
Slick Life Hacks That Should Make Things Better

Life is pretty tough, but I'm here to make it just a little bit easier.

Some people like to say that taking the easy way out isn't the way to go, but that only really applies to important things.

Everything else? It needs to be as easy as possible — and the hacks in the following list will no doubt make things easy.

There's nothing worse than throwing something into the trash and the bag going in with it. NEVER again.

Reddit | randomusefulbits

"Use plastic hooks to prevent your trash bag from falling into the can," wrote Reddit user randomusefulbits.

I could have used this for the five-year period as a child that these made up my diet. 

Reddit | RogerDat143

"Put the freezer bars between the shelf grids for the perfect shape with bubble on the top," wrote RogerDat143.

Ridiculous, but it definitely works, OK? 

Reddit | JustaBabyApe

I tried this when I first bought my car, because hey, we're all a little paranoid with our new vehicles. Think of these pool floaties as training wheels.

Are you one of those people that tend to let clothes sit on a chair before ever hanging it up? 

Reddit | Scrubbb

"Need to iron a shirt but don't have time? Hang it up in the bathroom as you shower and all the wrinkles will come out," wrote Scrubbb.

College students, this is huge. 

Reddit | eddiebstanley

"iPad Mounter for bunk beds (made the best out an unfortunate dorm situation)," wrote eddiebstanley. If you're not willing to buy a bigger TV and mount it, this could be your best option.

Honestly one of the reasons I avoid using a drill around the house is because of the annoying dry wall dust. It gets all over the floor.

Reddit | AlexFreire

This nifty hack using just a sticky note will take care of that.

Using math to make your sandwiches better. Who said it wouldn't ever be useful?

Reddit | WaWaCrAtEs

Apply three different flavors to each slice of your sandwich and you have yourself a sandwich lottery.

Washing vegetables may be the main reason I don't eat them. 

Instagram | @mrskitsapgrapeape

"We tried out this cool idea I found... Washed the potatoes in the dishwasher!! Worked great! Gets them all done at once! But even the baby noticed something was weird..." wrote mrskitsapgrapeape.

What?! I am shook.  

Imgur | WouldAPonyByAnyOtherNameBeAsOffencive

All I have to do is rub a dang walnut on my old furniture to cover up marks? I'm skeptical, but I'm going to give it a try.

You probably like to look fancy, but don't like spending tons of money on these huge candles. 


"Big candles are expensive, but are a fancy touch for company. Use tea lights in them instead and greatly extend their life," wrote another user.

Most of us have had the frustrating experience of spreading cold butter on a piece of toast. It just doesn't work...until now. 

Reddit | dravinicus

"Butter too hard or cold? Grate it onto toast!" wrote dravinicus.

Stop your cables from slipping behind your desk and have some fun too!

Reddit | FormerEducation

"Clever way to hold charger cable," shared user FormerEducation.

Keep your wired earbuds tangle-free and minty fresh!

Reddit | TobogganLips

"I use an old Trident gum container to store my earbuds," says TobogganLips.

This is one of those hacks that would make your dad proud. 

Reddit | Ransacked

"After installing a car registration sticker, score it with a razor blade to prevent thieves from stealing it," wrote Ransacked.

When cooking with hot oil, extra protection is required.

Reddit | ItsMe_YO

ItsMe_YO shared this pic of their grandma's method. Awkward, but it works better than my father just taking his shirt off to prevent ruining it.

We all have that older relative who's scared of universal remotes.

Reddit | lakes23

User lakes23 shared this hack for "when Grandma comes to town and can't remember which button is which to turn on Netflix."

I'd have said this was obvious, except for all the thank yous in the comments.

Reddit | Shutu_Kihl

"Tuck your ear/headphone cord underneath your shirt and through your belt loops to lower the chances of it getting caught on something," said Shutu_Kihl.

No more Cheetos fingers!

Reddit | AsianDerekZoolander

"This is how you keep your hands clean," says AsianDerekZoolander, and if you struggle with chopsticks, consider this practice for next time people expect you to use them in public.

Perfect for Thanksgiving.

Reddit | Joejayce

Joejayce explains, "Jeans getting too tight?,..yea me too! I just cut a piece of rope, string, yarn, baling twine, fiber optic cable, whatever and tie the ends together, slip it through the hole for the button then loop both ends onto the button and bam! problem solved! Course u might want to untuck your shirt."

Hotels get an extra star in their review if they ensured no sunlight could sneak in between the drapes.

Reddit | dotnetdr

For less conscientious hotels, dotnetdr has a solution, "If the crack between hotel drapes is bothering you, simply get a coat hanger and clip the two sides together."

Don't leave your hat behind anymore!

Reddit | alexburger89

User alexburger89 says, "Whenever you go out and you want to remove your hat or take out your wallet to be more comfortable, always leave your car keys with them so you don’t forget certain items. You can’t leave without your keys."

Normally, I aim for hacks with easy-to-understand images, but I had to share this one.

Reddit | 23cacti

Because, thank you, 23cacti. This means I may actually start putting a duvet cover on my blanket again.

Take that, you little buggers.

Reddit | tw272727

"Fruit fly infestation? Pour vinegar and a tiny bit of dish soap in a shallow dish/bowl and watch the little jerks drown," explained tw272727.

For those out of reach creepy-crawlies.

Reddit | hopscentric

"Spider or insect on the ceiling? Roll a piece of tape sticky-side out and attach to a yard stick. Capture the bug on the tape," says hopscentric.

Everyone knows that a condom you stuff into your wallet will get all worn out over time. 

Reddit | MN_DuffMan

It's time to make use of those Gameboy cartridge holders. "Condom fits perfectly in Gameboy box," wrote MN_DuffMan.

For those with small freezers, space is at a premium.

Reddit | MightBeInMyRightMind

MightBeInMyRightMind has this handy trick: "Cut instructions out of the box and stick it inside of your freezer bag to save space."

Hanging pictures shouldn't be as hard as it is.

Reddit | JustAGuyInTampa

JustAGuyInTampa has a trick for the kind with brackets: "When hanging pictures, use painters tape to mark the width of the brackets on the wall."

Stop losing the end of your tape roll.

Reddit | blakeusa25

This version was shared by blakeusa25, but a lot of random household items would work. I use a paperclip.

For those Starbucks connoisseurs, listen up. 

Reddit | abubblestory

"Cut a Starbucks paper carrier in half and put at the bottom and middle of their carry-out bags to carry 4 grandes safely per bag," wrote abubblestory.

This person is... resourceful, to say the least. 

Reddit | QueenAnneBoleynTudor

"I don't have a meat tenderizer so I improvised," wrote QueenAnneBoleynTudor. Not only will your meat be all tender and such, you'll have a sense of pride that you made the tool yourself.

Last, but not least, we have an ice cream hack. Tired of having to wait half an hour before your ice cream is soft enough? Just put it in a freezer bag!

Reddit | CorbinMontego

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