14 Owners Who Found Creative Ways To Spoil Their Cats

Cat owners are a crazy bunch. I think I'm allowed to say that because I'm one of them, ha, ha! But to be honest, we have to be like that because, well, we own cats. That's enough of an excuse.

If you never owned a fierce feline, you just won't understand. So it's totally understandable for cat people to go over and beyond for their furry friends just like these folks did.

1. This Cat Hammock

Did you know that a hammock is the most comfortable thing you can sleep in, at least for humans? But perhaps it's the same case with cats too. I don't see this kitty objecting to this homemade hammock.

2. This Spoiled Kitty

Speaking of hammocks, apparently, Momo, the kitty, cries every day until he gets to fall asleep in his human hammock here. Wow, it's settled then. When I die, I want to come back as a cat.

3. This Tech-Obsessed Feline

Wow, here's one cat who has managed to figure out technology. He's sitting there quietly in his home yurt watching his favorite cartoons. Wait until the thing runs out of battery. I don't want to be there when that happens.

4. This Cat Bed

When this woman's husband said he was building a new bed, she didn't realize he meant for the cat. Well, it looks like this kitty is enjoying their custom bed and side table.

5. This Birthday Cake

We know who's the favorite one in this family, hee-hee. Aww, I kind of feel bad that the husband didn't even get his own cake. I just hope it's not made out of catnip. Can cats even eat cake?

6. This Cat Loft

Curious cats will literally claim anything. So if you build it, they will come. And they definitely took advantage of this DIY cat loft here. Wow, these homeowners aren't kidding here. Those are some lucky felines, eh?

7. These Spoiled Babies

The first time I saw someone carry their cat in a baby stroller, I was like, "what the heck?" And now that I see these faces, I want one so bad. Oh my gosh. Aren't they adorable?

8. This Cat Bedroom

What do you do when you have a spare nook in your house? Naturally, you turn it into the cutest cat bedroom ever. Oh, I better not show this to our cat. I don't want him getting any ideas, ha, ha!

9. This Cat Tree

If your cat demands to be the king of the world, you must oblige. Am I right? I think we definitely know who is the real king of this castle. I can't get over the fact that someone build this for their cat.

10. This Outdoor Solution

What do you do when you don't want to have outdoor cats, but the cats want to be outdoors? Well, of course, you build them a contraption like this. You mean you don't have one for your cats?

11. This Cat Throne

GOT fans will definitely appreciate the sense of humor here. Oh my goodness, this person made their 17-year-old King Arthur an iron throne. Judging by his stance, I think this kitty knows how to look down on his subjects already.

12. This Cat-Approved Bridge

This cute feline always wanted to stare out of the window, but she could never reach it. So, her thoughtful and handy owner had to come up with a solution. Needless to say, this lucky kitty loves her bridge.

13. This Cat Bathroom Art

Why should your cat do his or her business starring at a blank wall? When you can create some custom art for that very purpose. Oh my gosh, he looks like he's really enjoying it, too.

14. This Cat Couch

I don't know if your mom ever crocheted anything for you. My mom wasn't really into that. But this person's mom took her precious time to crochet a couch for her kid's cats. Aww, that's real love there.

Okay, here I thought we spoiled our cat but clearly not as much as other people.

I can't get over some of the amazing things these cat owners did for their fur babies. I think I really need to step up my game in that department, lol.