Casting is one of the most vital and important aspects of any good TV show . One wrong move, and in the blink of an eye the entire foundation is washed away like a house in a hurricane.
Below is a list of 15 actors that people felt nearly ruined an entire TV show . Have a look for yourself and see which ones you agree with and which ones you don’t.
Paul Schneider as Mark Brendanawicz in ‘Parks And Recreation’.

Right from the get-go, Paul stood out like a sore thumb from the rest of the gang. He was sloppy, painfully unfunny, and a bit of a j**k to watch on TV.
Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor in ‘Supergirl’.

BuzzFeed Community member christinab44a37045e had a hard time believing that Jon Cryer could be one of DC’s most infamous supervillains. Whenever they look at him, all they see is Alan from Two and a Half Men .
Catherine Tate as Nellie on ‘The Office’.

“Probably the worst character the show ever had. She’s a very well respected[sic] and famous comedian in the UK and didn’t do a single humorous thing the entire time she was on The Office .” Reddit u/ coreyp0123
Megan Fox as Regan in ‘New Girl’.

Buzzfeed Community member ruemclanahan feels that Megan Fox sucked all of the funny out of the room like a vacuum cleaner during her tenure on New Girl . It’s not that they feel Megan is a bad actress, rather that she was just bad for the role.
Thomas Brodie Sangster as Benny Watts in ‘The Queen’s Gambit’.

“He’s supposed to be some renegade outlaw cool guy but he looks like a 14 year old[sic] with a drawn on[sic] moustache[sic]. At some point[sic] the character even remarks to another about how the other needs to put on some weight/muscle or something.” – Reddit u/ TimeTimeTickingAway
Liam McIntyre as Spartacus in ‘Spartacus: Vengeance’.

In the wake of Andy Whitfield’s passing, someone had to step up and take the helm of Spartacus. Unfortunately for fans of the beloved STARZ series, that person was none other than Liam McIntyre.
Finn Jones as Iron Fist in Marvel’s ‘Iron Fist’.

Reddit user bitemydust33 says that they aren’t sure whether it was Finn’s acting or just poor writing, but whatever it was, it amounted to one heck of a terrible performance on Finn’s part.
Michael C. Hall as JFK in ‘The Crown’.

According to Reddit user thryncita , Michael’s accent that he used in the show was deplorable. They also felt that his personality made him look more like a wife-beating mobster than an American President.
Ashton Kutcher as Walden Schmidt in ‘Two And A Half Men’.

I like Ashton just fine, but he’s no Charlie Sheen. I simply couldn’t believe him as Walden and kept having Michael Kelso flashbacks every time I’d sit down to watch an episode.
Anthony Mackie as Takeshi Kovacs in Season 2 of ‘Altered Carbon’.

“Joel Kinnaman was great in the first season and really captured the characters[sic] attitude and strength. Then season 2 rocked up and Mackie spent his time looking confused.” – Reddit u/ FKingPretty
Sarah Chalke as Stella Zinman in ‘How I Met Your Mother’.

How I Met Your Mother had more than its fair share of frustrating moments and unlikable characters. That being said, absolutely none were more vile and cringeworthy than Sarah Chalke as Stella.
Rashida Jones as Ann Perkins in ‘Parks And Recreation’.

I loved Rashida as Karen Filippelli during her time spent on The Office, but watching her as Anne Perkins in Parks and Recreation was about as enjoyable as a trip to the dentist.
Julia Stiles as Lumen Pierce in ‘Dexter’.

Julia Stiles had the misfortunate of being a part of arguably the worst season of Dexter . Her character was whiny, totally unbelievable, and way too sure of herself — kind of like every other role that Julia has ever played.
Kiernan Shipka as Sabrina Spellman in ‘The Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina’.

There’s something about Kiernan Shipka that makes me want to bang my head against the wall. I think she’s a fine actress, but there’s no denying that she was all wrong to play Sabrina.
January Jones as Betty in ‘Mad Men’.

“At first, I thought she was pretty solid as the stoic housewife who is meek and mild. But as the series progressed and her storyline expanded, I realized, ‘Oh. No, she’s just not that good of an actress!'” – BuzzFeed Community/ WalkinginSpace
Aubrey Anderson-Emmons as Lily in ‘Modern Family’

I understand wanting to respect the continuity of casting, but once Lily started to learn how to walk and talk it became readily apparent that the actor portraying her just wasn’t up to snuff.
Elizabeth Banks as Dr. Kim Briggs in ‘Scrubs’.

I’m normally a big fan of Elizabeth Banks, but she was all wrong for the part of Kim. She and Zach Braff had absolutely zero chemistry on-screen — it was like watching two cousins kiss.
Vince Vaughn as Frank Semyon in ‘True Detective’.

Did nobody in the casting department see Vince in the remake of Psyco ? If they had, it would’ve saved us all a lot of unnecessary trouble. Vince Vaughn can do and be a lot of things, but portraying a menacing villain simply isn’t one of them.
Lady Gaga as Elizabeth Johnson in ‘American Horror Story’.

Lady Gaga has no poker face when it comes to acting. I’m not taking anything away from her performance in A Star is Born , but watching her in American Horror Story was positively cringe-worthy.
Finn Little as Carter in ‘Yellowstone’.

Can somebody please explain to me what the point was in creating the character of Carter in the first place? He served no purpose and contributed nothing to the overall story arc whatsoever. No offense, kid, but you’re out of your league.
David Caruso as Horatio Caine in ‘CSI: Miami’.

David Caruso was little more than meme fodder during his tenure as Lt. Caine in CSI: Miami . Watching him try to impose his will and implore intimidation tactics was downright laughable and those cheesy one-liners were about as unbearable as TV dialogue gets.
Claire Danes as Carrie Mathison in ‘Homeland’.

I don’t care how many Emmys Claire Danes has to her name. I’d rather stick a needle in my eye than be forced to sit and watch her ugly crying and distorted facial features that occur all throughout every single episode of Homeland .
Billy Brown as August Marks in ‘Sons Of Anarchy’.

I didn’t think that things could get any worse after the demise of Damon Pope, but then Kurt Sutter went and made August Marks (Billy Brown) the #1 gangster in Oakland. Billy Brown would make a great furniture salesman, but a threatening antagonistic he most assuredly is not.
Last Updated on March 25, 2022 by Jordan Claes