Kids do the darndest things, don’t they? They can surprise even their parents and strangers alike. Where do they get these crazy ideas? Nobody seems to know.
But I have to admit when you need a good laugh, kids are there to the rescue. Just check out the stuff these kids did and I bet it’ll give you a belly full of laughs.
1. A Box Is Better Than Anything
This kid obviously loves the box more than what actually arrived in it. Kids and cats are weird like that haha.
2. Naked Barbie Watch
This kid who put up naked Barbies against their window to keep some sort of weird neighborhood watch. I dunno but that’s so random.
3. Rubber Duckie Seance
This kid who is up to some kind of voodoo with this super weirdo rubber duckie seance party. What’s going on here? Fess up, little dude.
4. Too Flexible
This kid who to be very flexible. Remember when you were able to do stuff like that? Now it hurts just looking at it. LOL.
5. The Necessities
This kid’s clearly preparing for some unforeseen apocalypse when he packed a pair of PJ bottoms, a nerf gun and two potatoes in his backpack. What?
6. Weird Inheritance
Apparently, this girl inherited the ability to go cross-eyed on cue from her mom. That is one weird ability if you ask me. Don’t you think?
7. Want Ketchup With Your Pancakes?
I’m not one to point fingers and call anyone weird. After all, I used to eat sandwiches with butter and sugar on them.
8. Super Sandwich Combo
Speaking of weird eating habits, this kid asked for a mayo and grape sandwich from his mom and she happily obliged whilst being slightly surprised.
9. Reading Is Good
This kid who found an unusual spot to pick as her favorite reading nook. Somehow I don’t know if her bones are going to like it.
10. A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
And in this case, it would say “your kid is weird” lol. At least when your kid insists on taking a picture like this.
11. Cookie Monster
This kid was bold enough to eat the M&Ms off of a cookie and put them back in the fridge. She’s got some explaining to do.
12. Comfortable Sleeping Position
This kid has somehow found a way to sleep comfortably in this awkward position. How do they do it? I’ll never know. It’s fascinating.
13. Fancy Nail Job
And finally this kid who might have started a new nail trend and gave one of his fingernails crowns instead. OMG, that would drive me crazy.
Kids are funny, I tell you.
They really crack me up. I think they’re literally the best medicine when you’re feeling down or crappy. They’ll make you laugh every time.
Last Updated on October 18, 2019 by Kasia Galifi