Social media can be a beautiful thing, or it can get you into a lot of hot water.
For Khloé Kardashian, things haven’t always gone smoothly.
There was the time she tweeted it was “cute” that a fan had to work extra hours to afford Good American jeans.
A little tone deaf, maybe?
This fan clapped back, calling Khloé out for thinking that having to work hard is “cute”.
It all worked out in the end. Khloé ended up sending the fan a TON of free merch!
The time she blamed Jordyn Woods for breaking her family up.
Fans went from supporting Khloé, to turning their backs on her as soon as she tweeted this.
But she very quickly back-peddled after fans lashed out at her over it.

This person pointed out that Khloé and Tristan’s relationship was never perfect.
So, basically, their relationship was doomed from the start — regardless of Jordyn.
After Khloé realized she wasn’t receiving the sympathy from fans that she was probably hoping for, she decided to take another approach.
Instead, she explained why she blamed Jordyn for their breakup, and why going public with it made her even more angry.
It really was not Khloé’s week.
Not only was she cheated on by her boyfriend and her little sister’s best friend, but she was being heckled by fans for emotionally reacting to it on Twitter.
Ultimately, she retracted her statement that blamed Jordyn for the whole mess.
She explained that she realizes Tristan was the true villain in the story,
Took her a while to get there, but she got there, and we’re proud of her.
The time she liked a tweet about Jordyn Woods being “a terrible woman”.
As the Khloe-Tristan-Jordyn scandal continued to unfold in the coming weeks, fans were watching Khloe’s Twitter very closely, wondering if she would candidly spill any tea while her emotions were running high.
But instead of tweeting anything herself, she did something a little bit more passive aggressive.

She liked a fan’s tweet.
“@khloekardashian don’t let anyone ever say this is your fault!. He is a sick man and if its true, then she is a terrible woman, both terrible people that do not deserve your love,” the fan wrote.
“TRUE does and ur doing great showing her that love,” the tweet continued.

While Khloe probably liked that tweet because she genuinely agreed with it, some people did not…
Fans immediately called her out for continuing to blame Jordyn for what happened.

Khloe, however, did not publicly defend her decision to like the tweet . She simply unliked it and carried on with her day.
After tweeting a photo of her long, acrylic nails, fans questioned how Khloé is able to take care of her baby with nails like that.

I’m guessing Khloé wishes she never posted that photo, because it was definitely not worth the amount of backlash she got for it.
She tweeted, asking fans to discuss anything but her nails.

Obviously, she felt the need to defend herself from fans that challenged what kind of mother she is solely based on the length of her nails.
The time she feuded with Chloe Grace Moretz on Twitter.

Evidently, Chloe had done something to p**s off the Kardashian family, because Khloé’s response to this tweet was hostile — to say the least.
In this since-deleted post, Khloé shared a side-by-side photo of Chloe Moretz and somebody who looks similar having a N**W wardrobe malfunction.

But Chloe was able to prove that the photo on the right wasn’t actually her.
Khloé faced criticism for cyber-bullying Chloe, and eventually took the tweet down.

Everyone knows to delete a tweet is a clear sign of embarrassment or defeat.
The time she asked fans to help her find a “biracial” doll.
Fans snapped, questioning why a black doll wouldn’t be considered.
One fan asked why Khloé specified “sweet looking” — implying that a darker skin doll would look ” angry “.
She explained in a since-deleted tweet that she said “sweet looking” because many of the baby dolls she had come across so far were “creepy” looking.

Our girl, Khloé, seriously cannot catch a break !
When she got into a Twitter feud with her sisters.
After the whole Kim VS. Kourtney drama went down on Keeping Up With The Kardashians — when Kim said that Kourtney was the least interesting sister to look at — the drama seemed to spill onto Twitter .
A fan asked Khloe which side she was on — Kim’s or Kourtney’s.

She kept her answer pretty neutral which triggered Kourtney to chime in, making things even messier.
“Khloe let’s be honest here,” Kourtney tweeted.

“Wait are you for real @kourtneykardash ??? Do we want to get into why all of us were frustrated with you? You want to do this on twitter?,” Khloe fired back .
“Please explain when I ever jumped in on that situation. I’m the one who [expletive] called you to make sure you were good,” she continued.

“I was genuinely concerned about your happiness. Stop looping me into your drama with Kim! Don’t ever tweet that [expletive] again!”
And naturally, fans began to pick sides. Many of whom were disapproving that Khloe and Kim seemed to be ganging up on Kourtney.
Eventually, the sisters managed to squash the beef — at which point, their Twitter feud began to look trivial and frankly, embarrassing.
Unfortunately, Khloé has had to learn the hard way not to tweet impulsively, because the fans are ready and waiting to call her out.

My guess is that she will be carefully calculating her tweets from now on!
Last Updated on July 2, 2019 by Elizabeth Spina