Redditor creates throwaway account to share juicy wedding drama
Bride shares her experience of traditional Punjabi wedding
Bride’s cousin’s fiancée ruins wedding ceremony due to family drama
Protective family stands up for shy cousin at wedding
Cousin’s fiancée steals spotlight at wedding ceremony, bride calls her out
Bride faces backlash for ‘calling out’ cousin at ceremony
Bride’s cousin’s fiancée steals spotlight, humiliates her – who’s wrong here?
Bride confronts attention-seeking fiancée at her wedding, sparks outrage.
Bride stands up for herself, gets criticized by family.
Who’s at fault? AITA judgement incoming…
Bride stands up to pushy cousin’s fiancée at wedding
A bride is feeling guilty after calling out her cousin’s fiancée for ruining a special moment on her wedding day. The bride’s cousin was too shy to participate in a traditional Indian wedding ceremony, so the bride insisted that she take part. However, the cousin’s pushy fiancée took her spot and scolded her, causing the bride to become furious. Although the bride feels guilty for causing drama, she believes the fiancée was in the wrong and refuses to apologize. Now, the bride is wondering if she was the a**hole for standing up for her cousin. Read on for the reactions of Reddit users to this wedding drama.
Desi weddings are famously dramatic, but OP is NTA for calling out cousin’s fiancée.
Fiancée tries to delete wedding photos, guests suggest revenge tactics
Bride stands up to overstepping fiancée, family takes sides
Bride’s cousin’s fiancée skipped wedding events after being called out
Breaking cultural norms, bride stands up against selfish cousin’s fiancée
Wedding nightmare: Cousin’s fiancée tries to bribe photographer to destroy photos
Bride’s decision to follow tradition is NTA, cousin’s fiancée overstepped.
Fiancée steals role, dances at every ceremony, still not enough
Bride’s cousin’s fiancée steals spotlight, bride called out, NTA
The thin line between yelling and speaking sternly
Bride’s message to cousin’s fiancée – explain ungratefulness, flip table
Standing up to bad behavior, NTA for calling her out.
Commenter calls out entitled behavior at wedding, NTA
Everyone agrees, bride is not the a**hole
Supportive commenter defends bride’s actions against wedding disrupter
Punjabi commenter relates to bride’s frustration, adds comedic touch
Wedding drama! Bride’s cousin’s fiancée overstepped, NTA.
Standing up for family is always the right thing. #NTA
Insane family members at desi weddings? Need an update ASAP
Wedding drama! Bride stands up to unpleasant in-laws. NTA.
Wedding gift keeper violates trust. Photographer friend can split money.
Full support for bride, fiancé is a huge a**hole ♀️
Standing up to nonsense: Bride handles drama like a boss
Bride’s cousin’s fiancée steals spotlight, bride calls her out.
Bride gracefully handles cousin SIL’s wedding disruption. NTA.
Entitled guest ruins wedding, bride not the a**hole for calling out
Wedding drama averted, NTA saves the day!
Wedding seating drama, commenter supports bride’s actions.
Standing up to a bully
NTA bride stands up for herself against cousin’s interfering fiancée.
Standing up for family on their wedding day
Wedding is about the couple, NTA for calling cousin’s fiancée out
Stand your ground and suggest therapy for ill-mannered cousin’s fiancée! ♀️
Cousin’s fiancée steals bride’s spot, bride calls her out. NTA.
Bride takes a stand against disruptive fiancee, NTA
Don’t back down, stand your ground
You go, bride! Standing up for yourself is key.
Standing up against bullying: bride receives praise for being NTA
Agreed ! The ceremony is a sacred moment for the couple.
Commenter defends OP against bridezilla accusations
Bride’s cousin’s fiancée pulls a stunt with photographer, NTA for calling out
Commenter suggests stopping the ceremony to call out r**e behavior
Bride’s cousin’s fiancée behaved badly, bride not the a**hole for calling her out
Supportive comments from fellow Indians, OP is NTA
Mess with the bride, face the consequences
Wedding drama! Bride not at fault for calling out r**e fiancée.
Bride stands up for herself on her big day!
Bride’s cousin’s fiancée causing drama at her wedding – NTA’s advice
Shy cousin’s involvement was important, NTA for prioritizing it
Wedding ruined by r**e fiancée, commenter supports bride’s anger.
Standing up for family, NTA shuts down r**e wedding behavior
Presumptuous fiancée causes drama at wedding, bride not the a**hole
Commenter calls out bride’s cousin’s fiancée for ridiculous pity party
Skip the wedding, or photoshop Cousin X out of photos? ♀️
Last Updated on March 8, 2023 by Alfe Mercado