18 Pics That Prove Thrift Store Finds Are Some Of The Weirdest Finds Out There

If you're a fan of thrifting, you know that there are hits and misses. But it is really up to the person to decide that. What might look odd or unusual to me might be a complete gem to someone else, ha, ha!

I thought it would be fun to show you some unusual finds folks discovered at their local thrift stores. Now you can let me know whether you would take it home or not.

1. This Elvis Head

If you're a huge fan of Elvis Prestley, you will probably rejoice when you see this. However, I hate to break this to you, but it does go for about $55. So you'll have to decide for yourself if it's worth it, hee-hee.

2. This Clown

I don't know about you, but I never thought I would see Bunz The Clown in this position. Is he trying to be sexy? Oh, no! Just when I thought clowns were creepy, he does this to me.

3. This Sea Shell ET

I have seen many different versions of ET, but I can honestly say that I've never seen one like this. However, even though it's pretty odd, I kind of like it. What do you think? Do you agree with me?

4. This Nic Cage Pillow

I have to admit lately, I've been experiencing some weird dreams. I don't know why. I think my mind is just preoccupied. But thankfully, Nicolas Cage hasn't made an appearance in any of them yet.

5. This Absolute Gem

I don't know who made this gem here, but I must say it's the "pertiest and levoliest" of them all, no? What do you think? Would you hang it up in your living room? I bet it would give your guests quite the perplexed look on their faces.

6. This ALF Phone

Who was a fan of ALF when they were growing up? I watched the show a few times, but I never knew this phone here even existed, haha. I would grab this and sell it to one of those '80s nostalgia-obsessed fans.

7. This Book

Yeah, that's not going to work. I've read this book, and I can save you some precious time and just let you know, ha, ha! You are never going to outwit your cat no matter how much you try.

8. This Proud Moment

If you, too, run track and field, you might appreciate this piece of art here. I don't know why somebody would feel the need to commemorate this moment here, but I guess they have a lot of free time on their hands.

9. This Obvious Statement

Yup, that's exactly what happens when you drink alcohol. So I don't know why it had to be stated on this glass here. Did somebody forget how this actually works? Thanks for the reminder, man.

10. These Potato People

If you ever wanted to turn your potatoes into people, now is your chance. I hope they got a patent because I can see many corporations waiting to copy this great idea. Are you digging it as much as I do?

11. This Pickled Bear

Um, what the heck is going on here? I sure hope this is a pickled teddy bear and not something else. Do you get what I'm saying? Regardless of what it actually is, I find it creepy AF.

12. This Heavy Metal T-Shirt

Wow, if you get all of these symptoms here, you know you have been partying just a little bit too much. So wear this shirt to remind yourself of what's about to come your way.

13. This Mug

Oh my goodness, think this is absolutely priceless. Who wouldn't want to take home this adorable CHUGbacca mug, huh? I wish I could get this for my fiancé for Christmas. Something tells me he would love it.

14. This Sad Realization

If somebody has to tell you it's okay to be best friends with cheese, you have a bigger problem on your hands. Don't believe them — I'm warning you.

15. These Festive Sneakers

Wow, I'm surprised that somebody put so much effort into making these and then just dropped them off at a thrift store. Something tells me that they got stolen, and the owner is still looking for them.

16. This Childhood Memento

OMG, I've heard of people who keep their kids' teeth that fall out, but this is taking things to the extreme, no? Where in the heck are supposed to store this? In your fridge or something like that? Yuck!

17. This Crocs Purse

Oh, no! It does exist, after all. I have heard of this but never have I seen it in person. I thought it was just a myth. But now it's here, starring me right in the face.

18. This Bag

Is it just me, or do you also get the impression that this bag is judging you? I get enough of that in my life, so I would throw this bag in a dark, deep closet never to be seen again.

You know it's been a while since I've visited a thrift store.

But now that I see all these unusual finds, I'm not sure if I want to run to one any time soon, ha, ha! Have you picked up something quite bizarre and decided to take it home with you? Fess up.

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