Well, it seems that Sheldon Cooper isn’t as smart as he would want us to believe.
Or at least his character isn’t as perfect as the show creators would lead us to believe.
There have been a few mistakes surrounding his character, and fans just found another one.
‘The Big Bang Theory’ is full of interesting characters with strange habits.
Some of the characters are ridiculous, some are perverted, and some are ridiculously smart.
Sometimes they are even all three of those.
One of the best characters on the show was arguably also the most loved character on the show.
That man was Sheldon Cooper.
A lot of people felt as though they could relate to him, for both his interests and his habits that some found strange and others found understable.
Within the show, there have been a few plot holes that surround the character of Sheldon Cooper.
For example, his Nobel Prize mistake!
This one fans noticed when the prequel show Young Sheldon came out, and it had to do with Dr. Sturgis.
During Sheldon’s speech, he left Dr. Sturgis out of it, even though he mentions “all the men in his life.”
Technically, we wouldn’t have known who he was, but still! It’s a pretty big plot hole.
But onward to the new one that fans found, that once again surrounds our friend Sheldon.
Sheldon Cooper is a man of habit.
He comes out, he does a bunch of wacky stuff, he knocks on Penny’s door a whole bunch of times and he makes the audience laugh.
That’s what he does. We know him, we love him, and just like him, we don’t like change.
And one of his wackiest bits is the one about his spot.
Oh, you better not sit in Sheldon’s spot, or he’ll get real sore.
Every time someone is on that place on the couch you know there’s going to be trouble.
Sheldon actually does explain why he needs that spot in particular.
“In the summer it’s directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by open windows there, and there. It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation, nor so far wide to create a parallax distortion.”
And just like the summer, it has advantages in the winter as well!
“In the winter that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration.”
But is it…every time?
Recently, a bunch of brave Redditors took to their site to point out that in an early poster of the show, Howard was sitting in Sheldon’s spot!
Oh yes, believe it, people. Because it happened.
Some fans think that it’s not even the same couch!
So does this mean that Sheldon is mad when everyone takes a spot that he deems his?
Because if it’s not the same couch, why would it matter?
To be completely fair, he is giving Howard a dirty look.
But if it isn’t the same couch, again, why would it matter?
If it is the same couch, that is much more understandable. But if it was a mistake, which has happened before to this show, that would be awful.
Last Updated on November 27, 2019 by Jake Bean