16 Situations You'll Be Glad Someone Was There To Witness

It's easy to lie. We do it all the time. Oh, wait, you don't? Okay, maybe just me then. Even still, the point is a lot of people lie, so it can sometimes be difficult to determine whether or not you should should believe someone when they tell you a wild story. In all of these cases, though, there are photos to back up the tale. So even if you're glad you weren't actually there yourself, you can be glad that someone was around to bear witness.

1. Making the dream work.

The Chive | The Chive

Who needs a buddy with a truck when you've got two buddies, each of whom have at least one arm and a willingness to behave wildly irresponsibly? Sure, it can be tricky to maintain two whole friendships, but I think you're up to the challenge.

2. How long do you think you'd be able to have your hands on this fry before you eventually gave in and ate it?

The Chive | The Chive

Also, I just noticed that the word "ampersand" has an "and" at the end, and now I'm trying to put my brain back together after it got blown wide open.

3. I am nothing but grateful that someone thought to snap this news report, mainly because it includes the best stock image ever.

DumpaDay | DumpaDay

The tricky part was getting the bear to pose for the selfie, but I'm glad someone was up for the job.

4. I mean, I'm glad that this is the case, but I'm pretty positive that that's the point.

DumpaDay | DumpaDay

So, I guess they're sure doing the thing, but I think we're past the point of just advertising that your product does the bare minimum of its job.

5. Now, I'm no medical professional, but something about this seems like less than a great idea.

DumpaDay | DumpaDay

Like...sure, having some kind of helmet is probably better than nothing, but so is having one that doesn't shatter upon impact.

6. Some people would just give up if they lost a slipper, but not kaizer. Kaizer knows that everything has value.

Imgur | Imgur

You've got to hand it to people who are willing to put that much work into trying to make $3, especially since it isn't going to work.

Or hey, maybe it's some kind of clever ruse to catch whoever stole the other slipper.

7. Boy, those chicken farmers sure do know how to have a good time.

Imgur | anlyin

Painting the handle red made for the the most fun we've had on the chicken farm since old man McGillicuddy taught his cows how to make crop circles.

8. I don't often care whether images on the internet are real or not, but I really, really pray that this one is.

Imgur | TimJacobs

I've seen them blur cows' faces before, so it's only polite that they'd blur every person's face as well, regardless of their legal situation.

9. Things got bad enough when everybody's aunts started sharing JPEG-format Minion memes all over Facebook, but this thing really takes the cake.

Imgur | RavensX1X

I think I'd be fine if it wasn't for that mouth. That one's going to haunt my dreams.

10. Sometimes, you do everything right in life and things still manage to go utterly wrong.

Imgur | RavensX1X

I'm honestly kind of surprised that they even fit their whole vehicle through in the first place. The trailer was just pushing their luck too far.

11. *watches Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets once*

Imgur | RavensX1X

They tried to go for as much accuracy as possible, but it's really hard to find a Ford Anglia on short notice.*

*I actually have no idea if this is one or not. I have less than zero knowledge about cars.

12. When it comes to support animals, this woman clearly picked the G.O.A.T.

Imgur | RavensX1X

I actually have no idea why this is how she's choosing to live her life, but frankly, I'm all about it.

13. I couldn't, for the life of me, tell you who's more uncomfortable in this situation.

The Chive | The Chive

It could be the guy, it could be the seagull, or it could be the other flying bird in the background that looks like it just got friendzoned.

14. If putting cucumber slices over your eyes is supposed to make them less red and puffy, then this woman's whole face is about to collapse.

Reddit | Reddit

I actually kind of prefer the new theory I'm working on where she's just passed out, and her friends are using her face to play reverse Jenga — the goal is to stack as many cucumber slices on her face as possible before she notices.

15. It's actually true, no one gets parking tickets up in here in Canada.

Twitter | @Pamaj

Mainly because you're legally allowed to park your dogsled wherever you want. There's a hefty fine for letting them off their leashes, though.

16. Apparently this raincoat gets a floral pattern when it gets wet!

Reddit | trashyfictions

I know that's not exactly brilliant commentary, but I'm just blown away right now. It actually rewards you for going out in the rain.

I would absolutely wear this in the shower, just to feel fancy.

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