Being a teacher is a tough job. I don’t care what anyone says. Teachers put up with a lot while they’re trying to teach kids life skills, discipline, and literacy. All while dodging mischievous behavior and acting out.
So it’s no surprise to me that even teachers need a break to blow off some steam and get back at their students.
1. Decisions, Decisions

Oh, what a clever and equally evil professor. What would you do in this situation? Naturally, I would pick two points just to be safe. Right?
2. Going Old School

Sometimes when you least expect it and even when you ask for the simplest of things your teacher has other plans for you. Nice one.
3. Are You Paying Attention?

This literally shows you that some students either don’t read or understand directions because this is the simplest thing you can do. Really.
4. Teaches You To Fall Asleep In My Class

This teacher is awesome. I guess this will deter anyone from falling asleep in his class. At least I hope so.
5. When You Just Can’t Lie

Kudos to this teacher for giving his students an important lesson. Lying is never the right option. Ha, ha. Better to just fess up.
6. The Death Of Late Assignments

I wouldn’t want to p**s this teacher off because check out what he does to late assignments. He treats them like trash.
7. Never Steal My Pencils Again

Here’s one way to prevent your students from never stealing your brand new pencils again. That would be just too embarrassing indeed.
8. Strict Rules In Effect

Oh wow, I dunno what has made this band director so strict with his kids but sounds like he’s having a bad day.
9. A Glowing Recommendation

Well, this doesn’t look too promising to me at all. I mean, why even agree to write a recommendation and then do this? I wonder.
10. When Your Teacher Has A Sense Of Humour

I gotta give it to this teacher not only he’s being funny but he’s also teaching this student some email etiquette.
11. Teacher Gone Crafty
Wow, what an amazing way to get back at your student who’s missed your class by going through all this trouble. That’s quite crafty.
12. When You’re Bored

I guess teachers these days need to think of creative ways to keep themselves from getting bored. Because I’ve never gotten anything like this.
13. When You Get Burned By Your Professor

Wow, I dunno about you but this seems like taking things to a more personal level. But maybe that’s normal today lol.
14. No Cheating Allowed!

Some teachers will do whatever it takes to keep their class honest. I just want to know if he’s comfortable up there.
So interesting to see what some teachers will do to keep their students alert and entertained.
There wasn’t much of that when I went to school. And that’s too bad.
Last Updated on September 11, 2019 by Kasia Galifi