Oh lordy lordy, someone call the doctor because I’ve been shaking for some time now.
Seriously, I’m gyrating like a freaking vibrating platform here, I’m really starting to worry now.
Alright folks…

It seems we’re going to be adding some more stuff to the “remake” pile soon, because surprise of all surprises, we’re getting another remake of a classic late ’80s movie.
And that is…

Bill And Ted 3 , the newest remake is coming out soon, or at least we know that it’s filming.
Which, for those of you who like remakes, is probably pretty exciting.
It’s especially exciting…

If you love Keanu Reeves, a sentiment that has been floating around the internet for the last couple of years now.
It’s so prevalent that Keanu is seemingly uncomfortable with all the attention.
I mean, look at the guy! Solid 10.

It’s hard to not pay attention to a guy when he’s as cool as Keanu, and especially if he’s as cute as Keanu.

Those of you who think Keanu Reeves is a cutie, beware because this next picture might taint your view of him a little bit.
Ready? Alright, you were warned, don’t forget that…
Here it is.
Yes, he was caught on the set of the new Bill And Ted Movie with this… interesting new look.
I mean, I honestly am pretty speechless here. It’s… well, it’s interesting.
There could be a couple of explanations…

For this… interesting new look. One, it’s being played for laughs during the movie, which is probably the most logical explanation.
No one would willingly look like that… right?
Maybe all that positive attention has gotten to him.

Maybe he finally snapped and was craving some real negative attention, so he went out with this new ridiculous look.
Either way…

The guy has been getting a whole lot of flak on Twitter because of the way he dressed up.
Most are confused, others are giving him a deliberate hard time.
Why don’t we take a look at some?

Because if people are laughing at someone else, then there’s no way they can be laughing at me.
Mostly they’ll just be ignoring the fact that I even exist, which is much less depressing, I swear.
Here we have a girl who shares the same sentiment as all of us on this new look for Keanu.
She used the exact right word to describe it, too: interesting.
This girl talks about…
How some people might not even want to see the movie because of the way he looks?
She’s right though, it probably is just for a role he’s playing, relax people.
This thing is really going international, look!
Even Japanese companies are covering this strange new do and beard combo for Keanu.
I guess he’s loved everywhere, so everyone is going to report on him.
That’s not the only…
Look that he’s getting flak for, either. These two compared him to professor Snape in the Harry Potter series.
Ah jeez, now that’s just plain mean. Accurate sure, but mean.
What do you think?

Is this all just a stunt for publicity? A joke in the movie? Or has Keanu finally gone bonkers?
I guess there’s only one thing we can do: wait for the movie to be released.
Last Updated on August 8, 2019 by Jake Bean