It’s 2020, and apparently, we’re still doing body shaming.
As unbelievable as it is, people on the internet are still comfortable policing the way other people look. No one knows this better than Lindsey Vonn, a pro athlete who recently faced a wave of hateful comments over some swimsuit pictures she posted.
Lindsey is more talented than I’ll ever be.
She’s a professional skiing champion, a gold medal Olympian, and a business woman all in one. She’s the real deal, and she’s nice, to boot!
Recently, she was the victim of some pretty vicious bullying.
How anyone feels comfortable bullying a woman that accomplished is beyond me.
She took to Instagram and Facebook to talk about the absolutely brutal hate she received after posting a few pictures of herself having fun in a swimsuit.
She included some pictures of her in a bikini to show off how totally normal her body is.

“Even as an athlete there are ruthless comments and media stories that tear apart my body and I admit it sometimes hurts me.”
Anyone would be upset after being bullied that badly!
Her body is just like anyone else’s — it has rolls, bumps, and lumps!

“I’m a normal person and sometimes I slouch, my stomach folds over, my cellulite shows on my b**t, or I don’t fill out my swimsuit top just right….But, I always remember how my body has helped me achieve amazing things in my life and I am proud of how strong I am.”
She hasn’t had any kind of work done on her body.

“One thing I can promise all of you is that I never Photoshop my photos and am proud to officially never had any plastic surgery of any kind.”
She just wants to support other women.

“So to anyone who is feeling self conscious or down about their appearance; stay strong, stay healthy and love yourself no matter what the haters say. “
People loved her post.

Patrick is right — we live in a really, really divisive time. The way forward is not to rip each other down over looks. Let’s argue over normal things, like whether pineapple belongs on pizza.
Plus-size model Iskra Lawrence had nothing but good things to say.

“So important, and to remind us all our bodies are so much more than societies [sic] beauty ideal. I’m so proud of you I know how hard it can be and reading all the hate but still knowing you’re worthy and beautiful no matter what,” she said.
Chelsea 100% speaks for me here.

“I love seeing cellulite in photos. It makes the rest of us feel normal and feel like we have to have a perfect body!”
Seeing “flaws” is nice! I like knowing we’re all human, and a little weird!
Last Updated on October 29, 2020 by Brittany Rae