When it comes to parenting, it seems like dads have all of the fun. Mom is constantly the “bad cop” in the good cop, bad cop duo. She is the one who is implementing all of the “harsh rules” while dad is busy joking around with the kids and having food fights at the dinner table. Sure, mom knows how to have fun, but it seems that on social media, no one can troll their families quite like dad can.
The biggest dad joke of all time.
If anyone can make a good pun, it’s dads. But, can you imagine that your entire life you thought your name was something meaningful only to find out it’s the dad joke of the year?
He knows you too well.
Some dads just love to make fun of their kids, it’ll always be that way. Make sure you’re not setting yourself up for an open-ended burn.
Dads love to comment on their kid’s selfies.
Don’t try to look cute or s**y online when your dad is the one who can comment on your pictures. In the end, he’s going to just make fun of you in the comments for the entire world to see.
This dad just loves to annoy everyone.
Nothing like giving your kids an entire play-by-play of how little battery you and your wife have left on your phone. Just in case of an emergency, you know!
This dad just gets it.
He is paying good, fake money, after all. Might as well get what he pays for, am I right? I’m sure this is just a joke, but still, hilarious nonetheless.
Rectal thermometers for the win!
Just a kid looking out for the health of their father only to be told everyone’s getting a thermometer up their b**t in return. Oh, dads.
The ultimate burn.
Kenny truly has a wild sense of humor. Instead of commending his daughter for being a good person, he trolls her to no end on Facebook for the whole family to see. Love it.
Christmas will never be the same.
Could you imagine getting a brand new Mac laptop box for Christmas, only to open it up to see your dad has roasted you like chestnuts on an open fire?!?
Wow, just wow.
The only way to break a child’s heart is to not only deprive them of McDonald’s, but to also tell them they are a huge disappointment.
Elf On The Shelf done the “dad” way.
Maybe you hide your Elf On The Shelf somewhere sweet, but this dad is showing no mercy. It looks like this elf is going to be blended right on up!
If I woke up in the morning and I brushed my teeth with tomato paste I would probably cry and vomit. Nasty, nasty prank. Dads can be brutal.
Locked out, they won’t let me in.
Next time, make sure you don’t eat the cake your dad has been saving until after work and he won’t deprive you of it!
Subtweeting is the ultimate dad move.
Lukas may have forgotten his dad’s birthday, but he’ll always remember every year now that he’s been burned for Twitter to laugh at.
Dads love to troll tattoos and piercings!
Kids, if you’re going to get a new tattoo or a new piercing, brace yourselves for your dad to make fun of you until the very end of time. It’s just what they do best.
Last Updated on September 28, 2020 by Lex Gabrielle