30 Interesting Pics That Show Something Cool Close Up

Sometimes, something looks pretty normal. But when you look a little closer, you can see some pretty cool and interesting things. Some not-so-hidden objects, or something that's just too small to see from far away, for example.

All of these pictures have some interesting surprises in them. They go to show you how many sights there are to see out there. All you have to do is look a little closer.

"Townhouse in DC has a cute little model townhouse in its front yard (and the model has its own model!)."

So let me get this straight. This is a tiny model house of a tiny model house of a townhouse? Is that right?

As confusing as that is, it's the kind of detail you might miss if you aren't looking closely enough.

"Wear-and-tear on playground monkey bars decreases as the distance increases."

That's so funny. You can actually see where kids jumped on the monkey bars, only to give up going the distance. Some people got to the second and even third rung, but that doesn't seem to be as popular as dropping from the first rung to the ground.

"I high-fived a bumble bee."

Sometimes, you just have to high-five a bee. If you aren't afraid that one will sting you (which most of them probably won't, they aren't wasps, after all), that's definitely a thing to do. A smart thing? Who knows...

I hope that little bee is having a good day.

"This tiny LEGO house built around a lamp post I saw today."

This is the kind of thing you'd see while walking down the street, but not really register unless you got closer. Someone took a lot of time to build that LEGO house, and for what reason? Well, it looks kind of cool, at least.

"This Peanut M&M is in the shape of a dodecahedron."

That's not the shape you'd expect to find in a pack of M&M's, that's for sure. And I feel like there are a lot of us out there who would shovel the candy in our mouths without paying attention to what it looked like. So we'd completely miss this.

"This spiderweb I found near Niagara Falls."

If you look really closely at this picture, you can see that this spider web is really a bunch of them attached together. It must all be from the same spider, which is actually kind of impressive. Even if it is super creepy.

"This fake warning on my 'beer.'"

Honestly, this is a pretty funny warning label. Considering it's non-alcoholic beer, they don't need to tell you to drink it responsibly, so they can have a little fun instead.

But this feels like the kind of thing most of us would miss, if we don't look at drink labels to begin with.

"My Apple is growing an Apple."

Finding out that your apple's seeds are germinating as you're eating it probably isn't ideal, but it sure is fascinating. Throw that on the ground, and you may end up with an apple sapling in a few months. I guess that's just how nature works, though.

"Magnum PI sticker on a stop sign in my town. Has been there at least 4 years."

Most people would probably be able to spot the sticker while driving or walking, but fewer of us would be able to make out the shape of Magnum PI's face. That's... really random, actually. I guess no one's bothered to get rid of it.

"Hotel room deadbolt also displays 'Do Not Disturb.'"

That's a nice little addition to a deadlock on a hotel room door. I can see this as being useful for people who like to sleep in while they're on trips. The cleaning staff can definitely read that message loud and clear.

"My pepper within a pepper! I’ve never seen one like this before!"

The inside of a bell pepper always looks kind of odd, but this is one design I doubt very many of us have ever seen. It really does look like there's a second pepper in there. No doubt that's super interesting.

"Antlion larvae have set up defenses around my house."

I'm not sure if this is a good sign or a bad one. On one hand, having bugs this close to your house is never fun. But on the other hand, since antlion larvae eat ants (hence the name), maybe this is a good thing?

"A ton of staples on a telephone pole in San Francisco."

At first, I was kind of worried. Do telephone poles need this many staples to stay up?

Well, no. But you do need a staple or two to keep a flyer up. Just imagine how many posters and leaflets have been on this one pole.

"I took a picture of a spider that looks like a skull."

I have to admit, this is a pretty cool spider. It's definitely got that spooky Halloween camouflage down pat. In fact, put a dozen of these in a haunted house, and you'd be good to go.

Or, maybe just leave it alone. A spider that looks like a skull probably isn't the kind you'd want to mess with.

"This typo on my calendar. 15, 15, 17."

