
50 Times People Found Something Viral And Shared It

When we have a routine, it can be hard to shake things up. Spending most of our time in our homes, our workplaces, then back to our homes mean many of us find little time for exploration and discovery.

Thankfully, other people sometimes do have the time, and they share their discoveries with the world for all to enjoy.

"I found a red headed sour patch kid."

Reddit | corgbean

He just came back from the hair salon! It looks amazing, man! Those complementary colors suit you!

"My new frying pan came with a plantable seed tag."

Reddit | coogiewaves

What a cute idea! I'm an absolute black-thumb who's killed every plant I've tried to grow, but...the thought sure is nice.

"Local ice cream place is painted to look like Neapolitan."

Reddit | aaronfuzion

No offense to this ice cream parlor, but it looks haunted as hell. Or like the set to a kitschy horror movie. Neither are, like, good.

"A European car has to go in reverse through the drive-thru in America."

Reddit | BarackOshaman

Well...I wouldn't say it has to... I think it's very much choosing to just to flex. Have you ever heard of reaching? Also, that's a Japanese car.

"Found some street signs in a vacant apartment."

Reddit | DanteZH41

If you wanna know why the apartment is vacant, I think you found it. The street sign on the bottom is just a diversion, I'd get out of there quick if I were you.

"My bag of potato chips had a whole fried potato inside."

Reddit | drummachine621

Chip companies heard our complaints of there being a bad chip-to-air ratio and said, "Fine! You want more chips? Take the whole potato and make them yourself."

"Found this free guitar outside a bowling alley in Nashville today."

Reddit | gaucho__marx

Apparently the text on the bottom translates to "show no fear," which is advice I'll gladly take since I'd snatch this up in a heartbeat. Mysterious not haunted guitar with an ominous note forever written on it? It'd be my prized possession.

"Woke up yesterday to an accidental camera obscura on my bedroom wall."

Reddit | heathenpoet

This hits me right in my indie-boy soul. I love this. It really does look like an upcoming Bandcamp album from an artist who uses solely distorted guitars and sells their music on cassette.

"House with a built in cassette player audio system."

Reddit | SackJnyder

Speaking of cassettes, here is where you can play that album drop from the artist in the last pic. Really though, built-in home audio systems aren't even a thing in general anymore. I can't believe they were when cassettes were the major form of music listening.

"Our Blue Spruce grows white instead of blue."

Reddit | krugerlive

This tree is gorgeous but I'm a little distracted by the photobomb in the top left corner. Hi, puppy!

"A Steakhouse with a comically-large pepper mill."

Reddit | MannyLaMancha

I hope this isn't the only comically large thing they have. I'm talking glasses, plates, bottles. It could be a whole theme. Your props would take up more space than the customers.

"My Kit Kat had no wafer."

Reddit | matty1411

Normally I'd be kind of alright with this since KitKat chocolate is pretty good, but the white chocolate KitKat? My condolences.

"In Iceland, Cool Ranch Doritos are called Cool American."

Reddit | mrfreddyorange

I can't tell if this is an insult or a compliment. On one hand they're calling Americans cool, on the other you're likening them to giant bottles of ranch.

"This impressively long fry."

Reddit | NumeroARO

I used to work at a fry place, and I think if I ever made this I would become too attached to let it go. I'd have to eat it myself. A true sacrifice, I know.

"This lamp post has arms making it look like some kind of robot."

Reddit | PenguinPyrate

It looks like he just touched something that he hates the texture of and will now be feeling gross for the rest of the day. I feel you, lamp.

"My new '96 camper van comes with a plug for a Super Nintendo."

Reddit | Popcornstand39

Now this guy had the right priorities back in the day. If you're gonna be living in your van for any amount of time, you have to have the necessities.

"Found a bullet inside of a log I was splitting for firewood."

Reddit | Pthoma79

The person who posted this said it was a fallen tree that probably had a target taped to it one day for someone's target practice, but I like to think they just stumbled upon a murder mystery that will consume their life until they find the culprit.

"This twisted driftwood I found on the beach."

Reddit | roccobaroco

As someone in the comments pointed out, this is actually a piece of artwork! It's called "Tanden" and was carved by artist Jørn Rønnaus in 1993. It actually used to be a standing tree until nature took its toll. It's incredible that humans haven't tagged it yet. Around here that would be covered in vandalism.

"Whole other world I found in a beer bottle laying in the woods."

Forget "life is a simulation" theories. I want to see "Earth is a beer bottle ecosystem" theories.

"This [apple's] flesh is the same colour as [its] skin."

Fittingly enough, these are called red-fleshed apples! One person in the comments said they loved cooking with them because they retained the color all the way through, which makes for some vibrant results!

