Black Eyed Peas’, just called out a “racist” flight attendant that allegedly called the police on him because he didn’t hear the in-flight announcement to put his laptop away.
If you happen to follow the Black Eyed Peas’ leading man, on Twitter, then you may have spotted his recent rant — calling out a “racist” Quantas flight attendant.

He did not hold anything back…
He explained that an “overly aggressive” flight attendant, on the way to Sydney, Australia, called the police on him because he didn’t hear the announcement to put his laptop away.

He admitted that he hoped she was not racist, but that all of her aggression was seemingly be taken out on him and his “group” during the flight.
According to’s tweets that were soon to follow, things escalated…
He revealed that he was producing music on his laptop during the flight, wearing noise-canceling headphones that caused him to miss the announcement asking passengers to put their electronics away.

A mistake that anyone could have made.
As a result, the aforementioned flight attendant thought this was an appropriate time to make a call to law enforcement.
Rather than simply tapping him on the shoulder and asking him to put his laptop away, I guess?
Thankfully,’s fellow passengers had his back, and explained to the police that the flight attendant was the one out of line.
Again, calling out the attendant by name.
A fan tweeted in retaliation, criticizing for publicly giving out the flight attendant’s personal information.
But Will had a comeback queued up and ready to go — explaining that calling the police on him was overkill.
He continued to fire back at people that defended the flight attendant.
This person clearly didn’t read the story — there was never any mention of white supremacy in’s original tweets.
He raised the point that calling her out by name on Twitter is no worse than her causing him to be publicly accosted by police for no good reason, the moment he landed in Sydney.
That’s probably not quite the welcoming committee he was hoping for.
Naturally, his complaints made their rounds on the internet, and one fan took justice into their own hands by sending an angry message directly to the flight attendant.

But made sure to shut that down immediately.
The airline eventually responded to the incident, reassuring that the action taken by the flight attendant was not racially motivated.

“There was a misunderstanding on board, which seems to have been exacerbated by wearing noise cancelling headphones and not being able to hear instructions from crew,” a Quantas representative tole The Independent .
“We completely reject the suggestion this had anything to do with race,” they continued.
“We’ll be following up with and wish him well for the rest of the tour.”
They added that they would be willing to offer legal assistance to their crew member if need be.

“Absent a retraction, and if the crew member wanted to take the matter further, we’d certainly be willing to provide legal support for them to do this,” they said.
Will tweeted, adding that noise-canceling headphones are extremely popular nowadays, and flight attendants should be aware of that.
Either way, contacting the police was probably not the right move.
What do you think of’s recent Twitter rant, calling out a “racist” Quantas flight attendant that called the police on him?

Let us know in the comments below!
Last Updated on November 18, 2019 by Elizabeth Spina