Unsplash | Alyson McPhee

15 Cooking Crimes People Admit To Committing

While it's true that there's no such thing as the "right way" to do something in the kitchen — there is most definitely a "wrong way" to go about things.

Below is a list of 15 different cooking crimes that people have admitted to committing. Have a look and see if any of these begin to sound familiar.

A taste of Italy.

"I put melted cheese and tomatoes on bread and call it Margherita pizza," Reddit user LSDummy said. Admittedly, Marguerita Pizza is a bit of a stretch, However, if you diced up those tomatoes this dish could easily pass as Bruschetta.

"I eat chunks of cookie dough while I'm making cookies." - Reddit u/MisterGoog

Unsplash | Ben Stein

I don't mean to sound rude, but — duh!? Who doesn't eat chunks of raw cookie dough while they're making cookies? I've been known to just grab a spoon and eat it straight out of the package.

If you think there's nothing left to eat in your house, you aren't trying hard enough.

"When I'm too lazy to cook, which is often, I just pile whatever is in my fridge into a bowl until nothing else fits and call it dinner." - Reddit u/pocketsand_shashasha

"My boss puts applesauce on his pizza, slaps them together and eats it like a sandwich." - Reddit u/Cuchini07

I'm sorry but I can't get the image of dripping apple sauce out of my head and it's making me sick to my stomach. This one really doesn't sound like it would taste terrible, but the aesthetic is all wrong.

That's what we call "stir fry."

Unsplash | Annie Spratt

"I'm constantly over-crowding the pan. I don't have time to cook in batches. If I can't make the ingredients fit in the pan at once, I'm not making that recipe." - Reddit u/FxHVivious

"I take the 'five second rule' very, very liberally." - Reddit u/MandalaySniper

I'm not going to lie to you and pretend that I've never ever eaten anything off the floor before. But I think we can all agree that there are limits and that most of the time, it's best to just throw it away.

Sometimes, dried herbs just makes more sense.

Unsplash | Heather McKean

"I fully recognize that fresh rosemary, thyme, or basil tastes way better, but buying fresh herbs is pretty much a guarantee that I'll use them in one dish and then forget about them until they go bad in the fridge." - Reddit u/PatchesMaps·

Combining two classics makes one perfect dish.

While Redditor LeroyHayabusa's wife was pregnant, she began developing some truly strange and creative food cravings — one of which was ramen noodles, cooked with Kraft Dinner cheese sauce.

I feel like this would be delicious.

Inspiration often strikes in the most unlikely of places.

"When I'm feeling lazy I put seasoned ground meat cooked with vegetables and cheese on flatbread and call it Mexican pizza," writes Redditor ilejk

I know what I'm having for dinner next Taco Tuesday!

Cheese should never be limited to one culture or cuisine.

Reddit user xmarketladyx· understands that there are some pretty definitive rules when it comes to incorporating cheese. However, they prefer to throw the rulebook out the window and enjoy putting provolone and Monterey Jack on just about everything.

""I made fish and chips: smoked salmon with potato chips. I don't know...I'm not British." - Reddit u/Sarchasm-Spelunker

Reddit | Sarchasm-Spelunker

Judging from this photo, I don't think that anyone would've mistakenly presumed that you were British. Also, if I had to wager a guess — I'd confidently say that piece of fish is undercooked.

Kitchen cleanliness isn't a suggestion.

Reddit user Renlywinsthethrone admits to never once rinsing their vegetables. I mean, no one likes rinsing vegetables but it's just something you do! The OCD clean freak in me feels like I need to wash my eyeballs just from reading that comment.

"I often eat Lunchables and just tell myself they're actually charcuterie." - Reddit u/Kneel_before_Z0d

How are Lunchables not charcuterie? It's meat, cheese, and crackers — what else do you need? Just because it isn't bougie doesn't mean that it still can't taste delicious.

Who really cares about smoke point, anyway?

Unsplash | Roberta Sorge

There are several different kinds of cooking oils: vegetable, olive, grapeseed, and peanut — all of which have a different smoke point. Reddit user BreezyWrigley says to hell with that and simply reaches for whatever oil happens to be the closest.

Can I interest you in a spaghetti sandwich?

"My husband makes spaghetti, tosses it in sauce, and sets it aside. He then spreads peanut butter on two pieces of toast, ladles a generous amount of the spaghetti onto one piece of the peanut butter toast, and uses the second slice to make a peanut butter and spaghetti sandwich." - Reddit u/kepajoy

h/t: Reddit