On the plus side, August 15th and 16th have already come and gone, so that typo doesn't even matter any more. But now that I've thought about it, it's kind of stressing me out. We'll never have another August 15th or 16th, 2021, again. Weird.

"This orange that mutated to have a mohawk!"

That orange faux-hawk looks a bit like a raised slice, too. I bet it would be easy enough to cut the orange at that spot. And then... well, it would just be an orange. But it would still be really cool. Or at least kind of cool.

"The interior of this 1982 Aston Martin Lagonda."

I feel like people always share pictures of the exteriors of vintage luxury cars, but never the interiors. Being able to see the interior of this car from the '80s is really cool! It definitely feels like something that would've been made in 1982.

"The way this rock has worn down over time."

If you take a close look at this rock, you can see a heart shape in the middle. And on top of that, it has a lot of rings around the outer edges, almost like a tree trunk cross section. Amazing how nature can make rocks look like this!

A closeup of a candle that's been blown out.

Blowing out a candle takes all of 2 seconds. It's almost too quick to even care about. But being able to see that happen up close and personal? That's actually super cool. Suddenly, the wick looks a lot stranger, and the flame is almost nonexistent.

"Happy face on my morning protein bar."

Unlike some of us (me), there are people out there who actually look at their food before eating it. And they notice all sorts of random little details, like smiley faces along the outer layer of their protein bars. Hopefully that makes for a happier morning.

"I took a macro photo of my eyeball."

This is a really closeup picture of this eye. As uncomfortable as it can be to have a zoomed in eye staring back at you, it's also really fascinating. The way the iris and pupil look almost seems unreal, like it couldn't possibly be part of the human body.

"I took a picture of a bald eagle mid-blink."

If you thought a human eye was weird, you've probably never seen a bird blink before. Their eyelids are...well they aren't like ours, that's for sure. So strange, yet so cool.

This is probably closer than most of us will ever get to a bald eagle.

"I found a pig from Angry Birds behind my heater from the previous owner."

Remember Angry Birds? That franchise seemed to be everywhere like a decade ago. Now, it's just a series of toys that people leave behind their heaters before moving out. Popular media is just so fleeting these days.

"I found an old-school Lucky Strike cigarette box embedded in the concrete in an NYC building."

If I had to guess, someone who helped build this building probably dropped their cigarette carton in concrete and just left it there. Now, it's just a permanent fixture in the ground. So strange.

"Cicada mid hatch."

So many people are posting their cicada sightings online this summer. Since this is the summer to see those noisy bugs, there's no better time.

Every now and then, you might get to catch one in the middle of hatching. Sure, it's kind of gross, but in such a fascinating way.

"The steam from my coffee turned to icicles in the freezer."

I guess the one danger of freezing hot coffee is that you'll also be freezing a bit of steam while you're at it. Which is mostly fine. Really, it just looks strange. But at the end of the day, a block of frozen coffee is a block of frozen coffee.

"There's a patch on my leg that doesn't get goosebumps."

So, funny story, I actually have a part of my leg that doesn't get goosebumps either. I wonder if this is a common thing. Do we all just have parts of our skin that don't develop goosebumps? Or are those of us who do some sort of weird minority?

"Found an E than [*sic*] survived the recycling process on the cardboard we use at work."

When you think about it, a lot of material we use nowadays has probably been recycled at least once. But you don't really think about it until you see remnants of what that thing used to be.

Whatever this cardboard was recycled out of, it had at least one letter E on it.

"The way this cat's tail hair comes out in cones along the color lines."

That's actually so cool. And cute. Cats are amazing.

I bet you'd find similar fur patterns on other animals, too. Like raccoons, who also have striped tails. Does every animal with a patterned tail grow their fur in cones like this?

"Tiny paper balloon I made on a dime for scale."

You either have to have some tiny fingers, or a lot of patience (or both) in order to make a paper ball that's smaller than a dime. Even though it doesn't look as polished as a bigger one, it's still pretty impressive.