20 Pics That Put Things Into A Fascinating And Unusual Perspective

An emergency staircase viewed from above
reddit | IT8055

We're so used to sameness, day after day, that seeing something different can be genuinely shocking. Perhaps it's a new visual perspective or something you didn't realize could exist. Maybe it's an allusion to something mysterious.

In any event, it's good to shake up the day-to-day routine from time to time and get a fresh perspective on life.

"Fiji uses a seven dollar note as legal tender."

A seven-dollar bill from Fiji
reddit | Tpdz

I can think of no good reason for a country not to have seven-dollar bills, but it still feels weird to see denominations that don't come in a multiple of five.

"Japanese grocery store sells pre-poured wine glasses."

Pre-filled wine glasses sold in Japan
reddit | burgerthrow1

Japan has the best snack food, the best vending machines, and now — we can confirm — the best ready-to-drink alcoholic beverage options. Just consider the convenience of these single-serving glasses of wine.

"Someone has been vandalizing the street signs in my neighborhood with googlie eyes and hats."

Googly eyes and hat added to street sign pictogram
reddit | JoseVirnen

Is it still vandalism if it doesn't obscure the original message of the sign and adds a dash of fun and whimsy? I don't think so.

"This business card for a packaging company."

Business card for a box company is a miniature box
reddit | stevie4L

I'm a sucker for a well executed business card, and these box-themed cards (for a box company, of course) are right in my wheelhouse. Just look at how adorable that mini box is.

"My Frenchie’s ass looks like a Koala."

Back end of dog looks like a koala
reddit | 123givemeabreak

Most of us probably don't want to look at an image of a dog's butt any longer than necessary, but this is a rare exception. The koala resemblance truly is uncanny.

"What happened 64 days ago??"

Workplace safety board shows an incident 64 days ago
reddit | jtllpfm

I love when you see one of these signs and can only guess as to what happened. Whatever went down 64 days ago, it affected every single department in this store. It must have been big.

"Cardboard rings for this 6 pack instead of the plastic ones"

6-pack with cardboard ring instead of plastic
reddit | thehow2dad

I've seen a bit of this trend, and I'm here for it. The cardboard works just as well and isn't as bad for the environment as the standard plastic rings.

"The view from the Pizza Hut rooftop terrace in Giza."

View from Pizza Hut roof shows Pyramids

The view from my local Pizza Hut consists of dumpsters and a parking lot. The view from this Pizza Hut consists of one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

"Witnessed an unusually large banana."

An unusually long banana
reddit | the_local_hobo

I've never personally found a banana quite this massive, and if I did, I probably wouldn't buy it. I've become accustomed to the standard size of bananas, and this is just too much potassium for one sitting.

"Hospital bill from 1936 for birth of baby (my grandmother)."

A hospital bill from 1936
reddit | dogfur

$61.60 in 1936 equals about $1,274 in 2022, so it isn't like delivering this baby was super cheap. Still, given the typical hospital bill in 2022, it seems like a bargain.

"My new auto-folding umbrella just ejected when I tried to open it."

Remains of umbrella after self-destructing
reddit | B-onexyz

Even if this specific thing hasn't happened to you, you can probably still relate. We all know what it's like to buy something and see it self-destruct for no apparent reason.

"Went to the U.S. National Arboretum and there was a bonsai from 1625."

A bonsai tree from 1625
reddit | daredelvis421

Bonsai trees really are a marvel. Other trees that date back to 1625 tower over the forest, while this bonsai tree is just doing its own miniature thing.

"The pat of butter I was using for my toast looks like a parrot."

Pat of butter that looks like a parrot
reddit | blamethecranes

When something like this happens, it's hard to know how to commemorate it. Is it a sign or an omen? Best practice advice is to snap a pic and post it online.

"A goliath stick insect. Aware of my presence she let me get close enough for a photo."

A goliath stick insect
reddit | befarked247

I know these insects are harmless to humans, but there's just something about them that weirds me out. Still a cool sight, though.

"Saw this on IG."

Woman who appears to be facing two directions at once
reddit | Silvar1

I've looked at this for a few minutes now and I think it's time to quit. What direction is she facing? I thought I had it figured out, until I saw what her hands are doing.

"8 hours worth of detailing a black car."

Reflections on a highly polished black car
reddit | gemao_o

I don't have nearly enough devotion to my car to do something like this, but it's nice to know that eight hours of polishing can essentially render your car invisible.

"This house is surrounded by a shopping center like in the movie Up."

House surrounded by a shopping center
reddit | whynotanything

Not only is the setting reminiscent of the movie, the house itself has that same shabby-but-whimsical look. I'm sure it'll float away from here soon enough.

"This basket, flattened by a semi truck, now looks like a 3D picture of a basket."

A flattened basket
reddit | BRQuick

It's cool how this is still clearly a basket. If it was run over from a different angle, things would likely look totally different.

"The Liberty Bell is way smaller than you might expect."

The Liberty Bell
reddit | MikeNoble91

The Liberty Bell has a giant crack in it and it's also about the size of a large backpack. They say you should never meet your heroes, and here's a prime example.

"The emergency staircase in my apartment block."

An emergency staircase viewed from above
reddit | IT8055

Most utility stairways look something like this, but that doesn't mean it's any less cool to have this perspective. I love how the individual levels get less and less distinct the further down you look.