20 Seemingly Normal Pics Where The Backstory Brings It All Home

Construction blocking out natural light
reddit | digitalmdsmooth

All you need to appreciate a photograph is a pair of functional eyes. But sometimes to really appreciate a photograph, you might need a little bit of backstory or context to put what you're seeing into proper perspective.

The pics here all have their context included, which should make them at least twenty percent more interesting.

"An egg timer that shows you how hard your egg is by cooking it with the egg."

An egg timer that shows you how hard your egg is by cooking it with the egg
reddit | cizzoo

If this thing works as intended, it seems like an absolute game-changer. Perhaps it's time to try this whole egg boiling thing one more time.

"My husband's uncles have used the same birthday card since 1974."

Birthday card reused since 1974
reddit | Zeezee772

If only this card could talk! It's fascinating looking through the dates. It seems the card was lost or forgotten sometime in 1999, but then re-activated in 2011.

"The difference between these two cans of Chef Boyardee Spaghetti manufactured one day apart."

Two cans of Chef Boyardee with very different consistency
reddit | sniper257

I don't think I've had a can of Chef Boyardee since childhood. After seeing this unsettling picture, I think I'll continue my Boyardee-free streak.

"This add-on camera for my cell phone back in the day."

Old cell phone with add-on camera
reddit | KingPin300-1976

People who didn't grow up with cameras in their phones will never understand the struggle. I especially appreciate the little tote bag that comes with the camera accessory.

"After 6 years of homelessness, sleeping in parks, cars, floors, shelters, and parents' homes, my husband and I signed the lease on our first home."

Hand holding key to first house
reddit | BatmanDonut

There's no feeling quite like buying your first home, knowing that you have the keys to your own space on planet Earth. This pic might not show much, but it says so much.

"My $1 inheritance check."

A $1 inheritance check
reddit | marzirose

Inheritance can be tricky, with different parties getting increasingly smaller pieces of the overall pie. Getting one dollar, though, almost feels like an insult. And, as OP elaborated, it was!

"This is from my dad’s estate. He was an abusive, alcoholic ass whom I cut out of my life as a teenager. When he died, he left everything to my one full sibling and two half-siblings. He left me the $1 so I wouldn’t try to sue."

"The book I borrowed was last loaned 41 years ago."

Library book last loaned in 1981
reddit | Gandalf_the_almighty

This book is in really good shape for something that's been getting loaned out since 1973, and that's probably due to the fact that it was last loaned out in 1981.

"Paramedics be like… nope."

Paramedics looking at man covered in cactus
reddit | Saint_Nomad

Seriously, what's the solution here? It kind of seems like the solution is slowly, painfully peeling off each individual cactus needle — and as several people pointed out in the comments, that's cholla cactus, which means the needles are barbed. No wonder the paramedics look so hesitant.

"School has a serious leaking problem, my teacher lives in the fear that the plastic will break and spill on her."

Ceiling leak temporarily contained by plastic
reddit | xdarkstarr

The school ought to do something about this ticking water bomb, but I think the teacher might want to do something about their desk location as well.

"Rainbow parking lot (in order!) during snowy preschool drop-off."

Rainbow made of cars in lot
reddit | jchap_MD

These colorful cars are a bright burst of hues on a cold winter day. The fact that they actually make up a proper rainbow is just bonus.

"I live in Nepal. This was in a store near my house."

Store shelf of off-brand soda
reddit | nubpwner920

At first I thought only the 'Jeeru' was off-brand, but a second look reveals a veritable cornucopia of weird, off-brand sodas. I didn't think there was a place in the world that didn't have Coca-Cola.

"I have a stream running directly under my entire house."

Stream running under a house
reddit | LO-Ki

It looks like the house is designed for the stream, which is good. Still, I'd be very apprehensive about living here.

"I keep a salt lamp in my bathroom and it started to grow a stalagtite."

Salt lamp growing a stalagtite
reddit | Left-Run2295

How do you know your salt lamp is a real salt lamp? Well, you can either lick it or wait until it grows new salt tendrils.

"My university wrote me a ticket that can be paid with a peanut butter and jelly donation."

Ticket that can be paid with peanut butter and jelly
reddit | thesoundandhurry

I thought this would have been for some minor offence, but nope, it's a proper $95 traffic ticket. Paying out some PB and J instead would be a no-brainer.

"This Advil is all the same but has packaging with two different lengths, so more can be hung up at once."

Cleverly designed Advil packaging allows more packages to be hung up
reddit | DownWithSckness

This is some clever design that maximizes available space while ensuring that stores have lots of Advil on-hand.

"$320 pesos ( $16 dollars) of vegetables and fruits here in México."

Array of fruit and veggies
reddit | Gerazioio

$16 isn't nothing, but it also isn't much. I'd say this is an impressive array of food for under 20 bucks, especially given the price of fresh fruits and veg at my local grocery store these days.

"My kid’s birthday card was accidentally delivered to the IRS. They sent it on to us, and included a note to explain the mixup."

IRS note included in mail
reddit | DavidAssBednar

In that typical IRS fashion, the tax folks have submitted boring paperwork explaining everything without even a hint of personality.

"Adios sunlight. After 10 years of living here, the owner of the lot outside my windows decided to sell and build luxury apartments."

Construction blocking out natural light
reddit | digitalmdsmooth

The natural light that comes into our living spaces starts to feel like our personal right after awhile, but all it takes is a random developer to kill that light forever.

"Please enjoy this photo of the Oscars red carpet, in a dumpster, in the rain."

Oscars red carpet loaded into a dumpster
twitter | @BryanCooking

It's kind of shocking that they do this with the red carpet. Surely it has some use elsewhere, even if it's just getting chopped up and sold to collectors. So much for glamour!

"Loads of fingernail marks on the chair at my dentist's."

Armwrest on dentist chair covered with fingernail marks
reddit | Spiritual-Life-7519

Is this a sign that the dentist does a really thorough job or a really painless job? Or does it indicate both?

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