14 Quick-Thinkers Who Figured Out A New Way To Do Things

Sometimes, the best lifehacks out there come from people who simply found a new way to do things. These people weren't afraid to shake things up and dared to ask the question, "What if we tried it this way?"

Well, lo and behold, they were right and they're actually making me a little jealous that I didn't think of these ideas first.

Make a light source during a storm.

An empty plastic milk jug does a surprisingly good job as an emergency lamp if the power ever goes out. Just pop it on top of your flashlight and you're good to go. This is also a great hack for camping!

Hands-free refills.

Some water bottles come with a rubber handle that can fit around the bottle's opening. This way, you don't have to awkwardly hold the lid or set it down on a dirty surface while refilling your drink. I'm going to keep my eyes out for a water bottle like this!

Here's a hack for all the bakers out there.

If you absolutely love baking, you'll want to keep this hack in mind. Tape up your recipe at eye level so you can easily reference it while you work. Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best.

Hey, someone must have a use for this hack.

I don't know too many people who need a banana holder, but someone did come up with one that can be improvised on the fly. Just grab a small roll of tape and rest your banana in the hole. Now go get that potassium!

A note from your past self.

You may find it helpful to write yourself a note on the side of your lightbulb (if it is safe to do so) so you can track how often you're changing them. Are some brands more superior than others? There's only one way to find out.

Keep onion smells at bay.

If you find the smell of a cut onion completely overwhelms your fridge, just add a piece of paper towel under the cut side and then wrap it up with cling wrap. The paper towel will absorb those smells and keep your fridge smelling fresh!

Store those pool toys with ease!

Inflatable pool toys have to be one of the most difficult things to store. They're big, awkward, and you can't just leave them out in the yard or else they'll blow away. Try using a hanging net to store them safely and keep them out of the way.

Never lose the remote again.

It might look weird, but it works! Adding a DIY extender (in this case, what appears to be a plastic spatula) is an easy way to keep track of your remote — especially if it is on the smaller side.

You could also try this method.

This reminds me of those pens at the bank, but if it works for them, why can't it work for us? I'm actually loving these hacks for remotes since it seems that you need at least three these days to watch TV.

Someone just changed the game.

This person had the brilliant idea of taking their dishwasher's cutlery holder and placing it by their sink. No more lost cutlery or fishing it out of some gross pan that was left to soak. Pure genius right here.

You'll be glad you wrote this info down.

Save yourself a lot of headaches by writing down some electrical information, such as the breaker number or installation date on the back of your electrical plates. It never hurts to plan ahead!

The ultimate space-saver.

Free up some space in your closet by converting your hangers using a soda tab. This way, you get double the storage but only take up the space of one hanger. A must-try for people with limited closet space!

How did I never think of this?

Everyone hates the feeling of throwing away a bottle of lotion knowing that there are still a few pumps left in the bottom. Use one of those spoon straws to get out the last remaining drops.

Save money on air fresheners.

Instead of buying a new air freshener every time yours loses its scent, just buy a small bottle of essential oil. Add a few, small drops to the air freshener whenever it needs a quick refresh.