"My Venus fly trap caught a wasp!"

This was a hunger no fly could satiate... It had to upgrade to wasp-level meals!

"I refilled my soap container with clear soap, and the leftover white soap rose up like a lava lamp."

Their first thought was a lava lamp, my first thought is a mystical mushroom forest. A small one, but one all the same.

"Cattle dogs being transported under the herd."

There's something so cute about this, specifically about having their little feet out. I hope they're chillin' down there.

"This japanese old town mini-alley on the bookshelf at my parents house."

These are called booknooks! I think they're amazing little pieces of art, and totally unique features for your bookshelves!

"My next door neighbor has painted every brick on the side of her building by hand over quarantine."

I guess we all need something to fill time, and this sure would take a lot of time.

"Added an emergency stop switch to my overhead work light so when I'm done for the day I can slam it to clock out."

There's nothing quite as satisfying as finishing work for the day. Why not add to it and make it even better?

"A weird house made entirely out of tree branches."

Taking pictures is fine, but I'd avoid going inside if I were you. This looks like prime witch-hut material.

"My Aunt made a couch for my cat; Pippin."

You can tell he loves it by the way he's not sitting in it (but really, it's very cute and very well done).

"I found a tree that grew through this tire."

That's a really clean tire for having been there so long. Maybe it's less "this tree grew through this tire" and more "someone added a tire to this growing tree as a fun necklace."

"Ball of ballpoint pen came out."

I forgot that ballpoint pens actually have a ball in them — despite that being the whole name.

"Dutch fire truck bed for my sons."

This is it. This person just topped parenthood. Everyone else go home, you can't do better than this, this is it.

"A friend of mine has bathroom art for their cat."

I'm looking at the blank wall above my own cat's litterbox and realizing all the potential I have. I wonder what kind of art she likes.

"This literal flower bed I saw at an antique shop."

Flower beds, as a literal concept, always sound super comfy. Looking at this, though, I'm starting to think that maybe I'm wrong about that.

"These baby dolls carrying away corpses."

And I thought my family used to go ham on the Halloween decorations.

Hopefully that's what these are. Halloween decorations.

"A car i bought a few days ago still has Sears Tires on it from 1984."

Dang, these tires lasted longer than the actual chain did!

"Butcher shop door handle is a butcher knife."

It's shocking what little design choices can really make a business stand out.

"My student's teeny tiny pencil."

I don't think I could ever commit to anything this long, I'm impressed and amazed. And a little scared.

"This cheerful tortoise skeleton."

Is it weird that what I'm taking away from this is that turtles have toe bones? I don't know why I never thought about this.

"Real-size plastic model of Nissin Cup Noodles."

I'm a big noodle fan, but I don't know if I'm this big of a noodle fan.

Wait, no, I thought about it, yes I am.

"[The] shadow of my bookshelf looks like a city skyline."

Now this is some cinematic level lighting, and you just achieved it by accident?

"My wife’s ice cream didn’t have any Reese’s in it, so Breyers sent her two free coupons."

I'm not usually one to complain about an order or food being wrong in some way, but Reese's ice cream having no Reese's in it? That's unacceptable.

"A Triangle Shaped Watermelon."

I'm not kidding when I say that an item on my bucket list is to eat a weirdly shaped watermelon. I just think it'd be fun.

"Mushrooms burst out the front of the grow kit sitting on the shelf at Walmart."

It's an excellent display for the other kits, this way you know it works!

"These packing peanuts used to ship my new chess set carved into the shape of chess pieces."

Finally, a lightweight, portable chess set. Just don't play it anywhere windy.

"A deformed piece of candy corn came out looking like a traffic cone."

It's not deformed, it was made to help divert traffic in candyland.

"My girlfriend's skin colour is growing back in spots after she got badly scalded."

According to someone in the comments, those dots are actually hair follicles, and when they attempt to regrow hair they also push new skin up with it, creating these little dots that will grow out to match her skin tone!

"My friend caught lingcod and filleted them. The fish flesh is naturally blue in color."

Sadly the blue mostly goes away when you cook it, but many vouched that it's delicious all the same!

"This is a PortaPotty that was struck by lightning yesterday."

Reddit | nameaboveallnames

I can only imagine the smell that came off this thing. I think I'd have to move away. My nose couldn't take it.

"Small heart in geode."

Forget rings, propose to someone with a natural heart formation in a geode. I know I'd say yes.

"My Hot Wheels Porsche has a stethoscope in the trunk."

Reddit | SilberFox

This one also has a nice story! One of the designers at Hot Wheels has cancer, and bonded with the interventional radiologist treating him over their mutual love of cars. This is the model of car that radiologist drove, and the designer included the stethoscope in the back as a tribute and a thank you!