
Someone Found Kylie Jenner's Myspace Account And It's Just As Cringe As You'd Imagine

Social media before like — literally last week was SO embarassing! Trends may come and go, but the Internet is forever — which, at most times is a rlly bad thing (lol) but sometimes, it can be a good thing like when it comes to content as good as this.

Kylie Jenner's Myspace has been unearthed and it is shocking to the nekkid eye.

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

It's kinda like when people found the Titanic at the bottom of ocean — It's become a time capsule that had been away from human sight for so long, that when it resurfaced it was like no time had passed.

Mood? Happy. Kylie? A lollypop.

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

This is only the beginning of the madness, y'all so — LET'S BUCKLE UP AND GET IN THIS HERE TIME MACHINE!

Her pics are organized like the social media queen she is.

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

"Classic - My Mobile Photos"


Then things got a little spicier with the album "classic - the bitches are back :) go ahead and hate."

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

Oh okay gorl, pop off.

Remember when we all wanted to look like actual members of Fallout Boy but also minor-league baseball players?

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

Overhead selfie mirror pics 4 the win!

Remember when people wore toques for ~aesthetic~ and fashion, sweetie?

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

Also pls, a moment of silence for the gorgeous zebra print straightening iron on the counter.

When you and your friends would get *dressy* for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory on a Friday night.

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

I just loved the stress of seeing how far the $20 my mom slipped me could go!

Y'all ready for the most random pic we've seen so far?

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

I'm screaming at baby Kylie, LAMAR FRIGGIN CHEATER PANTS ODOM, baby Kendall and Grandma MJ!

I'm gagged.

Just Thanksgiving dinner tingz <3

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

Omg, remember hot Rob? Where's Adrienne at?!

LOL GUYS there's so much going on in this pic.

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

Baby Mason in a sweater vest.

2009 Kris.

Hairless Chihuahua.

The caption for this pic? "taylor lautner in the back lmao."

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

What can I say; it's just a couple of young Hollywood icons chillaxing in 2008!!! <3

Oooooh, so sis was absolutely a TwiHeart.

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

And judging by the last pic, baby Kylie was #TEAMJACOB AF.

Lols just home economics things! Feeling cute might delete l8ter, tho!

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

Who would have thought she'd grow up to be such a ramen noodle visionary?

Skewl trips suck ughhhh! Idc about museums I care about chick-fil-a!

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

(That's absolutely not the actual caption but let's be real... it totally could have been)

Hi blurry Macbook photos, how are ya?

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

I mean, who doesn't have 24938 pics like this lying around, waiting for the FBI agents to find one day?

GAWSH remember when all we wanted to be was goth punk bishes and all we needed was eyeliner, a massive digital camera and dirty mirror?

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

Who could have known this Kylie would turn into this Kylie?

Every popular, rich girl at my high school took photos like this.

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

No tea, no shade, no pink lemonade but I am triggered.

Just tumblr girl things <3

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

The plaid PJ bottoms? The long, layered flat ironed hair? Hi 2009, how are ya?

This pic is simply titled "new piercings" and I love that for her.

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

Okay pop off Claire's boutique, I see you.

Peep that Blackberry! Guuuuys, add me on BBM!

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

Don't leave me on "R" or i'll kill ya ha ha !

"My birthday cupcakes!"

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

Is it just me or are they kinda janky, lol.

Just a couple of scene gorls enjoying Mexican food.

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

Mini Mexican flag toothpicks included.

When did the world stop thinking this was a cute angle? So rude, tbh.

Myspace | Kylie Jenner

Kylie and Kendall before they were like, Kylie and Kendall ~ WILD!