say.

"My local supermarket has free carrots for reindeer at the exit."

We're always leaving cookies for Santa, but what about his hardworking reindeer? And what better thing to leave for the them than carrots?

"Iguana got a hold of my Kindle."

OP never clarifies whether this is their pet iguana, or if a wild one just wandered up to them and stole their Kindle. Either way, what's an iguana going to do with a Kindle!

"My tortoise leaves a zig zag pattern in sand with her tail when walking."

I'm not going to lie, that kind of looks like tire tracks. Of an absurdly small tire. Kind of hard to believe it was made from a tortoise.

"Every year I make a point to drive past the 3M building during the holidays to see the Christmas tree windows."

I love it when big buildings do things like this. But I also wonder how much coordination it takes to make sure only certain rooms have their lights on.

"'Fake snow' soap bubbles taken by the wind."

It almost looks like some convincing fake snow. But when you look a little closer, those bubbles look way too foamy to pass for snow. Still, it's kind of a fun effect.

"Last night, I ordered a large Baja Blast. Taco Bell gave it to me in this container since they were out of large ones of their own."

From what I remember, KFC and Taco Bell are owned by the same company and are often combined into a single location or next door to each other. That's probably how this is possible.

"This stack of towels and rolls looks like Cookie Monster."

Even though I know this is just a wild coincidence, it's fun to think that somebody did this on purpose. You know, on the off chance someone else would look in the back of the truck and see it.

"The lights outside my local pharmacy are shaped like syringes."

Those are some pretty cool lights. But... I'd probably be afraid to get my flu shot there. I know they wouldn't really use syringes that big, but it'd still really creep me out.

"Pipe broke and basement flooded. But now I have a water cooled lightbulb."

Something tells me that the lightbulb is probably kind of dangerous in that state. Still, it's, like, really pretty. It's photo-worthy for sure, so I'm glad this person took it upon themselves to snap a shot.

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