16 Problematic Pics Of People Clearly Crying For Help

Sometimes, people go through extreme phases that may seem a bit concerning. Other times, people may make a few weird choices that leave their friends and family pondering their sanity.

Well these pics are a bit of both of those possibilities combined. Fortunately, they aren't seriously concerning, just totally hilarious. So don't worry, you can totally laugh.

1. Hopefully this pic isn't on his Tinder profile. 

Reddit | gintherthegreat

I understand that it's kinda cute to match with your pet, but mostly, it's a little weird. Even the cat looks a bit uncomfortable.

Next time, maybe go with a casual kitten t-shirt.

2. I have literally never been this bored. 

Instagram | Instagram

Unless you're in solitary confinement, I don't really know why you'd ever really have this much time on your hands. Call me old-fashioned, but I'm sure there's lots to do outside. Go play with some sticks or something.

3. Living with an expressive sink isn't easy, especially when its constant expression is super sad. 

Instagram | Instagram

I'm not saying you should move. However, I am saying that you should demo your entire bathroom. It may seem a bit extreme, but this creep clearly stares at you while you pee.

4. Maybe give her a little space. And by a little, I mean 350 yards, or whatever the restraining order says.

Me.me | Me.me

This is what they call being a little too possessive. You may not think it's a problem now, but jealousy always grows into something much more concerning. Kinda like a big hairy mole, or a stomach ulcer.

5. If you bite into your burrito like this, you're probably a serial killer. 

Instagram | @chilllge

I don't want to alarm you, but you need a psychiatric evaluation, like, yesterday. Someone call Dr. Phil, because this person's train is already off the tracks.

6. I guess a goat is kinda like a baby. 

DumpADay | DumpADay

I can't really think of any similarities right now, but I'm sure there are a few. Regardless, someone release this goat so that it can be free to do goat things.

7. I mean, I support this decision, but I'm also concerned about the lasting effects of her past relationships. 

Instagram | @tinassecret

Sometimes you just need a little reminder that you're better off without him.

8. It's situations like this where subtlety is key. 

The Chive | The Chive

Discretion is key when it comes to anything related to Fifty Shades of Grey, but it's also not my life, so do as you wish.

9. There is no practical or logical or fathomable reason for shoes like this to exist.

Twitter | @ohthatzCam

I enjoy purse candy as much as the next person, but please don't walk around here trying to make these heels happen.

10. If you're lactose intolerant, then just put down the Oreo and leave. 

Me.me | Me.me

You don't need to do stupid stuff like this to an innocent cookie. Next time, have some respect.

11. This is the type of person you don't want to get stuck sitting next to on an airplane. 

Sarcasm Society | Sarcasm Society

Not only are they untrustworthy, they're also completely unpredictable. I don't think there could be a worse combination.

12. Okay, so these are some statement shoes I can get behind. 

The Chive | The Chive

Regardless of how accurate and amazing they are, they're still a unique cry for help. Someone get her ice cream, stat!

13. If you've ever been caught in this booby trap, you know that resistance is futile. 

Twitter | @kristakaylynn

It's best to accept defeat and just shave your head, because there is no nice way to get those shades out of there.

14. Some people really do love lamps. 

Reddit | OPJustin

But regardless of how much you may love a particular lamp, you may under no circumstances wear a lamp. I repeat, you should never wear a lamp!! End rant.

15. This is literally my worst nightmare. 

Instagram | @bastardonthebeat

Not only does it look terrifying, it must hurt so much! Poor girl. You need to sit down and put on some flats before your feet fall off.

16. If you've ever worked in retail, you've probably felt the same way. 

Twitter | @ricardojkay

Some of the strongest soldiers I know bust their butts helping ungrateful customers find the wrapping paper at Walmart.

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