
45 Hilarious Inventions That Aren’t That Crazy After All

There are some genius inventions out there in the world, and then there are some that are less than genius by a hell of a way!

And, to showcase some of these dafter inventions, here are 13+ hilarious inventions that aren't that crazy after all.

"The guy who invented the 'High Five'..."

Reddit | theamazingsnap

I never thought of it like this, but that must have been one hell of a rough trial period to get through!

"Whoever designed this logo made a terrible mistake."

Reddit | j1002s

Sure, it might seem like a terrible mistake, but every immature person on the planet will be sharing this image and buying a shirt!

"Inventing the parrot."

Reddit | ChefKarlsBarkley

Yeah, but now we have parrots! And, if you've ever seen a parrot swearing, then you'll know that they make the world a much brighter place.

"Fuglers — dolls that gain teeth every time your kid loses theirs."

Reddit | GoKaruna

This way you can keep track of all of your kid's lost teeth! I mean, you'll never sleep soundly again as this thing will haunt your dreams, but that's just the price you pay.

"Found in a 1995 book of 'useless' Japanese inventions: the selfie stick."

Reddit | bigwilliej

I bet that the person who made this book feels like a right idiot when they see the amount of people using them nowadays.

"Ping Pong Door!"

Reddit | epicnesshunter

I can't attest to how secure these doors are, but I've seen worse ideas in my time before now!

"Only makes sense when they're all together."

Reddit | kateskateshey

Okay, so this one is just downright crazy. However, I simply couldn't not include it, what a load of birks!

"A good way to make sure nobody steals your luggage."

Reddit | Compact8909

One thing is for sure, no one else is going to have one like that as well. Although, if they did have the same one, that would be really weird!

"A picture frame that lights up the family's eyes whenever a parcel is delivered to the porch."

Reddit | AtomicDairy

Who wouldn't want this?! I'd love to be able to creep out any of my guests with this nightmarish alarm!

"This chicken coop in a police car!"

Reddit | DazzlingCockroach

I mean, I absolutely love chickens more than may be believable, so anything being turned into a chicken coop is a win from me!

"Hamburger bed from 1972."

Reddit | BleuDePrusse

Oh, God. Everything in my being is telling me to hate this. However, I can't help but want one sort of.

"My Bank Finally Accepted My Card Design!"

Reddit | AnyColour420

Ooh, well hark at thee with their "Platinum Debit" card. Very fancy indeed... I guess.

The Dogbrella!

Reddit | epicnesshunter

I know that these are a fairly sound idea but I know that my dog would chew that thing to pieces in an instant!

"Today I learned if you let your child pour their own syrup they will invent 'Pancake Soup'."

Reddit | Skappers

I cannot handle how close that syrup is to spilling over the sides of that plate and making everything in the vicinity unbearably sticky.

"Special effect artist creates mask of himself."

Reddit | Currynrice9728

Look, it's gonna keep your face covered and it's sure as hell gonna get people to keep away from you, so that's something!

Just... What?

Reddit | Primelily

You know what, I think that I may genuinely buy this set for myself, I always wanted to be a sexy burger and now no one can stop me! Well, my partner might.

Cars On Cars On Cars!

Reddit | jabd425

You never know when you may need a smaller version of your car in a pinch, or an even smaller version of your smaller version of your normal car for that matter!

"It took me a minute to comprehend that my 5yo had invented a new hands-free iPad technology..."

Reddit | MerryAntoinette

Kids nowadays are just getting smarter and smarter. Well, either that or lazier and lazier, but either way works.

Bringing New Meaning To Surf Rock!

Reddit | Revolver1998

This would actually be really good for crowd surfing on as well! Still, it is truly hideous though.

"More Airflow = More Fast!"

Reddit | jkon731

Yep, the physics of that statement definitely checks out. There's no need to look it up, just take my word for it!

"A knitted, skin-colored ski mask..."

Reddit | KrissiKross

My first instinct was to ask, "Why?! Dear God, Why?!" Although, it does look kind of warm and comfy!

"My 2013 Scion has a built-in pizza holder."

