Ever had a roommate who just doesn’t understand boundaries? Meet our protagonist, a 21-year-old atheist, who’s dealing with her extremely religious Christian roommate, Bethany. The apartment is filled with Bible verses and Christian decorations in every shared space, making our protagonist uncomfortable due to her past trauma with organized religion. After a failed attempt to have Bethany remove the decorations, tensions rise, and things take a devilish turn. Let’s dive into this dramatic story of roommates, religion, and revenge!
Roommate Drama: Atheist vs Christian ♀️
Holy Decorations Everywhere! ️
A Plea for Decor-Free Common Areas
Trauma Revealed
Persecution or Stubbornness?
Quarantine Tension Rising ⬆️
Overheard and Judged
Speechless and Annoyed
Satanic Decor Revenge
Crying and Accusations
Feeling Guilty but Justified ♀️
New Apartment on the Horizon
Atheist’s Devilish Revenge on Christian Roommate
Our protagonist, tired of Bethany’s pushy and homophobic behavior, decides to take matters into her own hands. While Bethany is out grocery shopping, our protagonist covers the shared spaces with Satanic decorations, including pictures of Satan and pentagrams. Upon returning, Bethany freaks out, cries, and accuses her roommate of bringing demons into the apartment. While our protagonist feels guilty for causing more tension, she believes it’s warranted given Bethany’s behavior. With a new apartment and roommate on the horizon, she’s just trying to tough it out for a few more months. Now, let’s see what the internet has to say about this devilish dilemma…
Roommate conflict reaches devilish heights. ESH for uncomfortable living.
A clash of beliefs in a shared space. Both are wrong.
Satanic decor as revenge for traumatic decorations. Eye for eye.
NTA! Roommate pushing Christianity on you? Fight back with Satanism!
Pushy Christian roommate refuses to take down religious decor. NTA.
LGBTQ+ rights win! NTA for standing up to homophobia
A clever and harmless way to deal with a pushy roommate
ESH, but communication could have resolved the conflict.
Roommate conflict turned into satanic decor and NTA victory
Fighting fire with fire . NTA for pushing back.
Standing up to discrimination and unfair treatment with satanic decor
Pushy Christian roommate gets taste of her own medicine
Religious double standard? NTA’s Satanic decor shuts it down
Standing up for your beliefs in communal spaces is fair game
Atheist fights back with Satanic Decor against pushy Christian roommate!
Hilarious revenge on pushy Christian roommate with Satanic decor
Roommate’s pushy behavior backfired with Satanic decor, NTA response
Pushy Christian roommate gets a taste of her own medicine
Pushy Christian roommate gets a taste of satanic decor. NTA
Pushy Christian roommate gets what she deserves #NTA
Asserting boundaries with Satanic decor, NTA wins!
Satanic decor in shared spaces: common courtesy or petty reaction?
Satanic decor in response to pushy Christian roommate, NTA
Satanic decor as revenge against homophobes? NTA strikes back!
NTA, compromising on decor and personal space. Good luck OP!
Pushy religious roommates get what they deserve!
Atheist fights back against pushy Christian roommate with satanic decor!
Pushy Christian roommate gets a taste of her own medicine
Pushy Christian roommate meets her match with Satanic decor
Respectful boundary-setting between roommates of different faiths. ✌️
Pushing back against Christian Privilege with Satanic Decor! NTA
Satanic decor as the perfect comeback against a pushy roommate!
Asserting boundaries without touching their stuff – NTA
Respectful boundary-setting with a touch of Satan
Pushy Christian roommate gets a taste of her own medicine
Gardening with Buddha statue triggers Christian neighbor’s religion.
Satanic decor vs pushy Christian roommate? NTA wins with humor!
Atheist’s Satanic decor wins admiration, but Christian roommate is judged
Defending against pushy religious roommate, NTA wins!
Roommates clash over religion, both ignorant and malicious. ESH
Respectful Baptist calls out pushy Christian roommate’s hypocrisy. NTA
Religious freedom for everyone? Satanic decor is logical conclusion.
Satanic decor as a response to pushy religious roommate. NTA.
Asserting boundaries against pushy roommate. NTA triumphs!
Defending atheism with irony and logic
Passive-aggressive roommate clash over shrines and decor. NTA wins.
NTA for setting boundaries on religious decor in shared spaces
Stand your ground with Satanic decor against pushy Christian roommate!
Fighting back against pushy religious roommate with satanic decor!
Standing up against pushy religious roommates with satanic decor
Pushy Christian roommate gets a Satanic decor clapback!
NTA stands up to pushy roommate with satanic decor.
Savage move! But ESH, try to mend bridges with peace.
Dealing with a pushy Christian roommate with satanic decor ESH
Unapologetically embracing Satanic decor and standing up against pushy Christianity.
Battling pushy Christian roommate with Satanic decor!
Last Updated on March 17, 2024 by Diply Social Team