Reddit | Glove248

19 People Who Could Have Used Some Quality Control

Some things are made with expert precision, with every piece serving a purpose.

Most things, on the other hand, aren't made quite as well. That doesn't mean they aren't valid, it just means their flaws are on full display. Let's celebrate some of the things in life that needed a little more time in the quality control department.

"A historic home down the street from me."

Reddit | Stundesagte

I thought historical buildings had to preserve their status through careful renovations, but I guess whoever owns this place got tired of waiting for approvals and just made their historical home look like a historical piece of garbage.

"The shower at my gym."

Reddit | mitchconner_

Any design that relies on this motif is treading in dangerous territory. If the smears were in a bright color, they might work. But when you make them brown, things just aren't going to wind up looking good.

"At first glance, I didn’t recognize this restaurant mural as the sun…"

Reddit | SunBlue

It doesn't look much like the sun, it's true. But if you're in this restaurant and a young one asks you how babies are made, you have an excellent teaching tool right there.

"If you say so!"

Reddit | TML_31

Don't never do none of this stuff, y'hear?

I'm not sure what this sign is trying to tell me. I'd probably turn around, buy nothing, exit the store and throw my car keys in the ditch to avoid running afoul of the instructions.

"Finally I know what FPS does."

Reddit | Mufgada

FPS just means better colors, right? I'm pretty sure it stands for "full pretty spectrum", which of course refers to the dizzying array of colors you'll see.

...yes, I know it has to do with frame rate.

"How do we help people remember the date of our local car show? I've got an idea..."

Reddit | EricFaust

Look, it's okay to hold events on September 11th. It's been twenty years. That said, we need to think carefully about the imagery we're thinking of using.

"This Dumb & Dumber tattoo I saw on Instagram is possibly the worst thing anyone has ever done to their body."

Reddit | polizman20XX

This is possibly my favorite movie of all time. I appreciate the effort. I appreciate the references buried within the tattoo. That doesn't mean I actually like the tattoo, though.

"For when you’re feeling daring."

Reddit | BobbyRC28

No one likes it when the urinals are too close together, but I think they went a little too far in the opposite direction with this design choice. Imagine walking in there and immediately getting your shoes soaked.

"The furry skeleton isn't real, it can't hurt you."

Reddit | fourDnet

It would be creepy enough if this person had a legitimate bones-and-all skeleton in their living room. But after seeing this monstrosity, that's exactly what I wish they had instead.

"This bench, 23cm high."

Reddit | Glove248

I'm not sure if people were a lot shorter back in the day or if this bench is getting sucked into the ground or what, but it sure doesn't look like a very comfortable place to sit.

"Ahhhh thats why I don't usually visit the market."

I don't think I'd ever wear an officially licensed Mickey Mouse shirt. But I think this shirt might actually be worth rocking in public. It'd be like wearing a Luke Skywalker shirt that said "Star Trek."

"Is this Andre the Giant’s treadmill?"

Reddit | phillypharm

Maybe they had to make the treadmill this big in order to accommodate Double Big Gulps in the cup holder. Or maybe someone's really bad at Photoshop. In any event, it looks kind of fun.

"I trust it. Totally going to be fine."

Reddit | leefloor

When it comes to stuff like this, it's more credible to just make up your own brand name like "Integrated Data Logistical Data" or something than it is to try and rip off a known brand.

"Not sure if this has been posted before or not."

Reddit | gulagsblyat

Gamers have been waiting for a new edition of Grand Theft Auto since 2013, so it stands to reason that they're getting a little bit impatient. I don't think this one is the masterpiece they've been waiting for, though.

"Never do your best. Quit."

Reddit | Tiger_8374

When you wake up and don't want to face the world, what do you do? I grab my phone and start mindlessly scrolling. Seeing this would be just the motivation I'd need to go right back to bed.

"In a friend's wedding goodie bag."

Reddit | korzorro

Ah, so I'm getting this small bag of popcorn all because he...pooped the question. That context makes it even more disturbing that the popcorn inside is colored a violent shade of green.

"That’s not Texas…"

Considering how some Texans and some Oklahomans feel about their respective states, I'd say this map monstrosity constitutes fightin' words.

Also, c'mon, Texas has the most distinctive shape. Seems like a hard one to screw up, and yet, here we are.

"The nexus of the parking violation universe."

Reddit | snagleradio78

Is this in a school zone? If so, it would really win parking violation bingo. In any event, parking here looks like a great way to rack up a bunch of parking tickets, if that's what you're into.

"Coffee art."

Reddit | mmajamm

On one hand, as a former barista, I appreciate the fine craftsmanship on display here. On the other hand, though, ewwww. They even added some miscellaneous filth and debris to make the scene look that much more disgusting.

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