20 People With Good Ideas Who Are Just Looking Out For The Rest Of Us

Stairs built so dog can use window
reddit | Ultronomy

Here at Diply, we feature a lot of photos of ideas that are, let's just say...questionable.

But because it's important to occasionally feature the creative ideas that won't get you maimed or killed, we present to you this list of downright awesome ideas. Who knows, maybe they'll inspire some similar awesomeness in your own life.

"This keypad randomizes the numbers every time so someone doesn't figure out the password from the hand movements."

Keypad with randomized numbers
reddit | SnooWoofers455

With a static keypad, wear patterns will eventually reveal the sequence of the passcode. Hunting for the numbers on a randomized grid might take more time, but it's far more secure.

"1:1 scale Pikachu wireless phone charger my boss wanted printed - came out way better than expected."

3D printed Pikachu phone charger
reddit | deelan1990

I'm tempted to classify this as an awful idea with excellent execution, because there's no way I'd want this on my desk...but it's hard not to appreciate the craftsmanship.

"I needlefelted a dog out of wool and I think he turned out pretty handsome."

Dog made out of needlefelt
reddit | growup_andblowaway

I've never heard of needlefelting before, and am still not exactly sure what it is, other than something that can create incredibly lifelike dogs.

"Wife asked me to make a stand for jewelry."

Octopus-themed ring stand
reddit | tirapolo

This thing is good at holding five rings, but a real octopus actually has eight arms. Then again, a real octopus isn't likely to be flipping you off, so let's call it a wash.

"Someone placed a small stick on each of the dog graves in this cemetery."

Sticks placed on dog graves
reddit | zherper

This is a beautiful idea. Whether anyone else visits these graves anymore isn't known, but it's nice to know that someone is coming through with a lovely gesture.

"This woven advertisement for weaving classes."

Woven ad for weaving classes
reddit | dingdangdangcrows

This is brilliant: an ad that not only gives the pertinent information, but also demonstrates the teacher's skill. Hopefully those weaving classes teach students more than just how to make a creative weaving class ad, though.

"This crane is painted like a giraffe’s neck."

Crane painted like a giraffe's neck
reddit | Captainsboot

The world can always use a little more whimsy, so I'm a big fan of this giraffe-themed crane. I mean, seeing a giraffe pattern painted on steel beams is the closest many of us will ever get to a giraffe.

"Our car wash thanks us every time we come through."

Carwash suds spelling out "Thank you!!!!"
reddit | SWowwTittybang

I love the marketing here. I'll bet some folks, especially families with young kids, come to this car wash specifically to see the neat party trick at the end.

"Saw this and thought it was a super cute idea! Would be perfect for an outdoor celebration."

Confetti punched out from dead leaves
reddit | piefanart

Confetti is wasteful, but it looks pretty. How can you create confetti that isn't wasteful and still looks pretty? Here's an elegant way.

"If you ever lose small jewellery or any tiny items, this is how to find it."

Stocking over vacuum hose to find small items
reddit | xx-ANONYMOUS

I've never actually needed to utilize this specific life hack, but it's still burned into my brain just in case I ever need to find something small.

"Use PVC pipe to build a bike rack, perfect for a corner of the garage."

Bike rack made of PVC pipes
reddit | Disastrous-Spirit543

PVC pipe has tons of DIY applications, from regular pipe stuff to small construction projects. This bike rack looks like it meets its purpose perfectly.

"If you have to transport those 3 or 5 gallon water jugs in your car, secure it with a seatbelt to prevent a small flood."

Water jug secured with car seatbelt
reddit | HotRodDeathToll27

Every month or so, I pick up a few of these water jugs. Rather than taking the two seconds to strap them in, I just let them roll around in the backseat. Someday, I'll pay for my hubris.

"Van Gogh's The Starry Night as Lego."

Interpretation of van Gogh's Starry Night with Lego
reddit | SomeoneFromGalar

We've seen many interpretations of van Gogh's most famous piece, and we've seen many creative applications for Lego. Seeing the two combined was just inevitable. I wonder if the minifigure is missing a mini ear.

"Got tired of fighting with the dipping so I designed a bowl with a inward fold."

Custom dip bowl features an inward fold
reddit | Achaeminus

This person evidently just made this one bowl to suit their particular needs, but they might actually have a decent invention on their hands here.

"I made this painting called 'gurl with a purl earring.'"

Parody of 'Girl with a Pearl Earring'
reddit | Murvyn

Everything in the 2020s is a joke or a reference to something else, so this piece fits right in to our strange postmodern future. I happen to like it.

"I made this embroidery as a gift to my religious grandma and she loved it!"

Embroidery showing Jesus saying "I saw that"
reddit | rebordacao

There's no need to be preachy with these things. Just a Jesus head casually reminding everyone that He's watching should do the trick for most religious folks.

"Wife wanted a greenhouse. repurposed wood and windows."

Greenhouse made of repurposed doors and windows
reddit | Jbruno08

Plenty of people have scrap materials lying around. Plenty of people have the time to turn scrap into something impressive. Not a lot of people actually have this kind of ambition or talent, though.

"Absorb sweat and prevent foggy glasses when bicycling with this one easy trick."

Homemade anti-fog bike goggles
reddit | levimeirclancy

Here's one of those DIY inventions that looks needlessly clunky and complicated, but pretty much all of its workings are confined to the inside of the helmet.

"Girlfriend's mom figured it out."

Pool noodles attached to bed frame to reduce noise
reddit | geo4774

Some people want to post life hacks on the internet. Some people want to subtly brag about their love life on the internet. Sometimes, the Venn diagram between these two groups is more of a circle.

"New landlord built us this because the house didn’t have a back door."

Stairs built so dog can use window
reddit | Ultronomy

The nice thing about dogs is that you can always tell how much they appreciate what we do for them. Judging from this doggo's expression, he's very appreciative.