Picture this: you’re a 19-year-old college student, visiting your family for the weekend. You’re enjoying some quality time with your favorite game, Animal Crossing, when your 9-year-old cousin comes knocking at your door, demanding to play with your precious Switch. You refuse, but your aunt insists that you let her in and watch her while she and your mom catch up. What could possibly go wrong? Well, let me tell you…
The Family Visit
Enter the Aunt and Cousin
The Knocking Begins
Aunt to the Rescue?
Aunt’s Request ️
The iPad Distraction
Cousin Wants to Play
Switch Drama
Crying and Screaming
Saved by the Height
Tattling to Mom and Aunt ️
Aunt’s Demands
Yelling and Screaming
The Abrupt Departure
Mom’s Request for Apology
The Ultimatum
Standing My Ground
Switch Drama and Family Feuds
So, our protagonist lets her cousin into her room with a heavy heart, hoping that her iPad would keep her entertained. But alas, the cousin demands to play with the Switch, and when she’s denied, all h**l breaks loose. She starts crying and screaming, even managing to grab and drop the Switch (thankfully, it doesn’t break). Our hero, fed up with the chaos, tells her aunt that it’s not her job to “babysit the brat” and that she has the right to refuse to let her borrow her Switch. This leads to the aunt cutting the visit short and leaving in a huff. Later, our protagonist’s mom asks her to apologize to both her aunt and cousin, but she stands her ground, refusing to say sorry. Now, her mom won’t talk to her, calling her “unreasonable.” Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
NTA for refusing to let cousin use your switch. Good explanation.
Hold your ground and ignore petulant threats. NTA
Take control of your space and time, don’t let anyone push you.
NTA, it’s your property. Explain to your mom how you felt disrespected in your own home and ask who would have paid for a new switch if it were broken by a child you never agreed to babysit.
Aunt’s refusal for visit brings peace, unreasonable mom silenced.
Setting boundaries with family and rejecting babysitting requests
Spoiled cousin gets shut down by sensible aunt. NTA
Setting boundaries with family – NTA. ♀️
Setting boundaries is important. NTA for refusing to babysit
Stick to your guns, NTA! Don’t let that entitled child destroy your switch
Setting boundaries with family, NTA stands their ground
Handling family conflicts with grace and setting boundaries. NTA
Savage yet effective way to deal with family drama
Earn respect, don’t demand it. Niece’s aunt NTA.
Niece rightfully asserts ownership over her Switch against entitled aunt.
Aunt fails to plan ahead, niece says NTA
Sibling rivalry, entitlement, and parenting differences. Not the a****e.
Respectful response to niece’s behavior and advice-seeking from family.
Refusing to host family may seem harsh, but sometimes necessary
Defending personal space from entitled family members. NTA
Standing up for your boundaries: Niece rightfully refused babysitting.
Niece defends right to her Switch against entitled cousin.
The cousin is the worst in this NTA situation
Tantrum-throwing 9-year-old gets what she deserves.
NTA, cousin needs a reality check or becomes a spoiled brat ♀️
Teaching kids to respect boundaries and saying no. NTA
Aunt stands up for herself and gets called NTA.
Aunt refuses to spoil niece, commenter agrees.
Entitled aunt and bratty cousin won’t visit? Good riddance!
NTA for refusing to watch cousin, but avoid name-calling
Being an adult means not entertaining your cousin, NTA
Refusing to give a fragile item to a child? NTA wins!
No apologies needed Family drama sorted on its own
NTA but OP could have helped out their mom and aunt
Stand your ground! NTA, don’t let them manipulate you.
Working from home with a 9-year-old and a Switch
Niece’s room, niece’s rules. No means no, end of story
NTA. Stand up to entitled family members!
Auntie needs validation from you, but you’re NTA
Sassy postcard idea shuts down r**e aunt
A lesson on apologizing: Specific and limited regrets only
NTA stands her ground against entitled family drama
ESH but OP’s mom seems most reasonable ♀️
Aunt’s entitlement questioned over cousin’s safety
NTA. Aunt should discipline her kid and teach consent
Not the a**hole for refusing to babysit, but name-calling immature
Setting boundaries with entitled family members. #NTA
Standing up for yourself against entitled family members
Stand your ground! Your property, your rules.
Gaming system is off-limits for little cousin. NTA
NTA. Don’t let your aunt pressure you into babysitting
Stand your ground and demand payment for babysitting services
Smart move! NTA. Your aunt and mother are being unreasonable
NTA! Enjoy the peace and count your blessings
NTA. Aunt’s entitled attitude and parenting skills criticized.
Setting boundaries with entitled family members
You bought it, you have a right to say no
NTA. Aunt throwing tantrum over babysitting her own child.
Niece refuses to become aunt and brats slave.
Stand your ground and demand an apology. NTA
NTA – Setting boundaries with family can be tough
Stand your ground! ♀️
Stand your ground and keep your toy shop to yourself
Voluntold to babysit? NTA for refusing and keeping Switch safe
NTA, but apologize to aunt and set boundaries for babysitting.
Stand up for yourself! NTA for not tolerating disrespect
Be extra careful with your phone and NTA for the situation.
No love lost: commenter explains why cutting contact is easy.
Stand your ground, it’s your property!
Setting boundaries with kids: NTA parent takes a stand
Last Updated on March 7, 2024 by Diply Social Team