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Quotes That You'll Only Know If You're True Country

Y'all ever just had the strongest urge to take your horse to the old town road and ride 'til you can't no more?


If you fancy yourself a purebred country person through and through, then you'll definitely enjoy these country quotes I've so helpfully herded for you into one beautiful, concise little list.

I respect your wrong opinion.


Look, if you don't like country music, then chances are you're listening to the wrong stuff.

I'm just sayin'.

Seriously, it's just not possible.


Unless you're easily irritated by mosquitoes, in which case I'm not sure you'll enjoy it that much at all.

It's just not something you can be taught.

Some people will try to tell you that what you're actually smelling is petrichor, which is the earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil.

But those people are what I like to call "wrong."

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