20 Decisions We Simply Can't Wrap Our Heads Around

Daniel Mitchell-Benoit
A man on the bus with his leg up on all the priority seating.
reddit | Helloimanonymoose

We've all been there, standing on the sidelines as we watch someone make an absolutely baffling decision. Be it a stranger or someone we know and love, our brains simply don't work the same, and we're bound to do things that others won't understand either.

This list compiles those moments, but to an extreme degree. Decisions were made here that I'm not sure anyone can understand, not even the people who made them!

"This is the third time sometime parked in my reserved spot. You best believe I called the tow company."

A car parked in a private spot.
reddit | tallproducer

The sheer audacity some people have is almost impressive. Like, it takes a lot of confidence to just do this and think it'll be fine — confidence that would be admirable if it weren't so wrong.

"Some asshat destroyed my neighbors garden."

A garden with a bunch of flowers torn out.
reddit | Longjumping-Ad8974

There was another photo that featured a handwritten sign by the garden owner asking people to stop ripping up the flowers, which really just made this sadder. Go to any store and buy your own bouquet, don't resort to this.

"Came back to my college apartment this morning with my roommates having done this."

A bedroom with a destroyed table scattered about the floor.
reddit | thethinkernut

When asked why they did this, his roommates apparently said it was "drunk shenanigans." Sober or not, this is no longer my problem. You pick up your mess and pay for those damages like big boys.

"Why do I have to push my kids into the street!"

A car parked up on the sidewalk.
reddit | Generic-Resource

Because obviously cars are the most important fixture in our society and they take precedence over everything, including the accessibility needed for real, living humans to move about their neighborhood. Didn't you get the memo?

"This list was on every table in this cafe."

A list of 'rules' at a cafe that's extremely long and unreasonable.
reddit | capjacktain

Whoever owns this cafe has some really bizarre beef in their life. What do they have against Candy Crush? Or talking about gambling? What's a charging point and why can't people use their change?

"Mixing Two Pasta Types Upset my Wife."

A strainer holding mixed up spaghettis and penne pasta.
reddit | Dry-Nefariousness400

Yeah, well, it upset me too. Now, you've not only upset the love of your life whom you're bound to in holy matrimony but some random guy on the internet, too. How does that feel?

"My mom only wanted the chocolate part. Wtf?"

Fully chocolate covered donuts with a few where the entire outside has been eaten.
reddit | xSummerxNightsx

Oh no, no, not like this. No. Even if she wanted to be weird and only eat the chocolate, what made her think it was okay to put the donuts that her mouth was entirely all over back into the box?

"Couldn’t just give pre printed dice?"

A dice and a sticker sheet asking you to number the dice yourself.
reddit | _PettyTheft

Why? So they can peel off the more I play your game? No thanks, I'll go online and buy a bag of 200 six-sided dice for $10 and just use those instead.

"Neighbors in semi-cul-de-sac don't use their driveways, but park end to end in front of them into the street. Whyyyyyy??"

A cul-du-sac with cars parked in the center of it.
reddit | davi3blu3

Don't use their driveways? So they have driveways but consider this more...efficient? For who? Surely not other drivers as they've not blocked off the roundabout so people can't drive through.

"Fuel Efficient."

A Dodge Challenger in a 'fuel efficient vehicles' spot.
reddit | tehruben

This driver had a lot of confidence that people just weren't going to come check, and unfortunately for the rest of us, they're probably right.

"[State] of an oven during my first shift last night at a known hotel, and certainly my last."

An extremely filthy oven.
reddit | Rheavens

I'm so happy to hear that you immediately put your foot down to poor working conditions, though maybe you were just worried about the fire that's surely going to break out any day now in that oven.

"My friend’s house. 'We will finish renovating… someday'."

A hole in a floor with ladders leading up through it.
reddit | martymarty004

Note that there were a lot more photos than just this one, but this was by far the most shocking. I sure hope people aren't actually using those ladders to get upstairs!

"Printer using half its ink to 'clean' after replacing [the] cartridge."

A manholding up a piece of paper that's half black from printer ink.
reddit | Dawnlis

I'm convinced the printer ink business is all some sort of scam. There's this, the printer saying the cartridge is empty when it's clearly not, only being able to print maybe five things before it seemingly needs to be replaced, it's suspicious!

"All the food that my Starbucks throws away every night. All of this was made less than one hour ago."

A garbage bin full of pastries.
reddit | Diamondguy7205

To make it worse, OP returned to say that no, employees aren't allowed to take it home, nor are they allowed to donate it to a nearby homeless shelter. Because of course they can't, anything to be the absolute worst!

Dangerous games.

A wall outlet with metal prongs sticking out of it.
reddit | PhreshComics

"Yes that's a metal prong in that electric socket. This is at my work, near the front of the store. I asked management if I could block it off so no kids end up touching it, and they said no. Really hope no one ends up in the hospital because of this."

"Previous owner did not paint behind the mirror..."

A bathroom wall where the space behind where the mirror was is not painted.
reddit | silentlycontinue

It looks bad at first, then you look at the off-center sink and it becomes even worse. Then you think about a bathroom with those colors, and it becomes even worse. Just a spiraling nightmare of a bathroom.

"This guy on my bus to work sat like this in the elderly/disabled priority section and was playing his shitty music on speaker."

A man on the bus with his leg up on all the priority seating.
reddit | Helloimanonymoose

Either of these elements on their own makes for a complete tool, but both at once? It has to be deliberate, right? He got dressed today and said to himself, "Right, time to go out and make as many people hate me as possible!"

"I came by my storage unit to pick up some stuff just to find that someone cut my lock off and placed their own."

A cut up storage locker lock with one hand holding a padlock.
reddit | Good_Is_Evil

Well, I suppose the reason here is actually pretty easy to parse, and it's crime. Ye olde breaking and entering mixed with theft. Why the thieves cut the actual metal bracket and not just the other guy's lock is beyond me, though.

"This fake charging car taking up one of the only three charging spots in the whole parking lot."

A far with an electric charger stuffed above the wheel.
reddit | hayaimonogachi

Man, a lot of these entries have to do with cars, huh? I was already a believer in the fact that way too many people who have licenses probably shouldn't, but this list has only assured me in my belief!

"Send help."

An hours of service sign that's incomprehensible.
reddit | FEWLN

They just don't want you to come. They hope if they make their hours as confusing as possible, people will give up and they'll finally be allowed to stop running this place.