
17+ Moments That Made Us Go ‘You Win This Round’

There are few things quite like the feeling of defeat, even it is just a small defeat. In fact, sometimes the smallest defeats between you and your friends or your partner can be the most crushing of all.

So, with that in mind, please enjoy these 17+ moments that made us go "You win this round!" while we shake our fists at the sky.

"My grandpa doesn't trust restaurants so he carries these in his shirt pocket."

Reddit | DrTallFuck

So...he'll eat off the plates and use all of the other things, but the cutlery is too much? And those paper sleeves look pretty gross as well!

"Duck you, I won't do what you tell me."

Reddit | XOH94

"Look, there he is, making a mockery of us yet again!"

"Truly, that duck is the most brazen and fearless creature that I have ever encountered in all of my years as a zookeeper!"

"Don't you normally work in the caterpillar house?"

"... Shut up."

"Parents are at a casino where you win a free pasta dinner if you get a 4 of a Kind. This was their free pasta dinner."

Reddit | Kingfarnsworth

The house always wins! Just look at the state of that meal. Mmmmm...sure looks appetizing, doesn't it!

"I playfully popped my girlfriend with a towel and well... she got me back."

Reddit | led_by_the_zep

Jesus, that is one hell of a mark! All they need to do is draw a smiley face in this and they've got the makings of a Wilson tattoo!

"I shared a popsicle with my 4yo son and I won."

Reddit | dickwax

It's good to see that this parent rubbed their kid's face in their misfortune and then uploaded it to the internet like a real adult!

"My friend wins at snapchat."

Reddit | questionsgalore55

Nope. No, it doesn't. I spent years drinking Tresemme and all it did was make me sadder...and incredibly sick.

*Laughs in woodchuck*

Reddit | celestial_catbird

"Oh, sure, you may have won this round, but I'll be back!"

"What are you going to do, make a post out of metal!?"


"You wouldn't, you bastard!"

"This guy's winning the lunch game."


Now, that is my kind of lunch. I mean, I'd swap the beer for a beer that doesn't taste of a rat's anus, but the principle is sound!

"Target doesn't want me to succeed."

Reddit | BreakYourselfFool

What do you mean? I don't know about you, but success to me looks like a cupboard full of Oreo cookies!

"You win this round, cheese..."

Reddit | Kalesche

Most of the biggest defeats in my life have been at the hands of the catastrophic amounts of cheese that I eat. I feel your pain.

"I think I just lost at the lemon lottery."

Reddit | ZeroOverkill

Well, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade! Or in this case, make a shot of lemonade!

"Proof that the earth is round."

Reddit | Pengua1

I mean, the sign isn't wrong. Explain that, flat-earthers! Actually though, please do. I'd love to see them come up with overly serious responses to this notion!

"When You Win the Lottery but You're a Redneck."

Reddit | FissionTech

I've got a lot of time for this! What a power play!

"First I mixed a penguin with a bear. Then I mixed a bear with a penguin."

Reddit | gyyp

See, if you just say "I'm gonna mix a penguin and a bear," then it doesn't seem very impressive. And yet, here we are, with the two most majestic creatures I have ever seen!

"We were playing darts when this happened... I was about to win."

Reddit | RobGr

This is the most impressive way to be a sore loser ever! Although, if they're this good, it makes you wonder why they were losing in the first place.

"I certainly won't be robbing that house."

Reddit | mbannonb

I like that this dog looks like he is saying, "Yeah, you see that sign about the guard dog? That's me! So don't be trying anything!"

"So I won an AT&T settlement the other day!"

Reddit | Darkgoober

I guess that you won in principle. And, I suppose that, in the end that is all that really matters...well, except for the money. That matters too.

"DQ wins. Shut it down."

Reddit | ridethepony93

Now, I've seen churches trying this around by my apartment for years, with the whole "Ch__ch, what's missing?" trick. However, this is infinitely more appealing!

"How to win a prank war. My friend snuck a heinous portrait of me into a charity auction that I was attending. Sold for $200."

Reddit | afschmitt

How the hell did he go about doing this? Did he paint this himself or pay someone else to do it? Either way it's very impressive.

"Screw you grocery store! I won't fall for that."

