A clip of Megan Fox being interviewed on Jimmy Kimmel Live from 2009 has resurfaced the internet and gone viral.
Long story short, the clip has not aged well. Fans are looking back and clearly noticing something obviously problematic about it.
As a result, despite the fact that a whole decade has come and gone since then, fans are demanding that apologies be made — and rightfully so!
Megan Fox, although not always in the limelight when it comes to starring in major movies or television shows, is actually super famous.
She is one of the most popular women in Hollywood because of her drop-dead gorgeous looks.
Everyone knows her.
Unfortunately, because of her beauty, she has faced issues in Hollywood where people want her only because of her looks, or try to take advantage of her in some way because of her physical appearance.
And recently, she spoke out about all the issues she has faced.
Back in 2009 on *Jimmy Kimmel Live*, Meghan Fox revealed what it was like to be a 15-year-old extra in one of Michael Bay’s films.

The film was Bad Boys II .
Just to provide some context, Michael Bay was 44 years old at the time.
“I was wearing a stars and stripes bikini and a red cowboy hat and six-inch heels, and he approved it,” Megan explained.

“They said, you know, Michael, she’s 15, so you can’t sit her at the bar and she can’t have a drink in her hands.”
“So his solution to that problem was to then have me dancing underneath the waterfall, getting soaking wet,” she went on.

At which point during the clip, the audience began to cheer.
Yes, cheer. Let that sink in.
“At 15, I was in 10th grade,” she clarified. “That’s sort of a microcosm of how Bay’s mind works.”

To which Jimmy replied something even more alarming:
“Yeah, well, that’s really a microcosm of how all our minds work.”
“But some of us have the decency to repress those thoughts and pretend that they don’t exist,” he added.
The audience continued to laugh and clap at Jimmy’s remarks.
It’s wild to me that, at the time, nobody saw anything wrong with this?
Later that same year, Megan was fired from her break-out role in the *Transformers* series — directed by Michael Bay.
A role for which she had to give a very unconventional audition.
She had to pretend to work on Michael Bay’s car while he filmed her.
She was fired after calling Michael “a nightmare to work for” and comparing him to Hitler.

Michael, however, claims that he was instructed to fire her by Steven Spielberg who has denied those particular claims.
Megan’s co-star, Shia LaBeouf, chimed in, claiming that she was fired because “Megan developed this Spice Girl strength, this woman-empowerment [stuff] that made her feel awkward about her involvement with Michael.”

“Who some people think is a very lascivious filmmaker, the way he films women,” he added .
Since then, Megan’s career has sort of reached a plateau — despite the predictions that she was going to go on to become a major name in Hollywood.
And just now, fans are realizing that the film industry and its fans have failed her, and they are demanding that apologies be made.
Since the clip has resurfaced, stirring up a much-needed conversation on Twitter, Megan has released a statement.
“I know that a discussion has erupted online surrounding some of my experiences in Hollywood and the subsequent mishandling of this information by the media and society in general,” she wrote .
“While I greatly appreciate the outpouring of support, I do feel I need to clarify some of the details as they have been lost in the retelling of the events and cast a sinister shadow that doesn’t really, in my opinion, belong.”

“At least not where it’s currently being projected… “
“It’s important to note however that when I auditioned for Transformers I was 19 or 20. I did ‘work’ (me pretending to know how to hold a wrench) on one of Michael’s Ferrari’s during one of the audition scenes,” she explained.

“It was at the Platinum Dunes studio parking lot, there were several other crew members and employees present and I was at no point undressed or anything similar. “
“So as far as this particular audition story I was not underaged at the time and I was not made to ‘wash’ or work on someone’s cars in a way that was extraneous from the material in the actual script.”

“I hope that whatever opinions are formed around these episodes will at least be seeded in the facts of the events .”
“Please hear me when I thank you for your support,” she went on.

“But these specific instances were inconsequential in a long and arduous journey along which I have endured some genuinely harrowing experiences in a ruthlessly misogynistic industry.”
“There are many names that deserve to be going viral in cancel culture right now, but they are safely stored in the fragmented recesses of my heart,” she wrote.

Just as a side note, this woman sounds like a poet. It’s such a thoughtful Instagram post.
“But when it comes to my direct experiences with Michael, and Steven for that matter, I was never assaulted or preyed upon in what I felt was a sexual manner.”
She then continued by thanking the fans that immediately stepped up to defend her.
“I am thankful to all of you who are brave enough to speak out.”
“And I’m grateful to all of you who are taking it upon yourselves to support, uplift, and bring comfort to those who have been harmed by a violent and toxic societal paradigm,” she concluded .
Very well said, Megan .
Last Updated on June 24, 2020 by Elizabeth Spina