Reddit | thetallgirll

Cupholders are a thing of the past, the only way forward nowadays is with pizzaholders!

Pizza Scissors!

Reddit | epicnesshunter

These are a must-have accompaniment for your car's pizzaholder! I mean, you don't want to be using a standard pizza cutter like a plebeian do you?!

Corner Picture Frames!

Reddit | epicnesshunter

I love having to bend the hell out of my nice picture that I have taken the effort to get printed out!

"It's stupid, but kinda sick ngl."

Reddit | Allridium

I don't know, I feel like I would be constantly catching things on the edges of it! Although, it is impressive!

At Least They're Practical?

Reddit | Ainsley-Sorsby

Sure, they may be so hideous that they make me want to pour oven cleaner into my eyes, but you can shred a carrot with them!

"My 11 y/o daughter has insisted on checking the mail the last couple of days. Today, I checked it. This is what I found..."

Reddit | BallCoach79

Hmmm, looks to me like this game might be ending in a draw. Although, it depends if the mailman is going to let her win or not!

"Anti-Theft Lunch Bags."

Reddit | epicnesshunter

The only problem with these is that someone might just throw them away! Although, that still counts as stopping someone eating your food!

"My very elderly father has dementia & needs to start wearing depends, so I made a fake ad for 'Disposable Sports Underwear' so he can use them without shame."

Reddit | katkrystal

This is genuinely pretty sweet, and a good reminder that a little white lie is necessary from time to time.

A One-Step Plan.

Reddit | mpdehnel

He must have made far more than that by now, there's 34 reviews on that thing!

"I work in IT, finding this in the server room made my day!"

Reddit | Kimentor

When all else fails, a hammer fixes everything! And if it doesn't, it at least makes you feel better.

"This horrible toilet-seat."

Reddit | jige1337

This is a great way to make sure no one who visits ever wants to use your bathroom again.

"Yes, this is a spoon."

Reddit | veeksoo

I want to find this nasty, but I have to admit that's good craftsmanship. I wonder if the person who made it ever thought they'd make a sperm spoon in their woodworking career.

Stopping Traffic.

Reddit | kpmeowww

I've driven past a car with this type of wrap before. Nearly crashed. Good times.

How The Tables Have Turned.

Reddit | ckkohl

Finally, we're getting to what the people want! Giving the silica gel packet the recognition it deserves.

Speaking Of Bags.

Reddit | atheism-blocker101

This is a great purse to bring on a first date. You don't want this person to have any misconceptions, you do not mess around.

"Idk why this was made. But I am impressed."

Reddit | jumpyskits

Um, it was made for me. I unironically love this. I'll clear my couch out of my apartment if it means I could have this as decor.

"My horse had his eye removed, so I made him an eye patch."

Reddit | 1trickpony

Wow, what mascara does he use? His eyelashes look great, so thick!

"This dumpster turned sofa."

Reddit | w00t_loves_you

In a continuation of my bad taste, I actually don't hate this. Just don't ever have it in the sun, those sides will get hot!

A Fancy 'do.

Reddit | menioneymoro

That cat looks like it regrets letting this be done to her. She should have bit that groomer when she had the chance.

"A T-Rex shower head my roommate 3-D printed."

Reddit | austintbarnett

This is amazing! If you had the choice between a normal showerhead and a dinosaur one, wouldn't you take the dino?

Hair Over Braun.

Reddit | slightly_stoopkid420

In a zombie apocalypse, he's gonna be the first to go. He already has his brain exposed!

"A charity shop with so many copies of 50 Shades of Grey they built a fort out of them."

Reddit | penguinesanguine

I always forget how popular these books were. Also, of all the books to buy second hand, I really don't think I'd want someone's dirty copy of this!

"Sign I made for my front door."

Reddit | cheekyfluff91

I feel bad for the elementary school kid who can't read who's trying to sell chocolate bars door to door.

"Designated crying area in my university's testing centre."

Reddit | vigilanterepoman

Pfft, I wish that my university had one of these! I had to cry into filter coffees in the corner at Starbucks like an idiot!