Reddit | I_poop_in_10_seconds

"Pah, you'll have to get up much earlier in the morning to catch me with something as obvious as that Supermarket Scourge!"

*Hissing "Grrr, one of these days I'll outsmart you, Consumerism of these days!"

"How to win business."

Reddit | kelbywest

"You told me to put something on the sign, why are you mad?"

"I think you know perfectly well why I am mad, Dave!"

"My dog's victory smile after beating me at tug-of-war with my bra. He's very proud of himself."

Reddit | Underrated_buzzard

Someone pointed out that this is actually very bad as it is teaching him that tug of war is a game and that the bras are toys. And I feel really sorry for the sad sack who wrote that.

"She won't go near the peanut butter."

Reddit | Robin4la

I've seen a lot of people try this trick in order to get their dogs under the shower to properly wash them, but this pooch is far too clever for that nonsense!

"My Mom's office had a decorating contest for their cubicles. My mom is on the left, but I think her neighbor deserved the win."

Reddit | Bamfimous

No prize on Earth could be worth having to work in something as painfully Christmassy as that...or next to it for that matter!

"I Just Lost A Breakdancing Contest To A Log!"

Reddit | beroemd

Yeah, and I can see why you would lose! That log looks like he's got some sick skills! And, I don't think I've ever felt older than when I just said "sick skills."

"In a game of skill, brute force sometimes wins too."

Reddit | duscdragon

I think that if someone manages to pull this move off, then the other party just needs to step away slowly!

"My husband lost in his fantasy football league last year... he finally did his penance last friday."

Reddit | TheVeganFoundYou

Look, I don't see what the penance is here. I've worn an outfit not dissimilar to this on a few nights out in the past. Free yourselves, people!

"My husband put the candles really close together."

Reddit | vab0618

Go on, Marin, blow out your candles.

I dare you.

"Had a kid the other day. First thing I packed was correct 'dad-ttire' for the trip home."

Reddit | colonelblackhand

Look at that, right down to the trainers on his feet. My only complaint? He's not wearing transition sunglasses.

"Dad bought mom a new mask."

Reddit | jeanlagrande

I trust that the mug we're seeing on this mask is, in fact, the dad's, in which case this might just be the funniest thing I've ever seen.

"Cat tent."

Reddit | UpsideDownToaster

This is just so cat, isn't it? We got my kitty a brand new, super plush cat bed, and what did she do? She ignored it and instead made the box that it came in her new bed.


"Rather unusual movie title."

Reddit | KrazyKhajiitLady

All I know is I can't wait for the sequel: Please, I'm Begging You, Cut The Damn Tree Already.

"This is scary."

Reddit | alexandre577

Honestly, considering everything else she's hit, I'm just impressed she's only hit three cars. Almost seems like the rest were targeted, doesn't it?

Doctors say I'm just a little bit...


As this Reddit user explained,

"After a severe allergic reaction to walnuts, this is how the doctors labeled me at the hospital. People who looked at my wristband must've think I escaped the psych ward."

I guess that solves that.

Reddit | Lat204

Apparently, this person and their girlfriend are constantly arguing about which way the toilet paper should go on the roll. Well, after years of arguing, they decided to finally settle things once and for all by adding a padlock.

And that's the kind of level of petty I can get behind.

“CAUTION! Object in mirror may be chonkier than they appear”

Reddit | slothkitty

I wonder when the last time was that this rotund fella climbed atop the house to scratch on that post.

By the looks of it, I'd say it was a while ago.

"Dream set up."

Reddit | sanjiv_gawali

Now this is the kind of home office setup I need in my life. What am I doing over here sitting at a dog-less desk like a fool??

"I just went to Costco for one thing and succeeded."

Reddit | arzipan

I don't think that I've been as impressed by something as I am by this for a long time! Congrats!

"Our cat steals and hoards bottle caps. Found his stash while cleaning..."

Reddit | devvy_downer

No matter how much money you spend on gifts for your cat, you can always count on the fact that they will play with rubbish over their actual toys.

"You win this round hotel."

Reddit | ismo420

"Excuse me, but where is my room?"

"It's behind youuuuu."

"Seriously, my wife has just left me and I just want to..."

"Everybody! It's behind youuuuuu!"

"I'm leaving."