20 Trippy Pics That Threw Our Brains For A Loop

There are some things that, no matter how much you stare at it, it just won't make sense. It almost feels like looking into a portal to another dimension, or seeing something you probably weren't supposed to see.

But it's probably fine. Most things have an explanation. And the ones that don't? Well, those are usually just cool to look at. Like the amazing finds in this list.

"The headless Gymnast."

Don't worry, she had a head (and no, it's not the ball she's holding). This is just one of those pictures snapped at a really weird angle. I'm sure her head is perfectly fine, somewhere behind her back. Still, though, this is just a little bit unsettling.

The killer mosquito.

I guess a mosquito just so happened to land directly in front of a camera lens as it was taking a picture. Coupled with the hazy look of the background, the whole image looks super eerie. Don't worry, though, mosquitos aren't actually that big, and, hopefully they never will b.

"That's a REALLY long arm!"

Okay, I definitely had to look at this picture a few times before I got it. I actually thought that the man in the chair was extending his arm to touch the man standing, somehow. But no, it's just his female companion's arm. No superpowers to be found here.

"There's something wrong with that shadow."

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Wow, what a long shadow. I wonder why the furniture in that room doesn't have a shadow like that.

Oh wait, it's just another cat. It just so happens to be lying down in a way that makes it look like a shadow. And it also happens to be a black cat, which just so happens to resemble a shadow in the first place.

"The dog’s having a hard time, wish him luck."

It's absolutely insane how easily our eyes can see things that aren't real. Like a person with a dog head. Like, I know that it's just a person sitting next to their dog, but the illusion is too good not to see anything else.

A balancing act.

I wonder how lucky you have to be to snap a shot like this? The whale not only came up at a perfect angle, but it's directly in front of the sunset, which makes it look like it's balancing the sun on its nose. With the sun's reflection, it even looks a bit like a candle.

"The Fabled Short-Necked Giraffe."

I'm not gonna lie, I made a really ugly sound when I first saw this. It just looks so unnatural. And even though I know that it's just the angle, and the giraffe has a regular-sized neck (well, for a giraffe), I can't unsee it. And it feels so wrong.

"Door to door sale people keep bugging me."

Yeah... this is just creepy. Even though this is just a fly (at least, I really hope it's just a fly), it looks so much bigger in the photo than it really is. It doesn't help that it looks like it's standing on the walkway, the way a person would.

"Extra pair of ears."

I'm a little ashamed to admit that I couldn't quite pinpoint what was wrong with this picture at first. I don't know how I missed the fact that this person's ears are obviously underneath their hat, and the other ear in the background literally belongs to someone else. It's just a bit too convincing.

"A flat looking house."

Okay, not only does that one building look flat, but the whole block does too. I guess because all of the buildings look alike, and they seemingly all have that flat-looking roof part, but this looks like one of those sets in a western movies where all of the houses are made out of flat wooden cutouts.

"The Supermoon in a radio telescope."

It's kind of amazing how, at that exact angle, the moon looks like it perfectly fits into that telescope. It's almost like it was intentionally built like that. Like the moon has somewhere to rest after orbiting around the earth nonstop.

"Toxic Swan Spill."

I feel a little foolish, because I thought I was looking at some weird white spill for a second. It could've been, like, expanding foam or something. But no, it's just an incredibly curious swan looking inside a drainpipe.

Hopefully there's nothing in there that could hurt the swan.

"Attack of the Giant Pigeons."

After mosquitos, spiders, and pretty much any other creepy crawler, pigeons are one animal I would never want to see supersized. They're bad enough as they are.

I'm not gonna lie, though. This picture is kind of cool. The pigeons look like they're posing for an album cover.

"Take a seat."

I would love to know how these chairs work. It looks like they're bolted to the floor, which would help them keep their balance. But at the same time, how do they stay balanced like that? Are there weights in the other "legs" or something? In any case, they're super cool.

"Triple hand Phil."

It's been quite a long time since I've seen Dr. Phil on TV, but I don't remember him ever having three hands...

Even though I know that the third arm must belong to someone else, I literally can't tell where it's coming from. Is there someone directly behind him? Off to the side? Just out of the camera's view? Who knows...

"Floating ships."

To my knowledge, we haven't invented ships that can float in midair (yet). So these one's are probably actually on water. This has to be some kind of mirage, like when you can see heat waves on a hot street.

Or it could be ghosts. We haven't ruled that out yet.

No running in the hall!

I'm about 99% sure that this is a really clever optical illusion, and that the hallway is actually normal. But I still can't not see the hall as a weird, bumpy place. I definitely wouldn't want to step foot on that carpet.

"Clouds and mountains? No. Overturn stump and snow? Yes."

It doesn't help that there's an actual cloud in the background. It makes the snow on the stump look a bit cloudier. And the tree stump doesn't really look like a tree stump. Maybe because it's so zoomed in. I think this picture might be giving me a headache.

"A rare optic sight, the "Brocken spectre," which occurs when a person stands at a higher altitude in the mountains and sees his shadow cast on a cloud at a lower altitude."

Imagine hiking or mountain climbing or something, and looking down to see this. I'd probably freak out, which definitely isn't a great thing to do when at a higher elevation. At least it's not a weird alien man, even though it definitely looks like one.

"All cars in front of mine were white!!"

There must be a glitch in the simulation or something. All of the cars, vans, trucks, and buses are white!

What are the odds of something like this happening? It can't be that common.