Amy Schumer is a mother, comedian, actress and, as it happens, a pretty great motivator. Turns out, she has some pretty great quotes that we should all be living by.
On sharing your story:
“I am a woman with thoughts and questions and [expletive] to say. You will not determine my story — I will. I will speak and share and [expletive] and love, and I will never apologize to the frightened millions who resent that they never had it in them to do it.”
On speaking out:
“I’m not going to shut up. And I think people only want women to speak for so long. They build you up, and then they’re just ready to tear you down. Like Hillary — when it’s really go time for her, I’ll definitely be active, and that’ll make people hate me.”
On loving your body:
“For women, we’re taught to eat less until we disappear. And trained to believe that if you don’t look like everyone else, then you’re unlovable. And men are not trained that way. Men can look like whatever and still date a supermodel. I’m proud of what I said. I think it’s good to see somebody saying: I have a belly.”
On speaking your truth:
“I say if I’m beautiful. I say if I’m strong. You will not determine my story — I will.”
On feminism:
“I don’t try to be a feminist. I just am. It’s innately inside me. I have no interest in trying to be the perfect feminist, but I do believe feminists are in good hands with me.”
On introversion:
“Being an introvert doesn’t mean you’re shy. It means you enjoy being alone. Not just enjoy it—you need it. If you’re a true introvert, other people are basically energy vampires. You don’t hate them; you just have to be strategic about when you expose yourself to them—like the sun. They give you life, sure, but they can also burn you”.
On self-love:
“Love yourself! You don’t need a man or a boy or a self-proclaimed love expert to tell you what you’re worth. Your power comes from who you are and what you do!”
On not being afraid to try:
“I think for anyone to become good at something, they have to fail a lot too. And they have to be completely unafraid to fail or they’ll never make it to the next level.”
On being alone:
“What’s wrong with being alone anyway? Being alone is sometimes a great place to be, but people are always trying to correct this “problem” for you, even if you yourself don’t have any kind of problem with it.”
Last Updated on February 28, 2020 by Avery Gillis